  • 当她听到那消息后,她变得越来越紧张。
    When she heard the news she was heightening tension.
  • 他死後若无继承人,其财产归国家所有
    If he dies without an heir, his property reverts to the state
  • 在音乐会上,玛利唱了歌,而海伦演奏乐器。
    At the concert Mary sang and Helen played.
  • 但这种需要并不意味着一个人不能自立,另一个人很有能力。
    But this need of help does not mean that one is helpless, the other powerful.
  • 一种建立在全氟化合物基础上,另一种建立在血红蛋白基础上。
    One is based on perfluorochemicals, the other on hemoglobin.
  • (五)这是共产党的抗战主张和现时国民党的抗战主张的原分歧。
    5. Herein lies the difference in principle between the stand of the Communist Party and the present stand of the Kuomintang with regard to resistance.
  • 我们和中国不尽相同,因此就有了旁观者的冷静与客观,这也正是我们对中国的价值所在,否,西方人也不会经常征求我国领导人对中国的看法。
    Singapore is not identical to China, hence our cool detachedness and objectivity. Herein lies Singapore's strength, which explains why Westerners have often consultedour leaders for advice on China-related issues.
  •  第一条根据《中华人民共和国专利法》(以下简称专利法),制定本细
    Rule 1. These Implementing Regulations are formulated in accordance with the Patent Law of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the Patent Law).
  • 第三款本条限非在国会将其提交各州之日起七年以内,由各州修宪会议依照本宪法规定批准为宪法修正案,否不发生效力。
    Section 3.This article shall be inoperative unless it shall have been ratified as an amendment to the Constitution by conventions in the several States, as provided in the Constitution, within seven years from the date of the submission hereof to the States by the Congress.
  • 第三款本条除非在国会将其提交各州之日起七年以内,由各州议会按宪法规定批准为宪法修正案,否不发生效力。
    Section 3.This article shall be inoperative unless it shall have been ratified as an amendment to the Constitution by the legislatures of the several States, as provided in the Constitution, within seven years from the date of the submission hereof to the States by the Congress.
  • 如果说迅速发展曾经被当作口头禅的话,那么,传统和特性成了今天的时髦口号。
    If rapid development was once the mantra, heritage and identity are the buzzwords today.
  • 在一九九七年,本港检获鸦片及四号海洛英等鸦片类毒品共169.5公斤,而在一九九六年为309.1公斤。
    During 1997, 169.5 kilograms of opiate drugs, comprising opium and No.4 heroin, were seized, compared with 309.1 kilograms in 1996.
  •  科技是个工具,组织扁平化是观念的改变。
    Technology is a tool and a change in mindset is required to do away with a hierarchical system.
  • 全港发展策略在香港的规划体系中处于最高层次,为本港整体的土地用途、运输和环境制定全面的规划和发展大纲,也为拟备次区域规划纲领和更详尽的地区图的工作提供依据。
    The Territorial Development Strategy (TDS) is the highest tier in the hierarchy of town planning in Hong Kong. It provides a broad land use, transport and environmental framework for planning and development. It also serves as a basis for preparation of sub-regional planning statements and more detailed district plans.
  • 夏天有远足、跑步、高山自行车运动、高尔夫及水上运动。
    Hiking,running,mountain biking,golfing and water sports in summer.
  • [谚]争先恐后,落后者遭殃(资产阶级个人主义的准)。
    Each for himself and the devil take the hindmost.
  • 古历史学家普鲁塔克教导我们通过阅读来学会领导,正如他在《比较列传》中描述的那样,去阅读历代伟大领袖的生平和领导才能。
    The ancient historian Plutarch taught us that we also learn to lead by reading---reading about great leaders from the past, as he showed in his Parallel Lives.
  • 许多奇事,见所未见,闻所未闻。
    I saw and heard of many strange things of which I had hitherto been unaware.
  • 有关的专责小组已发表谘询文件,就选拨的准和细节安排谘询大众,我鼓励各界人士踊跃提出意见。
    An ad hoc group has already published a consultation paper to solicit public opinion on screening criteria and other details. I hope that people from various sectors will actively respond and share with us their valuable opinion.
  • 二零零一年六月,亚太经合组织贸易部长通过了由香港牵头的专责小组所制定的贸易便利化原,以协助各成员的政策制定者及执行者制定和实施有利商界的贸易措施。
    Under the HKSAR's leadership, an ad hoc Task Force in APEC developed a set of APEC Trade Facilitation Principles to assist policy makers and executors to formulate and implement pro-business trade measures. APEC Trade Ministers endorsed the Principles in June.
  • 德里克对一般抗生素有过敏反应,而杰佛里由于常年治疗淋巴恶性肉芽肿病而变得很虚弱。
    Derek has allergies to common antibiotics,and Jeffrey is weakened from years of treatment for Hodgkin's disease.
  • 如贵公司希望能把握此市场,应迅速办理我方订购之交货事宜,这一点十分重要。
    If you wish to keep your hold on this market, prompt delivery of order we police with you is essential.
  • 这条法则仍然有效。
    This law still holds good.
  • 这一原则有效吗?
    Does the principle still holds good?
  • 第五,坚持“因地制宜、突出重点,全面规划、分步实施”的原
    The fifth principle includes positioning on local conditions, prioritizing key issues, holistic planning and step-by-step implementation.
  • 在冬季,向河里扔一个常青树的花环。
    Throwing a holly wreath into the current in the winter.
  • 【谚】无蜂无密,不劳无酬。
    No bees, no honey; no work, no money.
  • 辩论有可能对一个脆弱的总统候选人造成伤害,这就是一些总统候选人,特别是那些在竞选中领先的人,不愿意在这些无法控制的环境中冒险的原因之一--辩论的规越少,候选人就越无法控制。
    The potential of debates to damage a vulnerable presidential hopeful is one reason why some candidates,particularly frontrunners,are reluctant to risk their chances in such an uncontrolled environment? and the fewer debate rules there are,the less control the candidates have.
  • 中国政府部门受到的增强透明度的压力及其采取的一些增强透明度的措施,但愿能使它们逐渐认同”公开性“原,并由经济政策的透明进而达致政治决策的透明。
    The pressure the Chinese government gets from the WTO and the measures it adopts to make its policy more transparent, will hopefully help it identify gradually with the principle of “openness”, which should extend from economic to political decisions.
  • 你方20日电报价太高应减价百分之二否无法成交。
    Yc 20th price to high two pct reduction necessary otherwise business hopeless.
  • 如果中国抗日统一战线有力地发展起来,横的方面和纵的方面都有效地组织起来,如果认清日本帝国主义威胁他们自己利益的各国政府和各国人民能给中国以必要的援助,如果日本的革命起来得快,这次战争将迅速结束,中国将迅速胜利。
    If China's anti-Japanese united front is greatly expanded and effectively organized horizontally and vertically, if the necessary help is given to China by those governments and peoples which recognize the Japanese imperialist menace to their own interests and if revolution comes quickly in Japan, the war will speedily be brought to an end and China will speedily win victory.
  • 务必不要向他提及去年发生的不幸事件,否你就会招惹麻烦的。
    For goodness sake, don't remind him of the unfortunate business that happened last year or you'll bring a hornet's nest about our ears.