  • 若能安排得法,能促进家庭的幸福与和谐;那么,“男主,女主外”,也何尝不是好事。
    If such an arrangement results in a blissful family, the switch of roles in which "the man looks after the house while the woman goes out to work" is not necessarily a bad thing.
  • 在资本主义世界,除了上述两大集团之外,还有第三个集团,这就是以美国为首的包括中美洲南美洲许多国家在的集团。
    Besides these two big blocs, there is a third bloc in the capitalist world, headed by the United States and including a number of Central and South American countries.
  • 欧盟十五个会员国的领袖们周一同意修改该组织的决策流程,并修订条约使欧盟能在未来数年能纳入最多达十二个新会员国,而这些新会员国大多为前共产集团的成员。
    Leaders of the15-nation European Union agreed Monday to revise the organization's decision-making process and overhaul its treaty to enable it to take in up to a dozen newcomers in the years ahead, mostly from the former Soviet bloc.
  • 这即是所谓线作战中的外线作战,“围剿”中的围剿,封锁中的封锁,防御中的进攻,劣势中的优势,弱者中的强者,不利中的有利,被动中的主动。
    This is what we call exterior-line operations within interior-line operations, encirclement and suppression within "encirclement and suppression", blockade within blockade, the offensive within the defensive, superiority within inferiority, strength within weakness, advantage within disadvantage, and initiative within passivity.
  • 威尔明顿北卡罗来纳州东南部城市,位于开普顿菲尔河上罗利市东南南方。1730年开始有移民,在美国战中被偷越封锁线的人用作港口。现在是制造业和旅游业中心,也是北卡罗来纳州的最大港口。人口55,530
    A city of southeast North Carolina on the Cape Fear River south-southeast of Raleigh. Settled c.1730, it was used as a port by blockade runners during the Civil War and is now a manufacturing and resort center and the state's largest port. Population,55, 530.
  • 对此的改善说服了dell签定了重大的合同:在未来7年购买一千六百万美元的ibm零部件。
    Improvements of this order recently helped persuade Dell to sign a blockbuster pact to buy $16 billion worth of IBM parts over the next seven years.
  • 由于中国地区广大、敌人兵力不足的矛盾情况,敌人是一般地不能采取中国战时国民党的堡垒主义的。
    Generally speaking, the Japanese cannot adopt the principle of blockhouse warfare, which the Kuomintang employed in the days of the civil war, because their forces are inadequate in relation to China's vast territory.
  • 血管的在多根或一根血管部的
    Within blood vessels or a blood vessel.
  • 税务署寄给我一张100多英镑的税单,不过他们不可能从石头里榨出油来,因为我并没有那么多钱。
    The Inland Revenue have sent me a tax bill for more than a hundred pounds, but they can't get blood out of a stone because I just haven't got the money.
  • 此外还有皇室因素:由于国没有身份相应的人,美国人贪婪地享受着最近引进的贵族丑闻。
    There's also the Royal Family element: lacking a domestic equivalent,Americans lap up the latest imported blue-blooded scandals.
  • 东帝汶、波斯尼亚和柬埔寨都非常感激和平部队协助他们停止国的血腥冲突。
    East Timor, Bosnia and Cambodia are grateful for the help in stopping the bloodshed.
  • 美国骂我们镇压学生,他们处理国学潮和骚乱,还不是出动了警察和军队,还不是抓人、流血?
    The United States has blamed us for suppressing the students. But didn't the U.S. itself call out police and troops to deal with student strikes and disturbances, and didn't that lead to arrests and bloodshed?
  • 淋巴结胞增多症一种以血液淋巴细胞异常增多为特征的症状,一般是感染或发炎导致的
    A condition marked by an abnormal increase in the number of lymphocytes in the bloodstream, usually resulting from infection or inflammation.
  • 酒精会立即到达胃中,被快速传到血液并在体循环。
    The alcohol goes immediately to your stomach and is quickly passed to your bloodstream and circulated throughout your body.
  • 在血液流回病人体之前把血流中的杂质和废物清除掉的仪器。
    a machine that uses dialysis to remove impurities and waste products from the bloodstream before returning the blood to the patient's body.
  • 旋毛线虫,毛线虫一种小型细长的寄生线虫(旋毛线虫毛线虫属),寄生在各种哺乳动物的肠,幼虫在血液中运动,定居在肌肉中间
    A small, slender parasitic nematode worm(Trichinella spiralis) that infests the intestines of various mammals and whose larvae move through the bloodstream, becoming encysted in muscles.
  • 玫瑰花开时园美丽诱人
    The garden looks lovely when the roses are in bloom
  • 在春季的短暂时间,这片地区则是百花盛开。
    But for a brief period in the spring, the whole landscape explodes into a multicoloured bloom.
  • 女用短衬裤以前妇女和姑娘们作为衣穿的长灯笼裤
    Long bloomers formerly worn as underwear by women and girls.
  • 园内春花盛开.
    The garden is blooming with spring flowers.
  • 穿在运动衫内的短衫
    A blouse worn under a jumper.
  • 通过鼻子向外呼气以达到鼻孔无障碍。
    free of obstruction by blowing air through.
  • 在跨度有两个明显的中心点且弧度比较平缓的拱。
    a blunt pointed arch drawn from two centers within the span.
  • 我可以原谅他的直言不讳,因为这与一种本质上的心善良有关
    I can forgive his bluntness because it is associated with a basic kindliness of spirit.
  • 在国民党统治区和各抗日根据地,由于只知道联合、不知道斗争和过分地估计了国民党的抗日性,因而模糊了国共两党的原则差别,否认统一战线下的独立自主的政策,迁就大地主大资产阶级,迁就国民党,甘愿束缚自己的手足,不敢放手发展抗日革命势力,不敢对国民党的反共限共政策作坚决斗争,这种右倾观点,过去曾经严重地存在过,现在已经基本上克服了。
    In the Kuomintang areas and the anti-Japanese base areas, the Rightist views which were once prevalent to a serious extent have now been basically overcome;those who held such views used to stress alliance to the exclusion of struggle and overestimate the Kuomintang's inclination to resist Japan, and they therefore blurred the difference in principle between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, rejected the policy of independence and initiative within the united front, appeased the big landlords and big bourgeoisie and the Kuomintang, and tied their own hands instead of boldly expanding the anti-Japanese revolutionary forces and conducting resolute struggle against the Kuomintang's policy of opposing and restricting the Communist Party.
  • 一种由紧身胸衣和展示多彩衣的罩裙构成的女服。
    a woman's costume with a tight bodice and an overskirt drawn back to reveal a colorful underskirt.
  • 衣上身衣服的上部,从肩部一直至腰线,尤指妇女的紧身胸衣
    The upper part of a garment, extending from the shoulders to the waistline, especially the bodice of a woman's dress.
  • 体液体所必需的液体
    An essential bodily fluid.
  • 脏身体部器官;
    Internal bodily organs; viscera.
  • 把某物排除或消除,比如可以排出体的液体或气体。
    eliminate, as of bodily substances.
  • 排出体废物的过程。
    the bodily process of discharging waste matter.
  • 第一次世界大战(1917)中的一次战斗;同盟国的进攻最终由于坦克在弗兰德斯浸透水的土壤停滞而失败;德国使用芥子气干扰同盟军队的炮兵。
    battle in World War I (1917); an Allied offensive which eventually failed because tanks bogged down in the waterlogged soil of Flanders; Germans introduced mustard gas which interfered with the Allied artillery.