  • 被围在斯大林格勒的军队不能突围去。
    The armies encircled at Stalingrad were not able to break out.
  • 那个队员故意踢球界,以拖延时间。
    The player kicked the ball out deliberately to stall for time.
  • 货摊一个陈列和售商品的小摊或售货台
    A small stall or stand for the display and sale of goods.
  • 蹄叉腐祖通常由于马厩内不卫生而引起的一种马蹄楔的感染,特征是流有恶臭的脓
    An infection of the frog of a horse's foot, characterized by a foul-smelling discharge and often resulting from unhygienic stall conditions.
  • 刚一打开正厅的门,我们就不得不站住,让玛格丽特和公爵走去。
    We had barely opened the door leading out of the orchestra stalls when we were forced to stop and make way for Marguerite and the Duke who were leaving.
  • 表现掌握英语的充足的毅力
    exhibit enough stamina to master English
  • 红军必须在边界这等地方,下斗争的决心,有耐战的勇气,才能增加武器,练好兵。
    Only through the determination to fight and stamina in fighting in places such as the border area can the Red Army add to its arms and train up good men.
  • 席婚礼的有三对父母:我与我的第二个妻子,我前妻与她的配偶;还有新郎的父母,他们实际上已结婚都24年了。
    The wedding consisted of three sets of parents: my second wife and me, my ex-wife and her spouse, and the groom's parents who actually had the stamina to stay married to each other for twenty-four years.
  • 没等托尼结结巴巴地说一声谢谢,她已经走开了。
    Before Tony could stammer out his thanks, she walked away.
  • 他吞吞吐吐地说两三句话。
    He stammered outa few words.
  • 他结结巴巴地说了请求。
    He stammered out his request.
  • 他脸色发白,双唇颤抖,结结巴巴地说了这一可怕的消息。
    His face pale as death, and his lips trembling, he stammered out the dreadful news.
  • 她用脚在雪地踩`SOS'这三个字母。
    She stamped out the letters 'SOS' in the snow.
  • 一群惊惶失措的人们, 从失火的旅馆中跑了来。
    There was a stampede of panic-stricken crowd from the burning hotel.
  • 歌手现时观众向台前涌去。
    There is a stampede towards the stage when the singer appear.
  • 歌手现时观众向台前涌去
    There was a stampede towards the stage when the singer appeared
  • 当他大喊“火”时在口有一阵惊跑。
    when he shouted `fire' there was a stampede to the exits.
  • 当母亲说我们已经吃够了时,我们便撒腿冲向了厨房,那声响如同自一群惊慌失措的牲口。
    When my mother told us we had eaten enough, it sounded like a stampede of cattle as we raced for the kitchen.
  • 骑手将绳盘绕在手上,准备好把它扔去以套住惊马。
    The rider coiled the rope up, ready to throw it to catch the stampeded horse.
  • 压印器一种在表面上打印图案的工具
    A tool for stamping a design on a surface.
  • 在和平会谈中采取决不妥协的姿态;显示坚定的诚实品质
    Took an uncompromising stance during the peace talks; displayed uncompromising honesty.
  • 江说,中国政府在声明中和有关交涉中,严正地表明了立场,明确地提了要求。
    The Chinese Government has solemnly expressed its stance and made its demands clear in its statement and relevant representations, Jiang said.
  • 对于一切国际事务,坚持从中国人民和世界人民的根本利益发,根据事情本身的是非曲直来决定自己的立场和政策。
    China will decide its stance and policy on all international issues proceeding from the fundamental interests of the Chinese people and the people all over the world and according to the rights or wrongs of the matter itself.
  • 准备放出救生艇
    Stand by the lifeboats
  • 对自已的工作提高标准的要求
    set a highstandardfor one's work
  • 由于管理多个目标是很费钱的,而且没有一个目录标准,实际上就不可能保持多个目录中信息的一致,故现了标准。
    The standards emerged because managing multiple directories was expensive -- and without a directory standard, it's virtually impossible to keep information in multiple directories consistent.
  • 教师们对分数贬值有种种怨言,甚至连那些名牌大学也同样存在维持标准的困难,其中最突的问题是学生债务增加造成的影响。
    Among the standard complaints of grade inflation and the difficulties that even leading universities are having in maintaining standards, the issue that stood out was the impact of rising student debt.
  • 再培训局为不同课程设立课程指导小组,在课程重组、单元化、标准化及统一考核机制等方面提建议。
    Moreover, the board has set up Course Steering Groups in respect of different training programmes for the purpose of course restructuring, modularising, standardisation and development of a common assessment system.
  • 截至2001年,91个会员国已表示愿意同联合国作待命安排。
    By 2001, 91 Member States had expressed their willingness to enter into standby arrangements with the UN.
  • 当ap开始退而其standbyap开始运行时,最多将有8个rcs进行快速失败切换。
    A maximum of eight RCSs will Quick Failover when and AP goes down and the STANDBY AP comes up.
  • 钱的确是造来的,正是由于对钱的幻觉以及无知使得人们不敢去“造钱”。
    Money is really made up. It was only because of the illusion of confidence and the ignorance of the masses that the house of cards stood standing.
  • 租汽车停车场在什么地方?
    Where is the taxi standing?