  • 浸礼场所进行浸礼仪式的楼房、屋子或
    A building, room, or fixture in which this bath takes place.
  • 名单上的姓氏都特别标出,以便计算机易打印出。
    All the surnames in the list have been specially flagged so that the computer can print them out easily.
  • 不易燃的不易燃的,尤指不易点燃或不能快速燃烧的
    Not flammable, especially not readily ignited and not rapidly burned.
  • 突击点选在左翼,恰当敌之弱点,易取胜;
    If we select a point of assault on the left flank which actually turns out to be the enemy's weak point, victory will be easy;
  • 一烧瓶所能纳的量。
    the quantity a flask will hold.
  • 这个盒子不能包含所有的商品;这个瓶子能纳一加仑。
    This box won't take all the items; The flask holds one gallon.
  • 因此,英法根本拒绝苏联历来提出的组织真正的反侵略阵线的建议,而采劝不干涉”的立场,纵德意日侵略,自己站在一边看。
    Thus Britain and France flatly rejected the Soviet Union's repeated proposals for a genuine front against aggression; standing on the side-lines, they took a "non-interventionist" position and connived at German, Italian and Japanese aggression.
  • 她说的挖苦话使他无地自.
    He was totally flattened by her sarcasm.
  • 恭维话容易讨好他。
    He is easily pleased by flattery.
  • 易被谄媚奉承所打动。
    He is liable to be reached by flattery.
  • 他们哪里知道要得到这一套并不易,有些人就是一辈子也没有共产党员的气味,只有离开党完事。
    Some will never have the slightest Communist flavour about them as long as they live and can only end up by leaving the Party.
  • 从她的脸上消失了。
    The smile fled from her face.
  • 柔韧的,有弹性的伸长或扩展后易恢复原状的;柔韧的
    Easily resuming original shape after being stretched or expanded; flexible.
  • 懂得这些战术是易的,灵活地使用和变换这些战术,就不易了。
    It is easy to understand these tactics, but not at all easy to employ and vary them flexibly.
  • 海港里的水域足够纳一个船队。
    There is enough water in the harbour to float a fleet of ship.
  • 慕尼黑的旅馆简直无法纳因观看奥运会而大量涌入的人群。
    Munich hotels were unable to cope with the huge numbers flocking in for the Olympic Games.
  • 地板很容易留下痕迹
    The floor marks easily.
  • 山毛榉木这些树的任一种木材,用于地板、器、胶合板及木具的木柄中
    The wood of any of these trees, used for flooring, containers, plywood, and tool handles.
  • 软磁碟以它的相对慢的速度和小量和低价位著名。
    floppy disks are noted for their relatively slow speed and small capacity and low price.
  • 在流程图中,很易看清一个步骤与它下面的步骤的关系。
    In a flowchart it's easy to see how one step is related to the one that follows.
  • 用于冲洗厕所的装满水的器。
    holds the water used to flush a toilet.
  • 气溶胶弹式器在压力作用下喷射气雾、泡沫或气体的可移动的手工操作的
    A portable, manually operated container that ejects a spray, foam, or gas under pressure.
  • 儿童天性活泼、好动,注意力的专注不易培养。
    the focus of activity shifted to molecular biology.
  • 第一阶段是1978—1984年,以推进家庭联产承包责任制为主要内
    The first stage(1978-84)focused on the promotion of the household contract responsibility system.
  • 他把胰岛素引起的休克形成是"酷刑",而把他的头脑不清醒归咎为三氟拉嗪(事实的确如此)。
    He described the insulin shock as" torture," and blamed Stelazine for making him" foggy" (both true).
  • 塑胶封袋用来装冰冻或蒸干食物的密封的塑料或箔制
    A sealed plastic or foil container used in packaging frozen or dehydrated food.
  • 加利福尼亚州威尔逊山天文台的100英寸望远镜镜面原先涂的是银粉,但是银粉很易失去光泽,因此每年都得重新涂两次。
    The 100-inch telescope mirror at the Mount Wilson Observatory in California was originally coated with silver. Silver, however, loses its polish easily, and it was necessary to replace the foiling twice yearly.
  • 文件夹按顺序放置文件的器,如档案柜或文件夹
    A container, such as a cabinet or folder, for keeping papers in order.
  • 他的追随者赞赏他对讲授内的自信,对学生智力的启迪。
    His followers appreciated the fact that he believed in. what he taught and that he was intellectually stimulating.
  • 信的内容如下:
    The letter reads as follows:
  • 方达认识到了性别差异,她呼吁哈佛研究一下为何人们理所当然地认为女孩子易妥协和顺从。
    Fonda recognises the gender gap and challenged Harvard to do something about the state of affairs that predicted female success on compromise and conformity.
  • 另一方面,风格单处理表示方面的问题,如字体、颜色和页边空白,其意图是简化网站,缩短下载时间和更易把相同的内让多种类型的设备显示。
    Style sheets, on the other hand, handle issues of presentation: fonts, colors and margins.The intent is to simplify sites, decrease download times and more easily present the same content to multiple types of devices.