  • 绞筒一种向枪口逐渐变窄以防止射出子弹散过开的猎枪枪膛
    A shotgun bore that narrows toward the muzzle to prevent wide scattering of the shot.
  • 一种户外游戏;兔子顺着一条长路跑并散一些纸片(或味道)并且猎犬尽力。
    an outdoor game; the hares start off on a long run scattering bits of paper (the scent) and the hounds try to catch them before they reach a designated spot.
  • 电视中来自摄象机的图象信号输出中不希望出现的组成部,它是由光学系统中光散射引起的。光斑常按照它在图象中的位置来描述,例如,边沿光斑、底部光斑。
    In television, an unwanted component in the picture signal output from a camera, caused by the scattering of light in the optical system. Flare is often described in terms of its position in the picture, e. g., edge flare, bottom flare.
  • 不要分散精力。
    Don't scatter your strength.
  • 不要分散精力。
    Do not scatter your strength.
  • 散液体;轻轻的弄湿。
    scatter with liquid; wet lightly.
  • 只有一小部死掉的生物在开始腐烂前,或者更可能的情况是,在食腐动物吃掉它们之前如此地保存起来。
    A small fraction of the creatures that die are preserved in this way before decay sets in or, even more likely, before scavengers eat them.
  • 为了探索用机器测定气味的途径,有一个研究所研制成功了一种人造鼻子,据认为,这种仪器能够测出蒸发的气体中含量为百万之一的各种气味。
    To explore mechanical scent detection, a research institute has developed a synthetic nose wiich can, it believed, detect scents in vapours at a ratio of one particle to a million.
  • 死硬的保守子、搞运动的人、怀疑论者
    A die-hard conservative, campaigner, sceptic
  • 马克对自己不断引起的怀疑主义十清楚。
    Mark was well aware of the scepticism which he continually provoked.
  • 珊瑚一种礁石状沉积物,由各种珊瑚虫泌的石灰质骨骼构成。在温暖海域中珊瑚沉积物常堆积形成沙洲或岛屿
    A rocklike deposit consisting of the calcareous skeletons secreted by various anthozoans. Coral deposits often accumulate to form reefs or islands in warm seas.
  • 一种用来抑制大脑中单胺氧化酶活动和促进一元胺泌的抗抑郁症的药物系列。
    any of a group of antidepressant drugs that inhibit the action of monoamine oxidase in the brain and so allow monoamines to accumulate.
  • 我们晚点了20分钟。
    We are twenty minutes behind schedule.
  • 需要在最后一钟改变计划吗?
    Last?minute changes in your schedule?
  • 在软件工程中,系统或程序的基本部。例如,操作系统中的调度程序或管理程序。
    In software engineering, a basic part of a system or program. For example, the scheduler or supervisor of an operating system.
  • 布式处理控制执行程序(dpcx)中,自从一个优先级的调度程序最后一次查阅它的队列以来所添加到这个优先级上的所有线程的一个正向链接表。
    In DPCX, a forward-chained list of all threads added to a priority level since that level's scheduler last referred to its queues.
  • 三声中部小步舞曲或诙谐曲、进行曲的中间部,或各种舞曲形式的中间部
    The middle section of a minuet or scherzo, a march, or of various dance forms.
  • 凝结核水汽子在其上积聚并在自由空气中形成小滴或冰晶的粒子
    A particle on which water vapor molecules accumulate in free air to form a droplet or ice crystal.
  • 多氯联苯在土壤中,水中或空气中都无法解,只会继续累积。
    Pcbs do not break down in soil, water or air, but carry on accumulate.
  • 而且,新加坡大学生平时不是在赶作业,就是拼命争取课外活动数以便继续住宿舍。
    Moreover, university students here are either busy with schoolwork or are busy accumulating sufficient points from their extra-curricular activities so as to continue their stay in the hostels.
  • 乳脂非均质牛奶中易于聚积在牛奶表层的黄色脂肪部
    The yellowish fatty component of unhomogenized milk that tends to accumulate at the surface.
  • 谈话间,我知道萨拉尽管是朦朦胧胧的,但理解了新生是进步的一部,理解到我们需要好好审视自我、房间、功课、创造力以及灵性,想想需要留下什么,摒弃哪些。
    As we talked, I knew that she began to comprehend, albeit slightly, that renewal is part of progress; that we need to take a good look at ourselves, and our rooms and schoolwork and creativity and spirituality, and see what we need to keep and what we need to cast off.
  • 对你儿子不要操之过急,不要过责骂他。
    Take it easy on your son and don't scold him too much.
  • 荷叶蕨一种产于欧洲的有不可割窄叶的常绿蕨类植物(对开蕨对开蕨属)
    A European evergreen fern(Phyllitis scolopendrium) with narrow, undivided fronds.
  • 对那些在一个连最自发的绳球比赛都要精确记的体育时代里长大的人来说,不记的比赛显得完全是激进的。
    For those who grew up in a PE era when even the most spontaneous match of tetherball was scrupulously tallied, scoreless play seems downright radical.
  • 他是曼联队的头号得手。
    He's manchester's top scorer.
  • 他是国安队的得能手。
    He's guo An's top scorer.
  • 5号是一个得高的队员(能手或神投手)
    No. 5 is a top scorer.
  • 裁判人员包括一名主裁判,副裁判,记员和四名司线员。
    Officials include a referee,an umpire,a scorer,and four linesmen.
  • 请把记本放在记录上。
    Put a score-sheet on the scorer's table, please.
  • 裁判人员包括:裁判员、发球裁判、司线员和记员。
    Officials include an umpire, service judge, line umpire and scorer.
  • 裁判人员包括一名主裁判、副裁判、记员和4名司线员。
    Officials include a referee, an umpire, a scorer, and four linesmen.