  • 他面对党内左翼日益增强的反对势力。
    He faces a growing rebellion from the left wing of his party.
  • 不要放松紧握的手。
    Don't slacken your grip.
  • 医生劝他放松几个月,因为他的生活方式严重影响心脏。
    The doctor advised him to slacken up for a few months, as his lifestyle was having a bad effect on his heart.
  • 她整日陪伴她的母亲。
    She is chaperoning her daughter all day.
  • 猫追球跑过来跑过去。
    The cat made little rushes to and fro after the ball.
  • 射箭的那个又被另一个武士杀死,就这样,这一群人自相残杀,最后只剩下了五个。
    The latter fell victim to a fourth, and in like manner the whole crowd dealt with each other till all fell slain with mutual wounds, except five survivors.
  • 那不公平,我只是试要扣球,而裁判却说我持球而判我失误。
    That was unfair. I was just trying to slam, and she gave me a fault for holding.
  • 她拿定主意后就跳了进去,把门半掩,怕关门声会引起注意。她缩到角落里,躲在衣服后面。
    She decided.Jumping inside,she pulled the door partially closed,afraid a slamming door would attract attention,and crammed herself into the corner behind clothes.
  • 但是你是男人,你比较强壮,那就是为什么你在扣球上比我后的原因,也就是为什么我一直试要垫球给你,但是你总是错失了这些好机会。
    But you're a man. You're stronger. That's why you're better at spiking, and slamming than me. It's why I kept trying to set you up all the time. But you kept missing them.
  • 工人还在忙用混凝土铺路。
    The workman is still busy concreting the road.
  • 帆船顶风停驶,顺水缓慢地漂流
    The junk laid by, drifting gently with the current.
  • 一条小船正向前漂流
    A small boat was drifting along.
  • 她有一张非常迷人的瓜子脸和一对眼梢儿有点斜的绿眼睛。
    She has an unusually attractive oval face and green eyes set slightly on the slant.
  • 从房屋那头有几棵矮小的枞树过度倾斜,还有那一排瘦削的荆棘都向一个方向伸展枝条,仿佛在向太阳乞讨温暖,就可以猜想到北风吹过的威力了。
    one may guess the power of the north wind blowing over the edge, by the excessive slant of a few stunted firs at the end of the house; and by a range of gaunt thorns all stretching their limbs one way, as if craving alms of the sun.
  • 5.最后,记涂上点防晒遮光剂。
    5. And finally, don't forget to slap on the sunscreen.
  • 我要睡了吗?我重重地打自己的耳光。这使我保持清醒。我在大雪中努力前进。
    Was I falling asleep? I slapped my face hard. The slaps kept me awake. I pushed on through the snow.
  • 玛丽正等你对她非礼,这样她好给你一记耳光呢。
    Mary was just waiting for you to try it on so she could slap your face.
  • 我们已经来到了那狭窄的石道,穿过第二堤岸并以这堤岸作为另一段拱路的扶壁的地方。这里我们听到了幽魂们在另一山沟中啼哭,从嘴巴和鼻孔里喷气,用手掌拍打自己。
    We were already where the narrow ridge begins to cross the second bank, to make it an sounds of blows, slapping with open palms.
  • 这位不耐烦的老师掌击学生。
    The impatient teacher slapped the student; a gunshot slapped him on the forehead.
  • 小姑娘啪地一下把玩具扔下就哭跑了出去。
    The little girl slapped the toy down and ran out crying.
  • 透过那一时代表面上的插科打诨和强劲的滑稽动作,人们可以看到身穿灯笼裤、头戴圆礼帽、踩鸭子步的小市民查理的性格。
    The character of Charlie the little man, the baggy-trousered bowler-hatted tramp, can be seen evolving behind the surface gagging, the energetic slapstick of the day.
  • 在少数地方,还保持“刀耕火种”、“烧荒肥田”的原始耕作方式。
    Slash and burn cultivation and the burning of grass to fertilize land were still customs retained in a few localities.
  • 农业生产基本上为木犁耕地、牦牛踩场脱粒,有的地方还保持“刀耕火种”的生产方式。
    Wooden plows were used for agricultural production and yaks were used for threshing. In some places the slash-and-burn method of farming was common.
  • 农业生产基本上为木犁耕地、牦牛踩场脱粒,有的地方还保持“刀耕火种”的生产方式。
    Therefore, for a long time its economy was in a primitive and backward state. Wooden plows were used for agricultural production and yaks were used for threshing. In some places the slash-and-burn method of farming was common.
  • 雨水猛烈地拍打窗户。
    The rain slashed against the window.
  • 但那个牌子上写削价百分之二十五。
    But that sign prices slashed by up to 25%.
  • 房间的后墙凭空放两个怪异的裸体模特,可以看出塑造他们的形体时的审慎的刀痕。
    behind the house lay two nude figures grotesquely bald, with deliberate knife-slashes marking their bodies.
  • 懒婆娘,邋遢女人懒散或不整洁的女人;衣不整的女人
    A woman regarded as slovenly or untidy; a slattern.
  • 我走近海龟屠宰坊,刚从海龟身上割下来的龟肉散发腥味,直呛入鼻孔;
    The stench of freshly butchered meat grates on the nostrils as I ap proach the turtle slaughterhouse;
  • 当时,奴隶只是一件财产,他们和马儿、猫儿一起列在税册上,在收税人的册子里,每个奴隶的名字旁边写他们的价值。
    The slaves were property they were on the tax books along with horses and cats, the valuation of each slave written next to his name in the tax assessors books.
  • 当时,奴隶只是一件财产,他们和马儿、猫儿一起列在税册上,在收税人的册子里,每个奴隶的名字旁边写他们的价值。
    The slaves were property they were on the tax books along with horses and cats, the valuation of each slave written next to his name in the tax assessors books.
  • 广播中充斥对新税法的尖锐抗议。
    Shrill protests about the new taxes filled the air.