  • 只要我找到我的钱夹子就行。
    If I can find my wallet.
  • 噢,只要我找到我的钱夹子就行。
    Mmm, if I can find my wallet.
  • 很可他再也见不到自己的钱夹了。
    He will probably never see his wallet again.
  • 她越是长期不摆脱有罪的感觉,就越难以重新做人。
    The longer she wallows in feelings of guilt the harder it will be for her to make a fresh start.
  • 找到和这种壁纸相配的吗?
    Can you match this wallpaper?
  • 你不相信老澳尔特近来对你讲的一切,因为他神志不清。
    You can't believe everything old Walter says these days because he's not quite right, in the head.
  • 我们不大摇大摆走到素不相识的人面前。
    We can't just waltz up to a complete stranger.
  • 如果我魔杖一挥就让你再好起来,我一定会那样做的。
    If I could wave a wand to make you better again, I would.
  • 你可以你的花园而骄傲,但是你应该看看我邻居的花园。
    You may be proud of your garden, but you wand to see my neighbour's.
  • 这一点得靠你自己克服。如果我有绝招让人再好一些,我会那么做。
    You've got to overcome this yourself. If I could wave a wand and make you better again, I would.
  • 我很想去看明天的比赛--你找个词儿安排一下吗?
    I'd love to go to the match tomorrow do you think you can wangle it?
  • 我完全相信你设法从他口中套出这项情报来。
    I'm sure you can wangle the information out of him.
  • 她总是够靠不正当的手段获得要人的邀请。
    She's always wangling invitations our of important people.
  • 只有配偶的愿望得以满足,我们才获得我们所需。
    We cannot obtain what we want unless our partner also gets what he or she wants.
  • 他又想要有稳定的收入,又不想工作。他不两者兼得。
    He wants a regular income but doesn't want to work. He can't have his cake and eat it!
  • 叔本华说过:"一个人做他想做的,但不要他想要的。"从年轻时起这句话就一直深深地激励着我。
    Schopenhauer's saying," A man can do what he wants,but not want what he wants,"has been a very real in spiration to me since my youth;
  • “噢,我多么希望有一把琴啊!”
    Oh, how I wanted one!
  • 他们可是想知道你什么时候回家。
    They may be wanting to know when you leave for home.
  • 在北约继续狂轰滥炸的情况下,不可在联合国讨论任何政治解决方案。
    No political solution can be discussed at the United Nations under the circumstances where NATO's wanton bombing continues.
  • 美国人民是否很好地与别国人民携手合作,来共同防止人口过剩、资源枯竭、污染的灾害和恣意挥霍浪费人类财富(这一系列问题正是解决许多突出的经济、社会和政治问题的基础)?
    Are the Americans apt enough to cooperate with other peoples to prevent over-population, resource exhaustion, the catastrophe of pollution and the wanton waste of wealth-problems which are basic to the solution of many outstanding economic, social and political problems?
  • 凯特-布莱维特等人企图通过展示并渲染这位病重儿童的病状来说明一些女婴在福利院受虐待致死,用这种编造肆意对观众进行欺骗和误导,不不使人感到气愤。
    By playing up the condition of the sick child, Blewett and others intended to say that girls were systematically abused to death in the welfare homes. Using wanton fabrication to cheat and mislead viewers cannot but arouse indignation among the people.
  • 在家庭中,最大或最小的孩子都可得到优遇。唯有居中的子女容易受到忘却,但他们却往往是最有出息的。
    A man shall see, where there is a house full of children, one or two of the eldest respected, and the youngest made wantons; but in the midst, some that are as it were forgotten, who many times, nevertheless, prove the best.
  • 热带亚洲的莺,将叶子缝起来做成或隐蔽其巢穴。
    tropical Asian warbler that stitches leaves together to form and conceal its nest.
  • 她可是管理员,但我们是付她劳务费的,因此我们为什么要讨好她呢?
    She may be the Warden, but we pay for her services so why should we sit up and beg?
  • 一天晚上,他拖着又累又饿的身躯来到这里,身后紧跟着狱警,当时我们做什么呢?
    When he dragged himself here one night, weary and starving, with the warders hard at his heels, what could we do?
  • 充斥著不再穿的衣物的衣柜
    A wardrobe full of clothes that are no longer wearable
  • 除了外国山龟,升级为妈妈的身分,也督促我要努力维持热闹过年的优良美德。今年女儿已长成会指着衣柜坚持要穿“美美”的两岁小娃娃,最近她一睁开眼睛,我就将平日元气十足的“早安”问候语换成两手抱拳的“恭喜恭喜”,经此密集训练,相信这个可爱的娃娃必成为超级的“红包摇钱树”。
    I am now a proud mother of a two-year-old girl who indicates her wish to "look pretty " by pointing at the wardrobe. I intend to carry on this fine tradition of having a fun-filled Chinese New Year. Instead of the usual "Good Morning" greeting when she wakes up, I have been saying "Gongxi Gongxi" to her in folded hands. With such intensive drill, I am confident collecting hongbaos will be a piece of cake.
  • 集成电路之间的功区别使得硬件系统与软件一样发展。
    The functional distinction of IC's allows hardware to be developed in much the same manner as soft- ware.
  • 因此,it部门必须以不同的方式处置仓库管理,需要智的仓库管理系统。
    As a result, IT must handle warehouse management differently.You need an intelligent warehouse management system.
  • 数据挖掘,你可已经听说过,或者你可听说过数据仓储。
    Data Mining.You've probably heard of it.Or maybe you've heard of data warehousing.
  • 我们应该是地球上为了战争的目的而同意使用原子的最后几个人。
    We shall be the last persons on earth to approve of the use of atomic energy for warlike purpose.
  • 接通电源后,水越来越热,这表明电已变成了热
    When the switch is turned on water gets warmer and warmer which shows that electric energy has changed into heat energy.