  • 武器是战的重要的因素,但不是决定的因素,决定的因素是人不是物。
    Weapons are an important factor in war, but not the decisive factor; It is people, not things, that are decisive.
  • 抗日战中的决战问题
  • 那是一次决定性的战役我们就是由于那次战役的胜利而打赢了整个战
    It was a decisive battle--we won the war because of it.
  • 那是决定性的一仗;这一仗使他们赢得了战的胜利。
    It was a decisive battle; they won the war because of it.
  • 尤指通过辩或讨论的手段最终解决
    To settle decisively, especially by means of an argument or a discussion.
  • 公元前202年西皮奥在第二次迦太基战决定性战胜汉尼拔的战斗。
    the battle in 202 BC in which Scipio decisively defeated Hannibal at the end of the second Punic War.
  • 扎马北非一古老城镇,位于迦太基西南,在今突尼斯北部。在第二次布匿克战(公元前202年)的最后一战中,罗马军在此彻底地打败了汉尼拔的军队
    An ancient town of northern Africa southwest of Carthage in present-day northern Tunisia. The Romans decisively defeated Hannibal here in the final battle of the Second Punic War(202 b.c.).
  • 有帆和桨推动的在船尾和船首有大炮的单一甲板的大的原始的船;容纳个人;主要用于密西西比河的战和商业。
    a large single-decked medieval ship propelled by sails and oars with guns at stern and prow; a complement of 1,000 men; used mainly in the Mediterranean for war and trading.
  • 发动(战)发起和进行(战
    To declare and wage(a war).
  • 当m1带来竞后,收费率便逐渐下降。
    With increased competition from M1, rates have been declining gradually.
  • 东南亚制造商带来的新的竞对我们公司已经在不断减小的利润空间来说是一个沉重的打击。
    The new competition from Southeast Asian Manufacturers was a slap shot to our company's already declining profit margin.
  • 他在这场战中被授以勋位。
    He was decorated in the war.
  • ingolstadt,是一个聚集了众多权力的象征的城市。它的建筑还保留着战的痕迹。
    The city of Ingolstadt,conscious of gathering together so many signs of power, wanted to dedicate to military history one of its architectural jewels.
  • 对于我们,失败主义是罪恶,取抗日胜利是责无旁贷的。
    For us defeatism is a crime and to strive for victory in the War of Resistance is an inescapable duty.
  • 有的一度取消了人民武装与游击战,招致了人民的不满和失败情绪的增长,引起了一些混乱。
    Others abolished the people's armed forces and discarded guerrilla warfare, which caused dissatisfaction among the people, increased defeatist sentiments and brought about confusion.
  • 第一节游击战的战略防御
  • 这就是斗的防御性。
    Herein lies the defensive nature of our struggle.
  • 辩论往往很象论,假若你和班纳特小姐能够稍缓一下等我走出房间以后再,辩论那我是非常感激的。
    Arguments are too much like disputes. If you and Miss Bennet will defer yours till I am out of the room, I shall be very thankful;
  • 日本国度比较地小,其人力、军力、财力、物力均感缺乏,经不起长期的战
    Japan is a comparatively small country, deficient in manpower and in military, financial and material resources, and she cannot stand a long war.
  • 要看到我们各级干部指挥现代化战的能力都很不够,不要把自己的眼睛蒙住了。
    We should not close our eyes to the fact that our cadres at various levels are deficient in the ability to direct modern warfare.
  • 明确地规定只能用于局部战中的武器
    Define the weapons to be used in limited warfare.
  • 然而,在做战规划时,第一步往往是战略(或作战方案及目的)的制订和提出。
    However, when it comes to planning for war, the starting point for the whole exercise begins with defining and outlining the strategy (or battle plan and goals).
  • 整机厂家,如compaq和ibm,已经对intel在硬件生意中越来越大的主导作用引起了警惕,希望通过开发和定义pci-x和futurei/o为今后的输入/输出标准,并希望最终intel也支持这个标准,来得一些控制权。
    System vendors like Compaq and IBM -- already wary of Intel's growing dominance in the hardware business -- hope to wrest some control by developing and defining PCI-X and Future I/O as the next I/O standards, which they hope Intel will eventually support.
  • 如果我们按照教科书,找到什么是文学、什么是艺术的定义,然后按照它们来规定今天文艺运动的方针,来评判今天所发生的各种见解和论,这种方法是不正确的。
    We would be following a wrong method if we first looked up definitions of literature and art in textbooks and then used them to determine the guiding principles for the present-day literary and artistic movement and to judge the different opinions and con troversies that arise today.
  • 交战国应把解决执之事授权兴联合国。
    The belligerents should delegate the solution of the conflict to the United Nations.
  • 尽管当乔治以代表的身份前往费城参加第二次大陆会议时,玛萨仍然留在了维尔努,但在战年代,她常常陪伴丈夫前往司令部.1775年,玛萨在丈夫设在麻省剑桥的司令部度过了冬季,1776年春又陪他前往纽约。
    Even though Martha remained at Mount Vernon when George went to Philadelphia as a delegate to the Second Continental Congress, she frequently accompanied him to his headquarters during the war years. She spent the winter of 1775 at his headquarters in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and in the spring of 1776 she accompanied him to New York.
  • 这种伤害是故意的行为,常与作战及战有关。
    It is a deliberate action, often connected with battle and war.
  • 政府出於政治目的蓄意使战逐步升级
    The government is deliberately escalating the war for political reasons
  • 他特别爱读战故事。
    He took intense delight in stories of war.
  • 议地区的边境线。
    a delimited frontier through the disputed region.
  • 到1998年为止,戴尔的网上销售额达到每天一千四百万美元,在这一年中,公司的销售额和利润持续增长,但戴尔的大多数竞者的销售额要么保持水平,要么轻度下滑。
    By 1998, Dell's online sales were $14 million per day, and the company had increasing sales and profits during a year that was flat or slightly worse for most of Dell's competitors.
  • 迈克尔·戴尔总是在市场上观察他的主要竞对手--康柏和ibm。
    It is in the business market that Michael Dell has always seen his major competitors--Compaq and IBM.