  • 她是位好医生,因为她在护理病人方面具有真正的才
    She's a good doctor because she has a real vocation for looking after the sick.
  • 然而,人们对早期的家庭手工业依然记忆犹新,诸如“9点至5点”之类的职工组织已经在对可受到剥削的远距离工作者表示关切了。
    However the memories of earlier cottage industries live on, and already clerical organizations like "9 to 5" are voicing concern for exploitable telecommuters.
  • 因为伤害或者疾病而没有了声音,只耳语。
    being voiceless through injury or illness and thus incapable of all but whispered speech.
  • 使与碳化合使(例如,一种气体)与易挥发的碳氢化合物结合或混合,以增加燃料的可用
    To combine or mix(a gas, for example) with volatile hydrocarbons, so as to increase available fuel energy.
  • 亚洲常绿树种,略带绿色的芬芳黄花,产一种挥发性的油;热带地区的一种装饰用树种。
    evergreen Asian tree with aromatic greenish-yellow flowers yielding a volatile oil; widely grown in the tropics as an ornamental.
  • 正如国际货币基金组织在最近的评估中指出,香港的银行体系足有力抵御近期金融市场波动所带来的冲击。
    As IMF noted in its recent assessment, the banking system in Hong Kong will be able to withstand the effects of the recent financial market volatility.
  • 金融市场自由化虽然带来莫大的裨益,但这必须建基於健全的金融体系,才应付资金流量的波动。
    While there are enormous benefits from financial liberalisation, this must be built upon a robust financial system in order to cope with the volatility associated with capital flows.
  • 杰基和我们生活了许多年,虽然它是我们曾经养过的最聪明的狗,但我们再也没说服它表演马戏班绝技。
    Jacky lived with us for many years,and although he was the smartest dog we ever had,we could never persuade him to perform circus tricks again.
  • 决心,意志人慎重地选择或决定采取一系列行动的精神力;意志力
    The mental faculty by which one deliberately chooses or decides upon a course of action; volition.
  • 粒子的量超过成千上万电子伏特的基本粒子的
    Of or relating to elementary particles with energies exceeding hundreds of thousands of electron volts.
  • 从一个在电路中产生电流的源头中获得量的几率;用伏特表示。
    the rate at which energy is drawn from a source that produces a flow of electricity in a circuit; expressed in volts.
  • 够产生电压信号的电器装置。
    an electronic device for producing a signal voltage.
  • 够以毫伏计量的灵敏伏特计。
    a sensitive voltmeter that can measure voltage in millivolts.
  • 容积这种力的大小;体积
    A measure of this ability; volume.
  • 122.香港向来发展迅速,所以源和其他资源的消耗量相当惊人。
    122. A place which develops as quickly as Hong Kong is bound to be a voracious consumer of energy and of other resources.
  • 每个选民只投一个候选人的票,得票最多的候选人当选。
    Each voter can vote for only one candidate, and the candidate who receives the largest number of votes is elected.
  • 许多省份对外出务工、经商不回村参加投票选举的村民,实行“函投”,以保障他们的选举权利。
    Given the fact that some villagers are working or doing business far away and cannot return for voting, many localities have introduced the method of voting by mail to safeguard these people's right to vote.
  • 只有选票使你们的人当选。
    Only votes can get your men in.
  • 投票否定他的建议,可性不大。
    Fat chance of voting out his suggestion.
  • 政府可由于重新组织选区而丧失席位。
    The government might lose seats by the reorganization of voting areas.
  • 担保他从来没有到那儿去过。
    I can vouch for it that he has never been there.
  • 不管怎样,对他的付款力我们不愿作出担保。
    Be that as it may, we do not vouch for his ability to pay.
  • 候选人良好的记录证实了她的
    A candidate whose strong record vouches for her ability.
  • 税务局:提供你们与大厦工程有关的凭证和合同吗?
    Tax official: Could you provide the account, voucher, and contract in relation to the building project?
  • 桑德拉说:“我够更自如地表现自己柔弱、易挫的一面,它可以使我自信地说:‘这就是我’”。
    " I've become morecomfortable with showing my weakness and my vulnerability.It's given me confidence to say, 'this is who I am.'" said Sandra.
  • 他必须对国家所忧虑的事以及其种种弱点培养出本的认识,不管隐患是来自政治、经济、社会或科技方面。
    He needs to develop instincts about the concerns and vulnerabilities of his country, whether the threats be political, economic, social or technological.
  • 如果你不理解这些理论,那么你可会受其中最坏的一门哲学所蛊惑。
    If you do not understand their theories, you are vulnerable to the worst among them.
  • 对这类赞美越是不接受,承受评价与侮辱的力就越强。
    The more instances in which we don't Take the compliment, the less vulnerable we become to evaluation and insult.
  • 政府继续提供额外支援,提高本港弱势社?的就业力。
    The Government has continued to offer extra help to enhance the employability of the more vulnerable groups in the community.
  • 有些探头只收集网络使用率达30%的数据,这样当网络在峰值应用时,容易出问题。
    Some probes collect data only up to 30% utilization of the network, leaving you vulnerable when your network is in peak use.
  • 我们髂过这条小河吗?
    Can we wade the brook?
  • 我不涉水或游泳;你把我送到对岸吗?
    I can't wade or swim; can you put me across?