  • networkidentifier(头三位)=局到的ss7网络。
    Network identifier (first three digits) = the SS7 network to which the office is connected.
  • 接口支持的每个数据链路接识别符(dlci)是按现行的或者非现行的方式报告出来。
    Each Data Link Connection Identifier (DLCI) supported by the interface is reported as active or inactive.
  • (不规范的一些用法但常与量度词组用;'wehadlessapple'是不可接受的)更少的。
    (nonstandard in some uses but often idiomatic with measure phrases; `we had less apples' is not acceptable) fewer.
  • 白痴都知道;甚至拒绝考虑那个意见;我一块钱也没有!
    even an idiot knows that; declined even to consider the idea; I don't have even a dollar!
  • 可是,如果神色可以传情的话,傻子也猜得出我在没命地爱她。后来她懂得我的意思了,就回送我一个秋波——一切可以想象得到的顾盼中最甜蜜的秋波。
    still, if looks have language, the merest idiot might have guessed I was over head and ears: she understood me at last, and looked a return--the sweetest of all imaginable looks.
  • 五天,他们处在这种牧歌一般的生活状态中。第六天晚上,在史前巨石群中的古代异教徒的太阳神神庙的著名废墟中,苔丝半开玩笑地说要在那里求庇护。
    For five days they continued in this idyllic state, and on the sixth night Tess half jestingly claimed sanctuary among the conspicuous ruins of the ancient pagan temple to the sun at Stonehenge.
  • 他很无知,自己的名字都写不出。
    He's so ignorant that he cannot write his own name.
  • 通过某个合法接进入另一个计算机系统所进行的非法存取。
    The illegitimate access to another computer system via another's legitimate connection.
  • 要是马克思也没听说过,那你一定是个文盲。
    You must be an illiterate if you've never heard of Marx.
  • 用于修饰或说明续存在(的状态),比如“背景亮度”,“背景噪声(本底噪声)”。
    Pertaining to continuously present, such as"background illumination","background noise".
  • 留出空白处在印刷或插图物中造出或留出空白处常常与out
    To create or leave blank spaces in(printed or illustrated matter). Often used with out.
  • 这位中国明星甚至一场nba比赛还没打就上了《体育画刊》的封面,出现在nba的宣传材料上,甚至在美国体育网站espn上还有他的广告片。
    Before playing a single NBA game,the Chinese star appeared on the cover of Sports Illustrated,on NBA promotional material and in his own series of ads for the U.S.sports network ESPN.
  • 幻觉效应一串偶然联想的幻景,如在梦中或发烧时
    A fantastic sequence of haphazardly associative imagery, as seen in dreams or fever.
  • 例如,联合国参与了欧洲航天局、法国、国家空间研究中心和欧洲核研究组织的价值120万美元的项目,以便能为联合国机构和非政府组织进行人道主义援助或冲突后恢复与重建项目的所在地续不断地提供上网可得的卫星图像、图像处理服务、地图和其他地理资料。
    For instance, it participates in a $1.2 million venture with the European Space Agency, France, the Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales (CNES) and the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) to provide continuous web-accessed satellite imagery, image-processing services, maps and other geographic information for any place where UN agencies and non-governmental organizations are providing humanitarian assistance or carrying out post-conflict rehabilitation and reconstruction projects.
  • 她和元真正穷得没法过日子,见我去时很高兴,猜想我一定拿到了钱,忙向我瓜分。
    Being hard up, she and Yuan Zhen were immensely pleased to see me, guessing I must have brought some money with me to share with them.
  • 西区海底隧道是一条双程三线沉管行车隧道,接西九龙快速公路与港岛西区。
    The WHC is a dual three-lane, immersed-tube road tunnel linking the West Kowloon Expressway with the Western District.
  • 使固定紧紧地结或咬合使其无法移动
    To engage and interlock securely so as to be immobile.
  • 公司因一串的罢工而陷於瘫痪.
    The firm has been immobilized by a series of strikes.
  • 长时期的续巨大的噪声使他的听力受到了损害。
    His hearing was impaired by the continuous great noise for a long period of time.
  • 这部影片是由一位技术熟练的技术人员剪辑的,因此接处难以觉察。
    The film was edited by a skilled technician so that the joints are imperceptible.
  • “相公,”吉斯盖特忙说,语气急促,就像水闸打开似的,或者说,就像女人横下了心。“那位在剧中将扮演圣母娘娘的大兵,您是认识的罗?”
    “Messire,” began Gisquette with the impetuous haste of a woman taking a resolve, “it appears you are acquainted with the soldier who is going to play the part of Madame the Virgin in the Mystery.
  • "警察发现了一封信,这封信把他牵到抢劫案中。"
    The police found a letter which implicated him in the robbery.
  • 审讯结果表明这个组织中几个主要人物都牵在案.
    The trial resulted in the implication of several major figures in the organization.
  • 间接(而且通常是恶意)的牵
    an indirect (and usually malicious) implication.
  • 他被嫌疑与几起盗窃案有牵
    he was suspected of implication in several robberies.
  • 审讯结果表明这个组织中几个主要人物都牵在案。
    The trial result in the implication of several major figures in the organization.
  • 希腊现在进口生活必需品的资金都没有。
    Greece is today without funds to finance the importation of those goods that are essential to bare subsistence.
  • 这个男孩非常无能,一件简单的工作也做不好。
    The boy is so impotent that he can't do a simple job well.
  • "孩子们不应该训练成一个不懂实际,甚至煮个鸡蛋都不会的人。"
    The boys should not be trained to be an impractical person who can't even boil an egg.
  • 他是个不懂实际的人,煮个鸡蛋都不会。
    He is an impractical person who can't even boil an egg.
  • 那位数学家是个什麽事都不会做的人,煮蛋都不会
    The mathematician is an impractical person who can not even boil an egg
  • 他有一种在水面上续平躺几个小时的令人惊叹的本领。
    He has an impressive ability to lie flat on a water surface for hours.