  • 香港按人口平均计算的本地生产总值为25,000美元,在亚洲列第二。
    At US$25,000, our per capita GDP is the second highest in Asia.
  • 把你字的第一个字母写成大写。
    Write your initials in capitals.
  • 用大写字母写你的字。
    Write your name in capitals.
  • 本港股票市场的市场资本总值为47,270亿元,是世界第十大市场,在亚洲排第二。
    With a total market capitalisation of $4,727 billion, the Hong Kong stock market ranked tenth in the world and second in Asia.
  • 他忘了大写林肯这个字的第一个字母。
    He forgot to capitalize the first letter of the name Lincoln.
  • 一个非正式的java编程标准是大写一个类的首字母。
    The unofficial standard in Java is to capitalize the first letter of a class name.
  • 她知道,有些人看中她对拳击的兴趣,是借用她父亲的声。
    She aware that some people will see her interest in boxing as an attempt to capitalize on her father's name.
  • 唐宁,安德鲁·杰克逊1815-1852美国园林建筑师和园艺家,写有著论造园技术(1841年),设计了白宫和美国国会场地
    American landscape architect and horticulturist who wrote the classic A Treatise on Landscape Gardening(1841) and designed the grounds of the White House and the U.S. Capitol.
  • 伯恩:这是他的名片。
    Here is his card.
  • 这是我的名片。
    Here is my card.
  • 这是我的名片。
    Here's my business card.
  • 这是我的名片。
    Here's my name card.
  • 这是我的名片。
    Here 's my card.
  • 这是我的名片。。
    Here is my business card.
  • 先生,这是我的片。
    Here is my card, sir.
  • 他们叫他耶稣;武力…安培多克莱称之为‘爱’与‘恨’;一个叫哈里德.劳埃德的演员;一个在加的夫的建筑被人们称为和平的神殿。
    they called his name Jesus; forces...which Empedocles called `love' and `hate'; an actor named Harold Lloyd; a building in Cardiff named the Temple of Peace.
  • 天主教教堂罗马或罗马附近的罗马天主教堂,有一个红衣主教作它义上的领导
    A Roman Catholic church in or near Rome having a cardinal for its nominal head.
  • 做一给牲畜提供治疗的医生。
    provide veterinary care for.
  • 把事业、誉、儿女放在首位
    Put one's career, reputation, children first
  • “这将是自由的写作,因为把一批又一批新生力量吸引到写作队伍中来的,不是私利贪欲,也不是誉地位,而是社会主义思想和对劳动人民的同情。
    It will be a free literature, because the idea of socialism and sympathy with the working people, and not greed or careerism, will bring ever new forces to its ranks.
  • "1860年,一个叫威廉。娄的英国人提出了一项更好的计划。"
    "In1860, a better plan was put forward by an Englishman, William Low."
  • 以不负责任的非常规或者声狼藉为特点。
    marked by a carefree unconventionality or disreputableness.
  • 他看书,看作者,读了些片断,用眼和手爱抚着书卷,只有一次他认出了一本读过的书,别的书他却全都陌生,作者也陌生。
    He glanced at the titles and the authors' names, read fragments of text, caressing the volumes with his eyes and hands, and, once, recognized a book he had read. For the rest, they were strange books and strange authors.
  • 蒙特哥湾牙买加西北一城镇,位于加勒比海沿岸。1494年哥伦布到过此地,现在是一个港口和著的旅游胜地。人口70,285
    A town of northwest Jamaica on the Caribbean Sea. Visited by Columbus in1494, it is today a port and popular resort area. Population,70, 285.
  • 杂志上经常刊登有关著电影明星的漫画。
    Magazines often contain caricatures of well-known film stars.
  • 卡洛斯·桑塔纳的故事始于墨西哥一个叫奥特兰的村庄,在那里,父亲乔斯将“传统音乐”介绍给了5岁的卡洛斯。
    Carlos Santana's story begins in the village of Autlan, Mexico,where, at age five, Carlos was introduced to "traditional music" by his father, Jose.
  • 如今,摇滚乐人殿堂的人卡洛斯·桑塔纳已成为全球的偶像,他发行有4000万张专辑,曾为2000多万人现场演唱。
    Today, with over 4O million albums sold and performances before well over 20 million people, Rock' n' Roll Hall of Fame Carlos Santana has become a global icon.
  • 这位青年叫亨利·杜农特。在意大利,他目击了索菲林诺战斗之后的杀伤惨景。
    The young man was Henry Dunant who witnesses the carnage following the Battle of Solferino, in Italy.
  • 所以当初卡内基先生传授这个概念给我时,也没跟我讲到什么特别的称,只是悄悄传递了一个概念给我罢了。
    That is why Mr. Carnegie tossed it to me so quietly, without giving me its specific name.
  • 法雷尔,詹姆斯·托马斯1904-1979美国作家,其最著的是三部曲小说斯塔兹·洛尼甘,这部小说描写了20世纪初期美籍爱尔兰天主教徒遭受的苦难
    American soprano noted for her voice of exceptional power and clarity. She began her career in radio and debuted in New York City at Carnegie Hall(1950).
  • 卡内基先生的智囊团小组约由50幕僚所构成,他让自己置身于这些人当中,目的无非是为了钢铁的制造和行销。
    Mr. Carnegie's Master Mind group consisted of a staff of approximately fifty men, with whom he surrounded himself, for the DEFINITE PURPOSE of manufacturing and marketing steel.
  • 这位漂亮的小姐,知道我是谁后,就即说:「卡耐基先生,能不能请你告诉我,你所经过的胜有那些地方,和你所看到的离奇景色?
    So she said: “Oh, Mr. Carnegie, I do want you to tell me about all the wonderful places you have visited and the sights you have seen.