  • 口才或机智的炫耀辉煌灿烂,天花乱坠,尤指在口才或才智,以及艺术表演中的艺术表现
    A brilliant display, as of rhetoric or wit, or of virtuosity in the performing arts.
  • 温哥华民族音乐节艺术总监duggsimpson先生写到"我第一次见到刘芳的琵琶及古筝表演就不不为她精湛的技艺及高超的演奏家风范所震憾..."
    "The first time I saw Fang perform, I was amazed at her discipline and her level of virtuosity on the pipa and guzheng...."- Dugg Simpson, Artistic director, Vancouver Folk Music Festival.
  • 一位校长在他的推荐书中写着:“她配合课文主题,让学生在潜移默化中学习做人的道理。”
    One principal stated in his nomination: "This teacher always makes creative use of ideas from the text books to enable her students to learn and acquire inperceptibly virtuous qualities of human behaviours."
  • 有时,这些危险的债务结构可造成良性循环,使经济方面的良好发展导致债务负担的结构性缩减,但是一旦外界环境发生改变,它们可会迅速转变为恶性循环。
    Sometimes these risky debt structures can create virtuous circles in which good economic news causes structural reductions in the debt burden, but they can quickly change into vicious circles when external conditions change.
  • 多数病毒只在极小的范围内传播。
    Most new viruses never spread beyond a few machines.
  • 甚至还有些质遣极高的病毒在几年里传播到全世界。
    Even some successful viruses took years to spread round the world.
  • 引起皮肤水泡的动物病毒。
    any of the animal viruses that cause painful blisters on the skin.
  • 我们得简化手续才将你的签证及时办妥.
    We've had to cut a few corners to get your visa ready in time.
  • 她总是用包头巾围包著,没有任何男人看见她的容貌。
    She is always wimpled that no man can see her visage.
  • 如果你饮酒失去控制,你就不控制你在聚会上的举止,反之亦然。
    If you lose control of your drinking,you lose control of your partying,vise versa31.
  • 雾天能见度很低。
    Fog restricted visibility.
  • 能见度很低。
    The visibility is rather low.
  • 大气的湿气或灰尘或烟尘造成的见度降低。
    atmospheric moisture or dust or smoke that causes reduced visibility.
  • 空气中的污染降低了机场附近的见度
    Pollution in the air reduced the visibility near the airport.
  • 尽管见度极差,飞机由雷达导航返航了。
    The pilot homed in by means of radar, despite the poor visibility.
  • 浓雾笼罩了北部的公路,见度很低
    Dense fog is covering road in the north and visibility is very poor
  • 雾非常浓,见度降到了只有十米。
    The mist was so thick that visibility was down to only ten metres.
  • 由于见度极好,我们看到了壮丽的山景。
    We had a splendid view of the mountains because of the very good visibility.
  • 然而,见不到的东西是不管理的,网络探头提供了这种可见性。
    You can't manage what you can't see, however, and network probes provide that visibility.
  • 与可见光有关的量。
    the energy associated with visible light.
  • 任何作为可见光源的装置。
    any device serving as a source of visible light.
  • 任何无助于达到这一目的的才,都不算作财富。
    and any qualities not tending visibly to that object are scarcely so regarded at all.
  • 2.想像力——将是一种需要。
    2.Visionary skills will be in demand.
  • 尽管老空想家轻视自然主义艺术,但对其作品却惠眼识真金。
    In spite of his contempt for naturalistic art, the old visionary knew a good thing when he saw it.
  • 安排我们明天参观上海工业展览会吗?
    Can you arrange for us to visit( our visiting) the Shanghai Industrial Exhibition tomorrow?
  • 我对这些景物的布局十分好奇,中国工匠创造力真强,在微小的园林中创造出千百个甚至更多的风景画。
    I'm really curious about how they were arranged. Chinese workmen were so creative that they made thousands or even more vistas in those tiny gardens.
  • (物理学)够刺激视觉的电磁辐射。
    (physics) electromagnetic radiation that can produce a visual sensation.
  • 我不想像我有朝一日结婚.
    I can't visualize myself ever getting married.
  • 想像生活在二十一世纪的情形吗?
    Can you visualize what it will be like to live in the 21st century?
  • 截至一九九九年十二月,本港共有62所特殊学校,包括一所医院学校,以及为视觉受损、听觉受损、身体弱、弱智或有适应困难儿童而设的学校,其中19所设有宿舍。
    In December, there were 62 special schools including a hospital school, schools for children who were visually-impaired, hearing-impaired, physically handicapped, mentally handicapped or with adjustment problems. Of these, 19 provided residential places.
  • 沧龙任一种沧龙属的形体很大且已绝迹的水生蜥蜴,长有退化肢,作为游泳的桨。这些蜥蜴,尽管是胎生的食肉动物,可是现在蜥蜴的早期祖先
    Any of various very large extinct aquatic lizards of the genus Mosasaurus, having modified limbs that served as paddles for swimming. These lizards, thought to have been viviparous and carnivorous, may be early ancestors of the modern monitor lizard.
  • 不过,用词比发音可更说明问题。
    Probably even more telling than vowel sounds is vocabulary.