Chinese English Sentence:
  • 汽船出港了。
    The vessel steamed off.
  • 我们的船航时,海面逐渐风平浪静。
    The sea gradually calmed down as we steamed out.
  • 船起锚出港。
    The ship broke ground and steamed out of her port.
  • 热气从蒸汽机中放了来。
    The hot gas blew off from the steamer.
  • 轮船一开始卸货,全部的货就可以提供样品并售。
    The whole cargo can be sampled and sold the moment the steamer breaks bulk.
  • 他们给我们拿一满壶热气腾腾的咖啡。
    They brought us out a pot full of steaming coffee.
  • 女招待眨眼功夫便从厨房来,端来一份热气腾腾的午餐。
    The waitress appeared like magic from the kitchen with a steaming hot lunch.
  • 考虑到损坏是由于船公司粗暴装卸所致,我们向船公司提索赔。
    Considering the fact that the damage is due to rough hand by the steamship company, we claim with them for the loss.
  • 然后才出钢。
    The steel is then tapped.
  • 我们今晚去好好玩玩,以表庆贺。
    We are celebrating by steeping out to night.
  • 将茶叶泡在热水中,所需要的可溶性成份便从茶叶中萃取来,其中某些成份还是挥发性的。
    Desired soluble constituents, some of which are volatile, are extracted from tea leaves by steeping the leaves in hot water.
  • 如果茶壶不很热,那么在泡的过程中,水温会降得太低,达不到理想的泡
    Unless the pot is very hot, the temperature of the water will drop too low during steeping for the best extraction.
  • 不要为房子难卖去担心,我们的律师会帮你解决的。
    Don't worry about the difficulties of selling the house, our lawyer will steer you through.
  • 他的车子的导向系统了毛病。
    There was a foul-up in his car's steering mechanism.
  • 茎的属于茎的、有茎的或长在茎上的。特指茎上部生的叶子
    Of, having, or growing on a stem. Used especially of leaves arising from the upper part of a stem.
  • 所以在演结束,当我的名字与颂舞演员们的名字一同被点到,怀里拥满玫瑰时,那是多么令人吃惊。
    So it was a surprise to have my name called out at the end of the show along wit h the lead dances and to find my arms full of long?stemmed red roses.
  • 这位年轻人吸引史瓦布的地方,并非他的速记能力,而是他愿意多付一点点的进取心。
    It wasn't the fact that this young man was an extraordinary stenographer that got him attention.It was his habit of showing his personal initiative in going the extra mile.
  • 谁能查斯蒂芬的生日?
    Can anyone find out when Stephen’s birthday is?
  • 斯蒂芬克服重重困难,作了一项新的发明。
    Stephen carried the world before him with his new invention.
  • 斯蒂芬售她的房子时招引买主的手法十分高超。
    Stephen used a highly successful come-on when she sold her house.
  • 不要担心斯蒂芬可能会干挑衅性的事来——他胆小如鼠。
    Don't worry that Stephen might be aggressive-he's afraid of his own shadow.
  • 我很欣赏斯蒂芬提的改进方案,它似乎很有价值。
    I really like Stephen’s plan for improvements; it has a true ring to it.
  • 这本传记的书名为《斯蒂芬·f·奥斯订:得克萨斯州的创业者》。这本书将于今年10月由耶鲁大学版社版。
    Titled Stephen F.Austin: Empresario of Texas, it will be released this October by Yale University Press.
  • 这对双胞胎的母亲提醒我斯蒂芬的头发黑一些,可是我仍然分辨不
    The twins' mother reminded me that Stephen had the darker hair, but I still was not able to tell the difference between them.
  • 一步行走时跨的一步;一大步
    A step made in walking; a stride.
  • 10英尺;然后在地上做个记号。
    Stepped out ten feet and then put a mark in the ground.
  • 他退出了毒品交易。
    He stepped back from narcotic drugs sales.
  • 租车停了下来,他们就坐了进去。
    The taxi stopped and they stepped into it.
  • 我们快活地走家门去呼吸清新的空气。
    we stepped out into the clear air buoyantly.
  • 会议期间,他去抽了支烟。
    He stepped outside for a smoke during the meeting.
  • 他们今晚将去快活一番,庆祝庆祝。
    They are celebrating by stepping out tonight.
  • 他说他不想跨大门去买食品。
    He says he doesn't miss stepping out into the world to shop for food.