  • 劳动力市场制度改革既保证了充分就业又可以增加劳动力市场的灵活性,同时还维护处于英国政府政策中心的主要社会目标。
    Reforms of labour market regulations have ensured both high employment and increased labour market flexibility whilst retaining the key social inclusion goals that are at the heart of UK government policy.
  • 处在这种情况下,常驻董事只好依法继续执行他的法定职责。虽然他可已经递上辞呈,但碍于第145节,辞职被视为无效。
    The 'reluctant' resident director would then be obliged to continue to discharge his statutory duties whilst remaining a director on record, notwithstanding that he may have tendered his resignation as a director, as such resignation would be deemed invalid by virtue of Section 145.
  • 虽然他可已经递上辞呈,但碍于第145节,辞职被视为无效。有鉴于此,读者在接受委任常驻董事一职时应三思,并考虑该公司及其股东的背景、商誉和业绩。
    The 'reluctant' resident director would then be obliged to continue to discharge his statutory duties whilst remaining a director on record, notwithstanding that he may have tendered his resignation as a director, as such resignation would be deemed invalid by virtue of Section 145. In the light of this, one should accept the appointment of a director only after careful consideration, taking into account the background, reputation and track record of the relevant company and its shareholders.
  • 想象力心智机产生想法、幻想、想象;想象,尤指有异想天开或空想的特性的
    The mental faculty through which whims, visions, and fantasies are summoned up; imagination, especially of a whimsical or fantastic nature.
  • 你太没男子汉气了,不凑齐该死的75英镑而这样哀诉。
    You aren’t man enough to scrape up a miserable seventy-five pounds without all this whining.
  • 当你最没料到的时候,他却突然提出一个答案。
    He has a way of whipping out a reply just when you least expect it.
  • 这汽车看上去不错。你让我试一试车再决定买不买吗?
    The car looks fine. Do you mind if I give it a whirl before I decide whether to buy it?
  • 一种小型旋风,将尘土、碎石、沙子卷得很高。
    a miniature whirlwind strong enough to whip dust and leaves and litter into the air.
  • 她只差一点儿就得到头奖了。
    She missed the first prize by a whisker.
  • 我到哪里买一些威士忌呢?
    Where can I get some whiskey?
  • 你认为你为我搞到些廉价的威士忌酒吗?
    Do you think you can lay hold of some cheap whiskey for me?
  • 除了那些博得女性喜欢的品质外,勒加特还是个打惠斯特牌的手。
    In addition to those qualities which please the softer sex, Legard was a good whist player.
  • [谚]一个人不同时又吹口哨又喝酒;一心不二用。
    A man cannot whistle and drink at the same time.
  • 啸鹟一种发出啭鸣高音的鸟类
    Any of various birds that produce a whistling sound.
  • 几种耳朵上有簇毛并发出口哨般声音的猫毛鹰。
    any of several small owls having ear tufts and a whistling call.
  • 另外还需要其它的东西,才够保证低延时交付实时数据流,可以是视频、话音或支持应用共享或白板会议的数据流。
    Something more is needed that can guarantee low-delay delivery of real-time streams -- be it video, voice or a datastream supporting application sharing or a whited-board conference.
  • 性是可实现的事情,是从成功中分离出的-a.n.怀特黑德。
    possibility is...achievability, abstracted from achievement- A.N.Whitehead.
  • 看到他们白眼球就可以射击。
    hold your fire until you can see the whites of their eyes; they retreated in the face of withering enemy fire.
  • 我们不掩饰他的罪行。
    Let's not whitewash the crimes of Stallin.
  • 我希望生活善待你。希望你好梦成真。祝愿你美满幸福。更要祝福你找到真爱.
    I hope life treats you kind. And I hope you have all you dreamed of. And I wish you joy and happiness. But above all this I wish you love. —Whitney Huston:I Will Always Love You
  • 不断增长的源成本使利润下降。
    Profits are whittle down by the ever-rising cost of energy.
  • 源成本的不断上升使利润下降。
    Profit is whittle down by the ever rising cost of energy.
  • 谁能说不会这样呢。
    Who knows but (that) it may be so?
  • 分清这些姑娘中谁是谁吗?
    Can you tell who is who among the girls?
  • 这能是谁呢?
    Who can that be?
  • 人生的完整性还在于学会勇敢面对人生悲剧而继续生存,够在失去亲人后依然表现出完整的个人风范。
    There is a wholeness about the man or woman who has learned that he or she is strong enough to go through a tragedy and survive,she can lose someone and still feel like a complete person.
  • 人生的完整性还在于一个男人或女人懂得这样一个道理:他(她)发现自己勇敢面对人生悲剧而继续生存,够在失去亲人后依然表现出一个完整的人的风范。
    There is a wholeness about the man or woman who has learned that he or she is strong enough to go through a tragedy and survive, she can lose someone and still feel like a complete person.
  • 西方民主那一套我们不照搬,中国的事情要根据自己的实际情况办。
    We cannot mechanically copy Western-style democracy, taking it over wholesale;
  • “你看,我们不再降价了,因为与批发商有协议,但我们可以免收额外的送货费。”“说的也是。我这就开支票给你。”
    “Look! I can’t lower the price any further because of an agreement with the wholesalers. But we’ll forget about any extra charges for delivery.” “Fair enough. I’ll write you a cheque. ”
  • 清水仍有颜色,例如,如果把铁盐溶解在水中,水便有颜色,但有益于卫生的水应是无色的。
    A clear water can still have colour if, for example, iron salts are dissolved in it; but wholesome water should be colorless.
  • 全部的或者部分的缺少或者没有听觉官
    lacking or deprive of the sense of hearing wholly or in part.
  • 朋友们:虽然你们中无人完全了解我此时心中的万千思绪。
    None of you, my friends, can wholly appreciate what is in my heart.