  • yòu xiē huò chuán yīn tiān 'è liè 'ér néng jìn mǒu xiē shù yuè zhī jiǔ
    Some cargo vessels were weathered out of some base for several months.
  • kǎn xià de cái liàng gān zhī hòu cái néng shǐ yòng
    Trees which have been cut down cannot be used until they have been weathered.
  • yòng tcp/ip xié tōng guò web liú lǎn jiù néng cóng web sòng jiē shōu xìn
    Information can be sent and received to and from the Web server using TCP/IP with a Web browser.
  • néng yòng lái shǐ web gào yòng shàng men kàn guò miàn zhī hòuduì zhè xiē miàn yòu zēng jiā liǎo shénme nèi róng
    This could be used to have Web servers tell users what has been added to Web pages since the last time they've been viewed.
  • péng yǒu wéi jīn wǎn lái ài sēn néng huì lái shì zhī dào zhè rén de
    Jimmy: Is your friend Webster coming tonight? Allison: He might drop in. You know what he is.
  • merriamwebster wéi diǎn zhù jiě widower yòng méi yòu widow biàn shì yīn wéi nán rén tài néng àn de pèi 'ǒu lái shí bié
    Merriam Webster notes that widower is less common than widow, probably because men are less likely to be identified in terms of their spouse.
  • zhí jiànshénme néng ràng gǎi biàn
    He is wedded to his own opinion and nothing can change him.
  • zhí jiànshénme néng shǐ gǎi biàn
    He is wed to his own opinion and nothing can change him.
  • néng gòu shǐ de dǐng céng sōng ruǎn de fēng gāng xiē
    a sharp steel wedge that cuts loose the top layer of soil.
  • shān bèi jǐn jǐn zài jiǎo , dòng dōubù néng dòng
    Susan was wedged in the corner so tightly that she could not move
  • 5 yuè 5 měi guó jīng xué jiā liǎo men de xiàng zuì xīn yán jiū jié lùnzài wèi hūn zhè qún zhōngshēng nán hái de xìng jià gěi hái qīn de jīlǜ shēng hái de xìng men gèng yòu néng wéi de hái gòu jiàn wán zhěng de jiā tíng
    A woman who has a boy out of wedlock is much more likely to marry the father than if she has a girl, U.S. economists reported on Monday.
  • zhè shèng dàn lǎo rén héng héng suī rán céng shuō méi yòu xiè cái néng héng héng què zài shèng dàn jié zǎo shàng duǎn duǎn shí jiān nèi zhuāng liǎo xíng chēxiǎo huò chē
    The Santa who -- despite his utter lack of mechanical skills -- put together bicycles, wagons and otehr miscellaneous items during the wee hours of Christmas mornings.
  • dàn yuàn néng yān jiè diào
    I wish I could give up the weed, ie stop smoking.
  • zhè zhǒng huà xué yào pǐn néng kòng zhì cǎo de shēngzhǎng
    This chemical will keep the weeds down.
  • xiǎng zhè xiē dōng néng ràng zài zhī chēng hǎo xīng liǎo
    I could go a couple more weeks."
  • chū liǎo zhǒng guài de tiáozhì pǐndàn méi yòu yàng néng de yào qiú
    She produced all sorts of weird concoctions, but none of them met with Harry's requirements.
  • dāng yuán men hái zài huòzhè duì men néng wèi zhe shénme shíwéi 'ěr wéi gǎi zuò hǎo liǎo zhǔn bèi
    As employees puzzled over what this might mean for them,Welch cleared the decks for transformation.
  • duì shǎo shù xìng yùn de rén lái shuō hǎo lāi de xīng 60 suì de 'ěr · wéi 'ěr , 66 suì de suǒ fěi · luó lán 64 suì de luó · léi men nèi xiāng guān yuán de jūn héng xìng zhèng hǎo ràng men néng qīng chūn yǒng zhù
    For the lucky few, such as Hollywood greats Raquel Welch, 60, Sophia Loren, 66, and Robert Redford, 64, the chemical balance appears just right to help retain their youthful looks.
  • zhèng néng quán guó rén mín tuán jié zài miàn duì qián miàn de kùn nán
    The government can weld the nation together to face the difficulties ahead.
  • zhǐ yòu zhèng de jiān jué xíng dòng cái néng shǐ guó jiā jǐn tuán jié zài gòng tóng duì miàn lín de kùn nán
    Only firm action by the government can weld the nation together to face the troubles ahead.
  • hěn néng shì ...
    It may well be that...
  • míng tiān néng lái
    I can't very well manage to come tomorrow.
  • zài pín de rǎng zhōng néng shēngzhǎng yān cǎo jié de shí lái yuán jié de yóu jǐng
    impossible to grow tobacco on the exhausted soil; the exhausted food sources; exhausted oil wells.
  • jǐng chá zhěng tiān rén lèi xíng wéi de chǒu 'è miàn jiāo dào néng gǎn dào jīn jīn yòu wèi
    Can a policemen possibly enjoy weltering in the dirty side of human behavior?
  • shì xiāng xià niàncóng kào zhuāng bàn měi shì dàn de měi liú pàn néng shǐ suǒ yòu de měi róng shù 'àn rán
    Is a Country Wench, that is so far from making herself beautiful by art that one look of hers is able to put all face-physick out of countenance.
  • néng tīng dào yíng fáng de xuān nào shēng miàn dēng guāng tōng míngrén men dào chù luàn páo
    Lights were blazing and men were run away.
  • xiāng gǎng de zhì néng wán quán huà néng zhào bān fāng de tào
    Furthermore, Hong Kong's system of government should not be completely Westernized; no Western system can be copied in total.
  • qiě liǎo máo bǐng wén xiáng zài xiàng kǒng miàn zhāng huī zàntán dào yuángōng bǐng fān sān shī zhōng jué shèng néng zuì hòu jiě jué wèn
    Furthermore, if we were to attack Mao Ping-wen and Hsu Keh-hsiang and then drive westward, the three enemy divisions in the west under Chang Hui-tsan, Tan Tao-yuan and Kung Ping-fan might join forces, thus making it difficult for us to win victory and impossible to bring the issue to a final solution.
  • bié shǎ liǎo dāng rán néng zuò dào
    Don't be so wet! Of course you can do it.
  • rén lèi huò néng qīn yǎn jiàn dào jīng de miè jué
    We may live to see the extinction of the whale.
  • zhè xiē fèi néng gào men duō shǎo shì qíng 'ā !
    What those ruins could tell us!
  • zuò shuō guò deshuō néng zuò de
    Do what you say,say what you do