  • 黑海海峽問題
    question of straits of Black Sea
  •  每天清晨第一縷陽光照進幾座洞窟深處時,另外的洞窟卻可能繼續沉睡不醒,甚至終日處於暗之中。
    When the first streak of sunlight reaches the depth of several grottoes, the others may continue to be fast asleep and even remain in dark all day long.
  • 前我們到達羅馬。
    We struck Rome before dark.
  • 斑馬的全身都有白條紋。
    The entire body of a zebra is marked with black and whitish stripe.
  • 白羽鷸北美洲的一種略帶灰色的大濱鳥(半蹼白翅鷸),長有帶寬白邊的色翅膀
    A large grayish shore bird(Catoptrophorus semipalmatus) of North America, having black wings with a broad white stripe.
  • 這種小鳥有着天真爛漫的眼睛和鮮豔且帶條紋的大嘴。
    The little black birds have large, brightly striped beaks and innocent eyes.
  • 原産於亞洲東南部的一種樹,其木呈淺紅色,並有雜色或條紋的色紋理。
    tree native to southeastern Asia having reddish wood with a mottled or striped black grain.
  • 暗中我被樹樁絆倒傷了手臂。
    In the dark I tumbled over a stump and injured my arm.
  • 他們不同意把整片森林不加砍伐地賣給人。
    They don't agree to sell the wood to Negroes at the stump.
  • 大大的色眼睛,美妙的、高聳的乳房,非常迷人;加拿大野外的美麗照片。
    quite stunning with large dark eyes and a beautiful high-bosomed figure; stunning photographs of Canada's wilderness areas.
  • 乎乎的礦區城鎮;暗色的衣服。
    a subfusc mining town; dark subfusc clothing.
  • 她理想化的未來丈夫將是身材高大,皮膚淺,相貌英俊。
    Her sublimate future husband will be tall, dark, and handsome.
  • 她理想化的未來丈夫將是身材高大,皮膚淺,相貌英俊。
    Her sublimate future husband will is tall, dark, and handsome.
  • 奧斯特沃德建立在色素基礎上的理論假定顔色是可減的,所有的顔色混在一起産生色。
    Ostwal's theory, based on pigments, assumes that color is subtractive and that all colors mixed together produce black.
  • (指臉)特別是因為充血而變
    (of the face) made black especially as with suffused blood.
  • 那個姑娘被太陽曬了的臉表明她身體非常健康。
    That girl's sun-tanned face suggests excellent health .
  • 他穿着一套黑西裝。
    He is wearing a black suit.
  • 大海昏暗,天空沉沉,暴風雨隨時就要來臨。
    The sea was sullen and the sky heavy as lead. The storm would break any time.
  • 的被太陽曬成棕色的;曬
    Browned by the sun; sunburned.
  • 我們在海灘上過了一天,皮膚都曬了。
    We are all sunburn from a day on the beach.
  • 去聽一場音樂會而不是下載mp3。還有,請千萬別讓發熱又閃爍的顯示器將你烤
    Attend a concert instead of downloading the MP3.And please,please don't get a sunburn from the warm glow of your monitor!
  • 使(某人或其身體的一部分)曬
    To let(oneself or a part of one's body) become sunburned.
  • 庭審時林諾身着衣頭戴墨鏡,表現得很堅強。
    Dressed in black for the trial, eyes hidden behind sunglasses, Linor had to be strong.
  • 太陽子中的最暗的區域
    The darkest region of a sunspot.
  • 關於太陽子的記載已保持100年左右,但這些記錄很少支持今天天文學家們的研究,相反,對於太陽子這一現象仍有許多廣阔的研究空間。
    Records of sunspots have only been kept for the last 100 years or so, leaving astronomers with little to back their research and much yet to discover about this phenomenon.
  • 天文學家們還在研究太陽子及其對人類的影響,但他們相信,這種早在1610年就由伽利略用望遠鏡觀察到的太陽表面的斑,其本質上屬於電的範疇。
    Astronomers are still learning about sunspots and about their affect on us, but believe that the spots on the sun, which were first observed through a telescope by Galileo in 1610, are electrical in nature.
  • 在日光下曬太陽以把皮膚曬成色的人。
    someone who basks in the sunshine in order to get a suntan.
  • 後天的特徵(例如曬了或者鼻子打破了)不會被遺傳下去。
    acquired characteristics (such as a suntan or a broken nose) cannot be passed on.
  • 太陽曬的顔色退得多快呀!你想不到這對孿生兄弟一個月之前皮膚得像熟漿果一樣。
    How quickly suntan disappears! You wouldn't think the twins were brown as berries only a month ago.
  • 前一種洞的標準質量有4-15個太陽的質量大小,這種類型的洞被認為是在超新星爆炸時形成的。
    The former types have measured masses ranging from 4 to 15 Suns, and are believed to be formed during supernova explosions.
  • 認為貓不吉利,這是一種普遍的迷信思想。
    It's a common superstition that black cats are unlucky.
  • 他有一種迷信的想法認為貓不吉祥。
    He has a superstitious thought that black cat are unlucky.