  • 杰克在门赴女友的约会之前将自己打扮一番。
    Jack spruced himself up before he went out on his date.
  • 过去的十年里,雨后春笋般冒了许多百万富翁。
    Many millionaires have sprung up in the last ten years.
  • 干旱的沙漠上冒了一座座城市。
    Towns had sprung up in what was a dry desert.
  • 在这些山区,现了10来个城镇。
    A dozen new towns have sprung up in these mountainous areas.
  • 伴随计算机革命的到来,新一代思想家已经脱颖而
    A new generation or visionaries has sprung up,enabled by the computer revolution.
  • 老太太已用棉线织了好几码布了。
    The old lady has spun yards of cloth from cotton thread.
  • 小块物质被太阳抛来,形成了各行星。
    Tiny pieces of substance were spun off by the sun to form the planets.
  • 蜘蛛吐的能捕食昆虫的网(或类似物)。
    a web spun by spiders to trap insect prey (or something resembling such a web).
  • 他鼓起勇气,说了真相。
    He got his spunk up and told the truth.
  • 他大多数的饭后故事都是即兴编的。
    Most of his after-dinner stories were thought up on the spur of the moment.
  • 他经过一家旅行社时,一时兴起,决定外度假。
    At he was passing a travel agency, he decided on the spur of the moment to go away for a holiday.
  • 柏柯夫希望对动物感情有了更多理解后,就应制定正确对待动物的更严格规则。这些规则无论是在动物园、马戏团、农场、还是在普通人家的院内都适用。
    Bekoff, hopes that greater understanding of what animals are feeling will spur more stringent rules on how animals should be treated, everywhere frm
  • 当你的热忱高涨时,可将它记在记事簿里,记录激发热忱的环境,以及因为热忱而表现来的举动:你会因为被激励而展开行动吗?
    When your enthusiasm runs high, make a not e of it in a notebook. Write down the circumstances that inspired you and the manifestations of that enthusiasm. Were you spurred to action?
  • 水喷射而出。
    The water came out with a spurt.
  • 血从伤口涌出。
    Blood spurted out from the wound.
  • 从茶壶冒的一股蒸气。
    a spurt of steam from the teapot.
  • ,喷射飞快的移动或流动;冲或喷射
    A swift movement or flow; a rush or spurt.
  • 水从断裂的水管中喷
    Water spurted from the broken pipe.
  • 血从受伤处喷出来。
    Blood is spurting out from the wound.
  • 他没有话答,只是笑,笑到嘴里含的一口饭都喷来,撒得满桌上,还是吃吃不休。
    He did not answer but broke into laughter, sputtering his mouthful of food all over the table; He continued to eat without pause.
  • "有个地方着火了--好多人呢--我想我把他们都救来了,"她语无伦次地说。
    “ There was a fire-- so many people-- I think I saved them all,” she sputtered.
  • 这老人想把痰咯来但他不能。
    The old man tried to spit up sputum, but he could not.
  • 气管炎的一种,突症状是多痰,导致慢性咳嗽和气流阻塞。
    a form of bronchitis characterized by excess production of sputum leading to a chronic cough and obstruction of air flow.
  • 探出敌人的一个秘密
    Spy out a secret of the enemy
  • 那名间谍把他的同夥卖给警方。
    The spy sold his associates to the police.
  • 不要干预他们的争吵--让他们争个水落石
    Don't interfere in their squabble--let them fight it out among themselves.
  • 防暴队奉命动以对付这一局势。
    Anti- riot squad is called out to deal with the situation.
  • 由于罗纳尔多的色表现,他被选入巴西国家足球对。
    Owing to his fantastic performance, Ronaldo got the call-up to the full Brazil national squad.
  • 但不幸的是,敌军士兵射的子弹已经击中了班长。
    Death seeks a companion. A round fired by the enemy soldier has hit the squad leader.
  • 空军中队正作好准备,待命发执行任务。
    The air squadron is standing by, waiting for the order to start on a mission.
  • 在黑板上画一个正方形
    Marked a square on the board.
  • 有的人干脆认为造成口下降的原因是横扫亚洲许多国家的金融危机。
    Some lay the blame for falling exports squarely on financial turmoil sweeping many Asian countries.