  • 他们箭的尖端装上燧石。
    They tipped their arrows with flint.
  • 首先,我带你去射箭。
    First , I will take you to shoot arrows.
  • 首先,我带你去射箭,然后我们到大同乐园看海豚表演。
    First, I'll take you to shoot arrows. Then we're going to the Tatung Recreation Center to see a dolphin performance.
  • 在信息战争中,信息时代的武器取代炸弹和子弹。这些武器不再是政府或中央情报局或克格勃的专利品。计算机和通信武器可以从价目表、零售店和交易会上得到。许多信息武器可以用爱好者使用的散件在家里组装。当然,军队正在开发自己的信息武器,以进行信息战争。
    In Information Warfare, Information Age weaponry will replace bombs and bullets. These weapons are no longer restricted to the Government or the CIA or KGB. Computer and communications weapons are available from catalogs,retail store fronts, and trade shows.Many can be built from hobbyist parts at home. And,of course,the military is developing its own arsenal of weapons with which to wage Information Warfare.
  • 通过在肺部吸氧(静脉血)转变为鲜红的动脉血
    To convert(venous blood) into bright red arterial blood by absorption of oxygen in the lungs.
  • 笑笑的医疗费不到1,000美元了,而随着某些费用的减少,他的动脉带和随后的外科手术费需要1o0,000多美元。
    Less than $1,000 remained in Shao-Shao's medical fund, but even with some reduced fees, his arterial banding and subsequent surgeries would cost more than $100,000.
  • 主动脉系统血管的主干道,血液由心脏左侧输送到除肺部以外的所有肢体及器官的动脉里
    The main trunk of the systemic arteries, carrying blood from the left side of the heart to the arteries of all limbs and organs except the lungs.
  • 上午11:30,比叙蒂安德鲁斯的部分肝脏植入克罗斯的肝腔,缝合静脉、动脉和胆管。
    At 11:30 a.m.Busuttil connected the partial liver from Andrews to Cross's now-empty liver cavity, stitching together veins, arteries and bile ducts.
  • 心脏脊椎动物分隔成室的肌肉器官,从静脉接受血液并其压入动脉从而维持血液在整个循环系统中的流动
    The chambered, muscular organ in vertebrates that pumps blood received from the veins into the arteries, thereby maintaining the flow of blood through the entire circulatory system.
  • 西九龙填海区为超过10万名居民提供住所,并设有商业用地。该填海区也为连接九龙与新机场和新界西北部的重要道路及铁路干线,提供土地。
    The West Kowloon Reclamation will provide housing for more than 100 000 people, commercial space and vital road and rail arteries linking Kowloon with the new airport and north-west New Territories.
  • 血管重建术一种血管手术过程,一端配有小汽球的导管插入由于脂肪组织堆积而变窄的动脉。汽球会膨胀来清除堵塞物并使动脉通畅
    A procedure in which a catheter equipped with a tiny balloon at the tip is inserted into an artery that has been narrowed by the accumulation of fatty deposits. The balloon is then inflated to clear the blockage and widen the artery.
  • 来,我们可以通过喝转基因奶来预防像胃溃疡这样的疾病,或者是治疗像关节炎这样的自体免疫疾病。
    In the future, we may drink altered milk to ward off diseases such as gastric ulcers or to treat autoimmune diseases such as some forms of arthritis.
  • 他的画他推荐进了艺术界。
    His paintings commend him to the artistic world.
  • 用砖和石棉火炉与任何相邻的木制品隔开是很重要的。
    It is important to insulate the furnace from any neighbouring woodwork with brick and asbestos.
  • 接着,耶稣又说:“我实实在在地告诉你们,你们要看到天门大开,上帝的使者从天而降,落在人子的身上。”
    Then he added:"In truth, in very truth I tell you all, you shall see heaven wide open, and God's angels ascending and descending upon the Son of Man."
  • 安妮:从1981年开始采取分为两级的升降级办法,第一级的称为非区域性赛区,由十六个队参加,成员是前一年比赛的前二十名和四个分区赛的第一名,这一级的冠军队获得奖杯。
    Annie: They have adopted a new method, namely, the two grades of ascending and degrading since 1981. The first grade was called non-regional area. 16 teams participated in the contests. The members were the champions of the first 20 winners and the first place winner in the four sections of the previous year. The champion of this grade would get the trophy.
  • 当我们查明何时有货,价格多少时,立即通知贵公司,以什么价格可以成交。
    As soon as the purchase is made, and the price ascertain, I will inform you at what they will be invoiced.
  • 我将弄清事实真象。
    I am going to ascertain the truth.
  • 我们通过双方共同估算来确定这些东西的价值。
    We'll ascertain such matter through joint assessment.
  • 当我们查明何时有货,价格多少时,立即通知贵公司,以什么价格可以成交。
    As soon as the purchase is make, and the price ascertain, I will inform you at what they will is invoice.
  • 市长和议长向他作了初次的拜访,而他,在他那一面,也向军和省长作了初次的拜访。
    The mayor and the president paid the first call on him, and he, in turn, paid the first call on the general and the prefect.
  • 这句话出于东汉时刘秀的一位军叫朱浮的写给渔阳太守彭宠的一封信,那信上说:“凡举事无为亲厚者所痛,而为见仇者所快。”
    It comes from a letter which Chu Fou, a general under Liu Hsiu of the Eastern Han Dynasty, wrote to Peng Chung, the prefect of Yuyang. In context it reads, "Whatever you do, you must be sure that you do not sadden your friends and gladden your enemies."
  • 我希望他不要烟灰往地毯上乱弹。
    I wish he would refrain from scattering his ash all over the carpet.
  • 我惭愧地我的失败告诉了他。
    I was ashamed to tell him that I had failed.
  • 香烟的火拧熄在烟灰缸。
    He crushed out his cigarette in the ashtray.
  • 他点燃了字条,它扔进了烟灰缸中,看着它慢慢地燃烧起来。
    After setting the note ablaze he dropped it into an ashtray and watched it burn.
  • 设备的费用用这套机器生产出的芦笋支付。
    Equipment cost will be paid for with the asparagus produce by the machine.
  • 我认为目前的情况会继续下去。
    I am assuming that the present situation is going to continue.
  • 我认为目前的情况会继续下去。
    I am assuming that the present situation is go to continue.
  • 据公布,他从一月份起担任这家公司的总裁。
    It was noised abroad that he would be assuming the chairmanship of the company from January.
  • 去年,瑞典的一项研究食用橄榄油与减少患乳腺癌的风险联系起来。今年早些时候巴塞罗那的科学家们发现,喂老鼠橄榄油可减小患结肠癌的危险。
    Last year a Swedish study linked olive oil to a decreased risk of breast cancer, and earlier this year Barcelona scientists found that feeding rats olive oil decreased the risk of developing colon cancer.
  • 他给我确切保证,修理于明日完工。
    He gave me a definite assurance that the repairs would be finished tomorrow.