  • 他们大约向前走了二十码左右,腾格拉尔回过头来,看见弗尔南多正在弯腰捡起那张揉皱的纸,并塞进他的口袋里,后冲出凉棚,向皮隆方面奔去。
    When they had advanced about twenty yards, Danglars looked back and saw Fernand stoop, pick up the crumpled paper, and putting it into his pocket then rush out of the arbor towards Pillon.
  • ,一辆大汽车开着前灯,响着喇叭,开到这条拱廊街上,打破了这片寂静。
    The silence was suddenly broken when a large car, with its headlights on and its horn blaring, roared down the arcade.
  • 它大大突破了藏族传统文化“大小五明”的范围,涵盖了政治、经济、历史、文学艺术、宗教、哲学、语言文字、地理、教育以及考古、民俗、藏医藏药、天文历算和生态保护、经济可持续发展、农业、牧业等社会科学和自科学的大部分基本学科,成为对西藏社会进行全面研究的一个宏大的学科体系。
    It covers most of the basic subjects in the social and natural sciences, including political science, economics, history, literature and art, religion, philosophy, spoken and written language, geography, education, archeology, folk customs, Tibetan medicine and pharmacology, astronomy, the calendar, ecological protection, sustainable economic development, and agriculture and animal husbandry, breaking the narrow bounds of the "Five Major and Five Minor Treatises of Buddhist Doctrine" of traditional Tibetan culture. Thus Tibetology has become a grand system of comprehensive studies of Tibetan society.
  • 尽管该队世界著名的女子射箭运动员金水顺已经退役,但韩国队的水平仍比其了队的水平高出一个档次。
    Despite the retirement of the world's best know female archer Kim Soo-Nyung, the Koreans are a class above the rest of the sport.
  • 个人赛开始时,每位射手从70米外的地方射出其不意72支箭,以此决定准是种子选手。后,以两人组比赛形式继续进行比赛,直到剩下8位选手为止。
    The individual competition begins with each archer shooting 72 arrows from 70 meters to determine seeding and continues on in a match-play format until just eight competitors remain.
  • 箭手用执弓臂握住弓,后用拉弦手向后拉弓弦,直到满弓点,注视瞄准器后射靶。
    The archer holds the bow in his bow arm and draws back the target arrow at the anchor point with his drawing hand. He looks along the bow sight then releases the arrow at the target.
  • 射箭运动员用执弓臂握住弓,后用拉弦手向后拉弓弦,直到满弓点,注视瞄准具后射靶。
    The archer holds the how in his bow am and draws back the target arrow at the anchor point with his drawing hand. He looks along the bow sight then releases the arrow at the target.
  • 伟大的真理似乎是可以从偶中偶尔发现的,阿基米德的洗澡水和牛顿的苹果就是著名的例证,但是……
    Great truths may seem to have been discovered by accident, witness the classic examples of Archimedes bathwater and Newton's apple, but…
  • 阿基米德定律可以这样解释:当一个立方体完全浸在水中时,如果排出的水的重量比该立方体的重量重,该立方体就会上浮后停在水面上,如果排出的水重量比该立方体的重量轻,该主方体就会下沉到水底,如果水的重量与立方体的重量相等,该立方体将既不上升也不下沉,它们处于平衡状态。
    Archimedes' law can be explained here like this: When a cube is completely under water, if the weight of water which is pushed aside is greater than the weight of the cube. It will go up and stay on top of the water. If it is less than the weight of the cube it will go down in the water. If it is the same as the weight of the cube, it will neither stay on top nor go down. They have come to balance each other.
  • 达马树脂从婆罗属和坡亚属的树中提取的一种坚硬的树脂,原产于东南亚和马来群岛,用在假漆和天漆中
    Any of various hard resins obtained from trees of the genera Shorea, Balanocarpus, and Hopea, native to southeast Asia and the Malay Archipelago and used in varnishes and lacquers.
  • 他们贫困,但很慷慨。
    They are generous though they are poor.
  • 墨丘利在岩石上坐下来,谈个不停,大说故事,直到天色渐渐地暗了下来;这时他又吹起了箫,奏着最能安神的乐曲,企图催那些警觉的眼睛进入梦乡,但没有奏效;因为阿尔戈斯虽闭上了其中一些眼睛,但总有别一些还是睁着的。
    Mercury sat down, talked, told stories till it grew late, and played upon his pipes his most soothing strains, hoping to lull the watchful eyes to sleep, but in vain; for Argus still contrived to keep some of his eyes open, though he shut the rest.
  • 可溶性无机盐在自水体和干旱的土壤中所含可溶性无机盐中的一种
    Any of various soluble mineral salts found in natural water and arid soils.
  • 中场休息时,父亲总要快活地聊谈一番,后大吃特吃。
    My father tried to make pleasant chitchat arid eat as much as he could during halftime.
  • 出现出其不意地突出现或显现
    To appear or arise unexpectedly or suddenly.
  • ,有时客观条件使得我们无法这样做。
    Of course, sometime legit circumstances may arise that prevent it.
  • 而人的认识究竟怎样从实践发生,而又服务于实践呢?
    But how then does human knowledge arise from practice and in turn serve practice?
  • 主张新品种在自中物竞天择的有机进化论。
    a theory of organic evolution claiming that new species arise and are perpetuated by natural selection.
  • 苏格兰是一个独特的地方,自条件虽不得天独厚,历史的厚重感却随处可见。豪门望族的府第与城堡历历在目,仪仗队的士兵也还穿着传统服装。
    Scotland is a unique and austere place, laden with history, where you can find aristocratic palaces and castles, as well as the traditional parades in national costumes.
  • 出现一只木筏,看起来很象诺亚方舟,上面载着一家子人,几只母鸡,几条狗,以及一只猫和关在笼里的一只鸟。
    Suddenly a raft appeared, looking rather like Noah's ark, carrying the whole family, a few hens, the dogs, a cat, and a bird in a cage.
  • 相信在强有力的“公共体系”、“私人体系”及“人民体系”三管齐下,定能如杨荣文准将所说的:“……新加坡已经作好‘诺亚方舟’,它的人民将同舟共济并作出调整,以安地渡过这场风暴”。
    I believe that, by making use of the "People Sector", "Public Sector" and the "Private Sector", we will be able to achieve what BG George Yeo had said—that Singapore has prepared its "Noah's Ark" and that its people will sail together, make the necessary adjustments, and safely emerge from the great tempest".
  • 而,当时的阿肯色州管教部主任artlockhart在1984年曾为美国管教协会出版的关于监狱血浆中心的情况简报撰稿,稿中写道监狱囚犯是艾滋病高危人群,对于从他们身上采血如何“保证质量”的关注也在不断上升。
    However, Art Lockhart, then director of the Arkansas Department of Correction contributed in 1984 to an information bulletin about prison plasma centres published by the American Correctional Association, in which prison populations were said to be at high risk, and concerns were raised about "quality control" in taking blood from them.
  • 工具井有序地靠墙排列着。
    it was a bewildering array of books; his tools were in an orderly array on the basement wall.
  • 联合国的189个会员国中,有54个国家(约为29%)没有缴清经常预算会费,虽只有22个国家的欠款超过当年。
    Of the UN’s 191 Member States, 54 (some 29 per cent) had not paid their regular budget dues in full, although only 22 were in arrears beyond the current year.
  • 1999年存在的问题主要是有效需求不足,结构不合理的矛盾突出,国有企业的亏损面和亏损额仍很高,资金占用和货款拖欠数量过大,企业管理方面的问题仍比较多,安全生产的形势还比较严峻。
    The main problems that existed in 1999 were insufficient effectual demand, outstanding irrational structure, still large deficit scale and deficit amount of SOEs, huge quantity of tied-up funds and loan in arrears, poor enterprise management and severe situation of safe production.
  • ,会员国仍需努力清偿其欠款,及时足额履行其财政义务,使联合国恢复财政稳定。唯有这样,才能确保联合国有能力以最大效应发挥其多种作用,造福我们这一星球上的全体人民。
    Clearly, more is needed from Member States in clearing their arrears and meeting their financial obligations in full and on time to restore the UN to financial stability – which alone can ensure its ability to fulfil its many roles with maximum impact and benefit to the people of our planet.
  • 粗劣食物妨碍儿童的自成长。
    Poor food arrests the natural growth of children.
  • 关于某物使…突停止。
    arrest the motion (of something) abruptly.
  • 他们的突到来打乱了我们的计划。
    Their unexpected arrival threw our plan into confusion.
  • 祝您安然到达。
    Congratulate your safe arrival.
  • 就抵港与离港船舶的数目、货物吞吐量和出入境旅客量而言,香港仍跻身最繁忙港口之列。
    It also remained one of the busiest ports in terms of vessel arrivals and departures, and cargo and passenger throughput.
  • 地并且未经宣布地到达。
    arrive suddenly and unannounced.