  • 随着经济的恢复和发展,在全国范围内兴起了妇女走家门参加社会生产的热潮。
    Along with the economic rehabilitation and development, there appeared a nationwide upsurge of women stepping out of their homes to take part in social production.
  • 侧丝通常现于某些真菌、藻类和苔藓的生殖器官中的直立的不育花丝
    One of the erect, sterile filaments often occurring among the reproductive organs of certain fungi, algae, and mosses.
  • 文学艺术中对于古人和外国人的毫无批判的硬搬和模仿,乃是最没有息的最害人的文学教条主义和艺术教条主义。
    Uncritical transplantation or copying from the ancients and the foreigners is the most sterile and harmful dogmatism in literature and art.
  • 归根结底,我母亲是个非常色的妇女,性格坚强而纯正。
    But when all is said and done, my mother was a most remarkable woman, with a strong and sterling character.
  • 什么是资产阶级思想中需要坚决批判和防止蔓延的东西,什么是经济生活中需要坚决克服和抵制的资本主义倾向,如何正确地进行批判,还有必要继续进行研究并作妥善的规定,以防重犯过去的错误。
    We need to make further studies and correctly specify just what are the bourgeois ideas that should be sternly criticized and prevented from spreading, what are the capitalist tendencies in our economic life that should be firmly resisted and overcome, and what is the correct method of criticism. We must do this if we don't want to repeat past mistakes.
  • 然而两天后,国际奥委会就剥夺了他的金牌,并将他打发回老家,因为他在赛后被检查使用了类固醇禁药。
    Two days later, however, Johnson was stripped of his gold medal and sent packing by the IOC when his post-race drug test indicated steroid use.
  • 这两年朱棣文与崔琦连获诺贝尔奖,引起报章杂志上许多讨论:为什么还没有能获奖的作业在中国人的土地上现?
    With Steven Chu and Cui Qi receiving the Nobel Prize in the last two years, there has been much discussion in the newspapers and magazines on why there hasn't been any prize-winning work done on Chinese soil.
  • 你尝得炖肉里有大蒜味儿吗?
    Can you taste the garlic in this stew?
  • 钱短了一千美元, 纳员着急得要命。
    The cashier was stewing herself over the sum of 1, 000 which was missing.
  • 耶稣吩咐道:"现在舀来给管宴席的送去。"他们照耶稣的吩咐做了。
    "Now draw some off", he ordered, "and take it to the steward of the feast "and they did so.
  • 耶稣吩咐道:“现在舀来给管宴席的送去。”他们照耶稣的吩咐做了。
    "Now draw some off", he ordered,"and take it to the steward of the feast"and they did so.
  • 一上飞机,空中小姐就会先告诉你紧急口在哪里。
    When you board the plane the stewardess will show you where the emergency exits are.
  • 能源部、国防部秘书长的代表们基本上否定了国会指的中美之间有涉及核武器“储备、管理、安全和使用控制”等供国会禁止的合作项目。
    Representatives for the Secretaries of Defense and Energy essentially denied to Congress that there were, or ever had been, any US-PRC 'cooperative' programs involving nuclear weapons "stockpile stewardship safety and use control "for Congress to "prohibit."
  • 她愁出病来了。
    She stewed herself into an illness.
  • 她的耳朵向外突出。
    Her ears stick out.
  • 用棍将胡萝卜连根掘
    Grubbed carrots with a stick.
  • 请把舌头伸出来。
    Stick your tongue out, please.
  • 印花贴签(尤指售以捐助慈善事业的)
    Small decorative sticker like a postage stamp, esp one sold in aid of charity
  • 粘性物质,粘胶与某些树木渗的粘性物质相似的物质,如在粘性里
    A substance resembling the viscous substance exuded by certain plants, as in stickiness.
  • 树枝直挺挺地伸水面。
    The branch was sticking up out of the water.
  • 你口袋里伸来的是什么东西?
    What's that sticking out of your pocket?
  • 他看到水面上伸一根树枝。
    He saw a branch sticking up in the water.
  • 他坚持这个原则,写了更多歌曲。
    Sticking to this principle, he has written many more songs.
  • 在减少工作时数的问题上,工人们仍坚持他们的意见,不愿作让步。
    The workers are still sticking on the question of fewer working hours.
  • 我的上衣被一枚从墙上突来的钉子钩破了。
    I tore my coat on a nail that was sticking out from a wall.
  • 胶浆由此种渗液或其它粘性物质制成的胶粘剂的任一种
    Any of various adhesives made from such exudates or other sticky substance.
  •  其次,硅谷大力提倡、甚至鼓吹颂扬冒险精神,因此失败并不可怕,师不捷者也无人耻笑,反而会重整旗鼓、再接再厉。
    Secondly, it actively encourages, or even exalts, risk-taking. Hence, failure holds no terror and there is no stigma attached to a failed effort. On the contrary, they will try even harder next time round.
  • 她受到鼓励,重新作努力。
    She was stimulated into new efforts.
  • 必须提让工人分享公司的利润,以激发他们更加努力地工作。
    The workers must be stimulated into a greater effort by an offer to share in the firm's profits.
  • 笔者在此冒昧提如下建议,以期引起注意,并促进讨论。
    I venture to put forth the following suggestions aimed at stimulating greater awareness and debate thereon:
  • 笔者在此冒昧提如下建议,以期引起注意,并促进讨论。
    I venture to put forth the following suggestions aimed at stimulating greater care and debate thereon:
  • 通过刺激从潜在的或可能的状态中引的。
    called forth from a latent or potential state by stimulation.