  • 但我们仍对中国充满信心,因为她是当今为数不多的几个够保持强劲增长势头的国家之一。
    but we continue to have confidence in china as one of the few economies enjoying robust growth today.
  • 41.为了使完善的财经市场架构够发挥功用,我们必须有一幠善於应变的优秀从业员。
    41. A robust market structure needs the support of a workforce with the ability to adapt to the challenges and opportunities ahead.
  • 这种训练的结果表明,它比任何其他方法更适应要求,中加全面,也更加严格它需要有很强的适应力。
    That training has proved itself more adaptable and more comprehensive, well as more exacting, than any other.
  • 香港人对於环境的变化,有很强的适应力,有很快的适应力。
    The local people are strongly and swiftly adaptable to changes in their environment.
  • 建立一个san,需要具有高可扩性、高性和高可靠性的网络技术,以便把传统存储环境的健壮性和高速度与网络的连接性结合起来。
    Building a SAN requires network technologies with high scalability, performance and reliability in order to marry the robustness and speed of a traditional storage environment with the connectivity of a network.
  • 生物必须适应环境的变化。
    Living creatures must be adaptable to environmental change.
  • 她是一个适应新环境的人。
    She is adaptable to new surroundings.
  • 适应的容易改动或修改来适应情况的;适应的
    Easily altered or modified to fit conditions; adaptable.
  • 当然,亚洲金融危机在造成我国外经贸发展困难的同时,也锻炼了外经贸企业的应变力,增强了实现两个根本性转变、增强风险防范的紧迫感。
    Of course, while posing difficulties for the development of China's foreign trade and economic affairs, the Asian financial Crisis has hardened the adaptability of our foreign trade enterprises and heightened the urgency of strengthening the two fundamental transformations and risk prevention.
  • 搬到巴黎可使莉莉年轻了五岁,但却使罗杰老了十岁。
    Moving to Paris may have taken five years off Lily, but it's put ten years on Roger.
  • 我们不可都成为英雄。总得有人在英雄走过的时候坐在路边鼓掌。(罗杰)
    We can't all be heroes. Somebody has to sit on the curb and clap as they go by.(W.Roger)
  • 我们不可都成为英雄。总得有人在英雄走过的时候坐在路边鼓掌。(罗杰)
    We can't all be heroes. Somebody has to sit on the curb and clap as they go by.(W. Roger)
  • ”所以,任何希望很快就赢得女士芳心的男士最好放慢速度,延长自己的日程表,并且对善良、可靠性此类方面的人身品质给予足够的重视,就像注重自己的发型、穿着和适应性一样。
    So any man who hopes to sweep a woman off her feet had better lengthen his timetable, and pay as much attention to characteristics such as kindness and dependability as he does to his hair, his clothes and his adaptability.
  • 在布鲁明顿的印地安那大学,由rogerinners率领的小组发现实验用草arabidopsis的突变异种够发动比正常情况下强大得多的防御。
    A group led by Roger Innes at Indiana University in Bloomington discovered mutants of the laboratory weed Arabidopsis that induce their defences much more strongly than normal.
  • 罗杰拿不定主意是去上学还是去找工作。他不两全其美。
    Roger can't make up his mind whether to go college or get a job. He can't eat your cake and have it too.
  • 香港虽然面对亚洲金融风暴的严重冲击,但仍发挥灵活应变的精神,这是香港经济够扭转逆势的主因。
    The distinct turnaround in performance owed much to the inherent flexibility and adaptability of the local economy in the wake of the profound shocks to the region.
  • 两个关键性的内阁成员罗杰斯和莱尔德的软弱无,又加重了基辛格原有的职权和负担。
    What added to the inherent power of his position and his burdens was the weakness of two key Cabinet members,Rogers and Laird.
  • 年轻人适应新环境的力是他们的一种优点。
    The adaptability of youth to new surroundings is one of their good qualities.
  • 那时,问题就成了:设备适应吗?
    The question then becomes: Will your equipment be able to adapt?
  • 许多人在听到“股价指数期货”时,可立刻想起了栽在日经指数期货手里、把霸菱数百年基业毁于一旦的利森。
    "Stock index futures" may immediately remind many people of Nick Leeson who toppled Barings Group in rogue futures.
  • 有些生意人因为见识狭窄,不顺应局势的变化。
    Some businessmen cannot adapt to change because they have tunnel vision.
  • 橄榄油如此神奇的力量,是由于它可以大量制作一种叫抗氧化剂的化学物质,它修复由离群的微小颗粒(游离原子团)所引起的细胞损害。
    Olive oil's almost miraculous powers are thanks to the fact that it is very rich in chemicals called anti?oxidants which repair cell damage caused by rogue molecules called free radicals.
  • 他认为不可适应这样的炎热天气。
    He doesn't think he can adapt himself to the hot climate.
  • 使你的思想适应新的生活方式吗?
    Can you adapt your way of thinking to the new life-style?
  • 能动性在战争中
  • 你能适应新的工作吗?
    Can you adapt yourself to the new job?
  • 适应新的工作吗?
    Can you adapt yourself to a new job?
  • 适应他们环境的人。
    someone unable to adapt to their circumstances.
  • 她缺少适应能力。
    She lacked the ability to adapt easily.
  • 我们所做的就是培养自己的适应力去应付
    What we can do is to develop our adaptive abilities to deal
  • 他移居加拿大后孩子们很适应变化。
    When he moved to Canada, the children adapted to the change very well.
  • 面流消能
    roller bucket type energy dissipation