  • 她举止稳重,体态婀娜,玫瑰色的鼻翅微微张翕着,大大的眼睛四周有一圈淡蓝色,表明她是一种天性热情的人,在这样的人周围,总是散发着一股逗人情欲的香味;就像一些东方的香水瓶一样,不管盖子盖得多严,里面香水的味儿仍然不免要泄漏来。
    Her confident bearing, her supple waist, her pink, flared nostrils, her large eyes faintly ringed with blue, all pointed to one of those passionate natures which give out a bouquet of sensuality, just as flasks from the Orient, however tightly sealed they might be, allow the fragrance of the fluids they contain to escape.
  • 他吐出几个烟圈。
    He puffed smoke rings.
  • 调动后又钻个新的头头怎么办?
    What if a new ringleader emerges following the transfer of the previous one?
  • 因为骚动,会议无法进行下去,不得不把那些闹事的头子赶大厅。
    The meeting was marred by a noisy disturbance and the ringleaders had to be turfed out of the hall.
  • 族群认同是不是也能具有包容性,为超越族群的新加坡认同做贡献,成为国家认同中的一部分?
    Or, can the strengthening of ethnic identity be at the same time inclusive, integrative, and additive to the larger national supra-ethnic Singapore identity?
  • 此后6年中,克洛斯一直活跃在戏剧舞台,直到百老汇戏剧《巴纳姆》征募演员,她演该剧引人注目的配角夏里蒂·巴纳姆--传奇的马戏导演p.t.巴纳姆的妻子,她的命运才发生了转变。
    Close remained active in theater for the next six years,until a fateful casting call for a Broadway production of Barnum placed her in the showy supporting role of Charity Barnum,wife of legendary circus ringmaster P.T.Barnum.
  • 此后6年中,克洛斯一直活跃在戏剧舞台,直到百老汇戏剧《巴纳姆》征募演员,她演该剧引人注目的配角夏里蒂·巴纳姆--传奇的马戏导演p.t.巴纳姆的妻子,她的命运才发生了转变。
    Close remained active in theater for the next six years,until a fateful casting call for a Broadway production of Barnum placed her in the showy supporting role of Charity Barnum,wife of legendary circus ringmaster P. T.Barnum.
  • 当她成功的那天,她希望父亲也现在拳击场上。
    When her big days does come, she hopes her dad will be right there ringside.
  • 一种热带灌木(尤其产自美洲),花黄色,叶大、可以产一种液汁、用于治疗金钱癣和有毒性的咬伤;有时归入决明属。
    tropical shrub (especially of Americas) having yellow flowers and large leaves whose juice is used as a cure for ringworm and poisonous bites; sometimes placed in genus Cassia.
  • 此外,他们还说,相比之下在阴天里,他们更容易见到别人现或者亲历"驾驶综合症",或者变得更加愤怒和充满敌意。
    Additionally, students were more likely to report observing aggressive driving, engaging in aggressive driving themselves, or having more feelings of anger and hostility on cloudy days than on sunny days.
  • 1976年9月22号清晨9:30,在巴西里约热内卢的saofranciscojavier医院有个叫罗纳尔多,露伊茨.纳扎里奥达利马的男孩生了,在他降临人世前,他家已经有了姐姐罗娜,和哥哥奈林荷。
    On 22nd September 1976, there was a boy called Ronaldo Luiz Nazario DaLima born at 9:30 am at Sao Francisco Javier hospital in Rio de Janerio, Brazil. Before his birth, his family had already a daughter, Lone, and a son, Nelinho.
  • 动防暴警察镇压示威者
    Order out the riot police to suppress the demonstrators
  • 王平:除此之外,“新北京”也要突人文关怀。
    Wang Ping: Additionally, the "New Beijing" should also give prominence to the humanistic care of them.
  • 叶子一下子长来了。呈现一片碧绿。
    The leaves have burst forth in a riot of green.
  • 军队奉召动去镇压暴动。
    The military were called out to put down the riot.
  • 暴徒们被强行驱逐广场。
    The rioters were forcibly removed from the plaza.
  • 比赛结束后,人们会冲家门,叫嚷着狂欢庆祝,不过有时只是发生在一些酒吧附近的喧闹和骚乱。
    When the game is over, riotous celebrations, or some- times just riots, break out in the neighbourhood with the most bars.
  • 这台机器使用来搅碎旧布并为织新布提供纤维的。
    The machine is used to rip up the documents.
  • 乎意料超、超过了期望值;另外
    Over and above what is expected; in addition.
  • 有一股海潮怒吼着,这可能使小船现危险。
    There's a tide rip out there that can give small boats a rough passage.
  • 我们相信石块迟早要把油箱砸洞来,或者损伤发动机。
    We felt sure that sooner or later a stone would rip a hold in our petrol tank or damage the engine.
  • 主考人员的任务并非要无情批驳你的论点,他们只是想对你文章的风格作评价。
    It is not the job of the examiners to rip your argument to pieces, only to set a value on your style.
  • 以增加的方式存在或现。
    existing or coming by way of addition.
  • 总数;合计进行加法计算后得的总和;总额
    An amount obtained by addition; a sum.
  • 生的弟弟使我们家多了一口人。
    Our baby brother is an addition to our family.
  • 早熟的在一年内现较早或成熟较早的,例如花朵或水果
    Appearing or ripening early in the year, as flowers or fruit.
  • 秋季来临时,玉米地里呈现丰收的景象。
    As autumn draws near, the cornfields show signs of ripeness.
  • 波恩的科学家已经解开了这个谜底:肉眼往往区分不水果的成熟度,但通过水果释放的乙烯,从声学角度探测,就能做到这一点。
    The scientists in Bonn have solved this mystery: differences in ripeness are often invisible, but can be detected acoustically in the form of ethylene.
  • 她在合计帐单时了差错。
    She make a mistake when adding up the bill.
  • 她在合计帐单时了差错。
    She made a mistake when adding up the bill.
  • 我们的机翼固定机枪发的子弹射入敌机机身。
    Bullets from our wing gun ripped into the enemy plane.
  • 难道医生就不应该将杀人者杰克(残害妇女的凶犯)送交警察,律师就不应该拒绝掩盖血迹斑斑的罪证,来指证他的当事人是残害他人的凶手吗?
    Is there not a point where a doctor should hand Jack the Ripper over to the police and a lawyer refuse to suppress the bloodstained evidence that proves his client a torturer?