  • 她眼涌出泪水。
    Tears sprang up in her eyes.
  • 在她头脑里现了一个疑团。
    A suspicion sprang up in her mind.
  • 油突然从管子里喷了来。
    Suddenly oil sprang forth from the pipe.
  • 她高兴得眼泪夺眶而
    Tears of joy sprang from her eyes.
  • 警察强行把观众推回观众席。城市杂乱的扩张将农夫们挤这个地区
    Police crowded the spectators back to the viewing stand. Urban sprawl crowded the small farmers out of the immediate area.
  • 当按钮被下压的时候液体被挤来形成细雾。
    forces a liquid out as a fine spray when a button is pressed.
  • 掠地飞行,跳栏飞行靠地面很近地飞行,遇物体现则上升,如给庄稼喷药
    To fly an airplane close to the ground, rising above objects as they appear, as in spraying crops.
  • 好几股水流从管子里喷来。
    Gushes of water sprayed out of the pipe.
  • 消息的人乃是约翰。
    It is John that/who is spreading the news.
  • 烟囱冒的烟正在空中散开。
    The smoke from chimney is spreading out in the sky.
  • 不过,如果你还是不放心,也不妨门大事采购,就当作民防演习也好。
    However if you still have fears, then treat your shopping spree as a civil defense exercise.
  • 我们足球队获奖以后,全队外狂饮作乐,第二天早晨才回家。
    When we won the prize the whole football team went out on a spree and didn't get home till the morning.
  • 新建筑物犹如雨后春笋般地现在这座城市里。
    New houses are springing up all over the city.
  • 现或者生在地球上。
    springing from or born on the earth.
  • 你这样突然现在孩子面前,你把他吓着了。
    You frightened the baby, springing out at him like that.
  • 随着全球化与互联网的无远弗届,各种新的投资、购并、策略联盟……层不穷地发生。
    With globalisation going on and the Internet spreading far and fast, opportunities are springing up for investment,merger, strategic alliance, and other things.
  • 三、新的机会:随着全球化与互联网的无远弗届,各种新的投资、购并、策略联盟……层不穷地发生。
    The third factor is new opportunities. With globalisation going on and the Internet spreading far and fast, opportunities are springing up for investment, merger, strategic alliance, and other things.
  • 但是,随着国家经济发展的要求,我们也要有一个清醒的头脑注视环境的变化,注视今天内地投资市场对我们提新的挑战:
    However, with the demands springing up from our country's economic development, there is a need for us to keep a sober mind, to be alert about the changing circumstances, as well as the new challenges posed by the investment market in the Mainland today:
  • 你从哪里跳出来的?
    Where have you sprung from?
  • 他出身于农民家庭。
    He springs from a peasant's family.
  • 那个年轻人身王室。
    The young man springs of royal stock.
  • 我想买些特殊的东西作为生日礼物送给玛丽,但可惜没能想买什么东西。
    I want to buy Mary something unusual for her birthday, but nothing springs to mind.
  • 有某种东西飕飕作响,於是六个喷嘴喷了点水。
    Something swooshed and six sprinklers sent up watery bouquets.
  • 王平:在短跑名手辈的美国,用10秒多跑完百米的人一抓一大把,不是类拔萃就休想引起注意。
    Wang Ping: In America, where famous sprinters come forth in great numbers, a large number of people can finish the 100 meters in around 10 seconds. If you are not extraordinary, you can not imagine that catching people's attention.
  • 但是年轻的王子站来,承认是他释放了妖怪,而不是王后。
    But the young prince stepped forward and admitted that it was he, not the queen, who had freed the sprite.
  • 老人禁不住诱惑供后,国王立即下令逮捕妖怪,并将那些陷阱占为己有。
    But once the man succumbed to the king's temptations, the monarch ordered the arrest of the sprite and seized the traps for his own gain.
  • 我简直难以相信如此的一段树根能萌发如此之多的枝条。
    I can hardly believe that so small a root can sprout so many mew branch with such beautiful blossom.
  • 尽管有些小麦不会发芽,但无论农夫面临什么样的困难,他的收成必定多他所种植的好几倍。
    Of course,a few don't sprout, but whatever problems a farmer may face, getting back many times more wheat grains then he or she planted isn't one of them.
  • 一栋栋楼房迅速现在这个城市。
    New buildings have sprouted up in the city.
  • 全市涌现许多杂物修理服务部门。
    Miscellaneous repair centers have sprouted up across the city.
  • 这些土豆儿不能吃了,都芽了.
    We can't use these potatoes; they've all sprouted.
  • 单轴植物的主轴,如云杉的树干,维持树木的生长并长旁枝
    A main axis of a plant, such as the trunk of a spruce, that maintains a single line of growth, giving off lateral branches.