  • 宫已否认这一报道。
    The White House has denied the report.
  • 术语"橙毫"、"毫"和"小种"表依次由小到大的红茶叶子。
    The terms "orange pekoe," "pekoe, " and "souchong" denote progressively larger leaves of black tea.
  • 他愚蠢到极点以致永远也不明自己为什么失败。
    ll never understand why he failed.
  • 巨头鹊鸭一种体型小的北美潜水鸭(巨头鹊鸭),有黑色的羽毛和稠密的毛,圆脑袋
    A small North American diving duck(Bucephala albeola) having black and white plumage and a densely feathered, rounded head.
  • 土耳其多年生低矮密集丛生草本植物,开色小花;干燥地区用作地被;有时归入母菊属。
    low densely tufted perennial herb of Turkey having small white flowers; used as a ground cover in dry places; sometimes included in genus Matricaria.
  • 象牙质主要由象牙质组成的坚硬、光滑、黄色的物质,这种物质构成了大象的牙齿
    A hard, smooth, yellowish-white substance composed primarily of dentin that forms the tusks of the elephant.
  • 一种坚硬而光滑的乳色牙质,构成大象和海象的大部分长牙。
    a hard smooth ivory colored dentine that makes up most of the tusks of elephants and walruses.
  • 布什的宫政府在中东的军事事务上一直言词强硬,然而对由于美国依赖矿物燃料而造成的长期问题却完全保持沉默。
    The Bush White House talks tough on military matters in the Middle East while remaining virtually silent about the long-term problem posed by U.S.dependence on fossil fuels.
  • 这种情况的好处是,无论如何我们总算消耗了敌人,对于持久作战和最后胜利有其意义,我们的血不是流的。
    The positive aspect is that at least we depleted the enemy's forces, which is important both for the protracted warfare and for our final victory, and did not shed our blood in vain.
  • "有,你和你的上司将会明,"总统说,"我们将部署我们的舰艇和飞机来监视你们的活动。
    “Yes.As you and your superiors will understand,”the president said,“we will deploy our ships and aircraft to observe yours.
  • 宽叶的嫩菊苣,由于缺少日光照射,致使头部窄小发
    young broad-leaved endive plant deprived of light to form a narrow whitish head.
  • 倍他米松一种合成的糖皮质激素,c22h29fo5,以色结晶粉末存在,用作治疗皮肤病的主要消炎剂
    A synthetic glucocorticoid, C22H29FO5, that occurs as a white crystalline powder and is used as a topical anti-inflammatory agent for the treatment of dermatological conditions.
  • 线状免疫球蛋a大疱性皮肤病
    linear IgA bullous dermatosis,LABD
  • 人一种贬损的字眼。
    a derogatory term for a white person (said to have been used by North American Indians).
  • 52岁的母亲玛丽·阿尔维将把肾捐给了每天都得在医院做透析的儿子彼得,而55岁的父亲德则把肾给了伊丽莎,她平均每天要做四次透析。
    Mary Alvey, 52, will donate to Peter, who undergoes dialysis at the hospital, Notts. Her husband, Des, 55, is giving a kidney to Elizabeth, who requires dialysis four times every day.
  • 一个空字段描述符是在输出中形成空格的描述符。
    A null field descriptor is the descriptor that forms the blank division in export.
  • “啊,我读过,”他冲动地插嘴说,急于表现自己,炫耀自己那一点书本知识,让她知道他并不完全是个痴。
    "Yes, I've read 'm," he broke in impulsively, spurred on to exhibit and make the most of his little store of book knowledge, desirous of showing her that he was not wholly a stupid clod.
  • ‘你为什么还不明呢?’她绝望地问道。
    `Why can't you understand?,' she asked despairingly.
  • 爱丽丝很希望来个人帮助自己,因此见到小兔很失望。
    Alice felt so desperate that she was ready to ask help of any one;
  • 他听起来很无情,然而我们能感到他确实急于想让我们明一些事情。
    He sounded cruel, yet we could sense he was desperately wanting us to know something.
  • 昼将尽时我们接近了目的地。
    We got near out destination as day drew in.
  • 蚁科的模式属;对木材及活的树木有破坏性的蚁。
    type genus of Kalotermitidae; termites destructive of wood and living trees.
  • 彩蛋的里面还另有玄妙,让人叹为观止:在这枚小小的水晶蛋里面还有一个盛满精美花朵的花篮,每一朵花都是由一块色的石英雕刻而成的,花茎和花蕊由金线制成,叶子由玉石制成,而叶子的中心则是绿色的石榴石。
    Contained within the egg is a detachable surprise -- a basket of delicate spring flowers, each carved from a single piece of white quartz fashioned with gold wire stem and stamens, jade leaves and green garnet centers.
  • 八月红军大队往湘南,色势力高压边界,我们曾在永新开过一次紧急会议。
    In August, when the major detachment of the Red Army had gone to southern Hunan and the White forces were pressing hard on the border area, we held an emergency meeting at Yunghsin.
  • 弄明;详细地说明。
    make explicit; specify in detail.
  • 眼压计一种测量眼球中流体静压力的仪器,用于检查内障
    An instrument for measuring hydrostatic pressure within the eyeball, used in the detection of glaucoma.
  • 我现在能够明侦探的意思了:他那时正试图确定案发那天夜晚我的行踪。
    I could now see what the detective was driving at: he was trying to establish my whereabouts on the night of the crime.
  • 这个侦探反复琢磨想弄明那个窃贼是怎样逃跑的。
    The detective tried to reason out how the thief had escaped.
  • 由于船民人数下降,政府在六月关闭石羁留中心,启德越南船民转介中心则在三月底关闭。结果,剩余的便只有万宜羁留中心,为香港唯一的越南船民和非法入境者羁留中心。
    As the number of migrants declined, the government closed the Whitehead Detention Centre in June and the Kai Tak Vietnamese Migrant Transit Centre was closed at the end of March, leaving High Island as the only Detention Centre for Vietnamese migrants and illegal immigrants.
  • 洗洁剂会使你的衣服变的。
    This detergent will whiten your laundry.
  • 洗衣粉和和漂剂我该在哪儿买呢?
    Where can I get detergent and bleach?
  • 您要多大的瓶子装的猫洗涤精?
    What size bottle of White Cat detergent do you want?