  • 菜单每期都不一样。
    The menu change every week.
  • 的水的或与水有关的
    Of or relating to the planet Mercury.
  • 上面过于干燥,并且缺乏氧气。
    Mercury is too dry and poor in oxygen.
  • 我在星期二遇到他。
    I met him on Tuesday.
  • 据说如果你在看见流时许个愿,愿望就会实现。
    It is said that if you make a wish when you see a meteor in the sky your wish will be realized.
  • 流星划过天空.
    A meteor shot across the sky.
  • 火流与最亮的行一样亮或比其更亮的陨
    A meteor that is as bright or brighter than the brightest planets.
  • 当流涌入地球大气圈出现的短暂的流雨。
    a transient shower of meteors when a meteor swarm enters the earth's atmosphere.
  • 一般来说,流及流颗粒都是成团成群运行的,就象蜂群一样,他们按自己选择的方向随意运行,除了有极少数单独运行的例外。
    Generally speaking, meteors and meteor particles travel together in swarms like bees, with the exception of the loners, and travel in any direction they choose.
  • 及流颗粒与大气层摩擦产生的炽热将流团熔化,它们纷纷向地球坠落,呈现出光芒四射、五彩缤纷的奇观。
    The friction produced when the meteors and the meteor particles rub against the atmospheric air incinerates the swarms, and they fall towards the earth in a brilliant display of light.
  • 陨星迅速掠过天空。
    The meteor shot across the sky.
  • 一颗流突然掠过天空。
    A meteor suddenly shot across the sky.
  • 象一道闪光划过夜空。
    Like a flash of lightming, the meteor shot across the sky.
  • 早在公元前467年,古罗马的历史学家就曾记录下流坠落地面的不同寻常的陨落。
    In 467 BC, Roman historians recorded the extraordinary fall of a meteor to the earth.
  • 的后裔,即流团,沿正常的轨道运行,与地球绕太阳运行的轨道相似。
    The comets' offspring, the meteor swarms, travel in regular orbits, similar to the earth's orbit around the sun.
  • 人们必须有足够的耐心,才能等到亲眼目睹流团或"流雨"发生的那一天,因为流团穿越地球轨道每33年才有一次。
    One must be quite patient to witness such a swarm, or a meteor shower, as the swarms cross the earth's path only once every 33 years.
  • 当地球绕着太阳作循环往复的公转时,流团如果遭遇地球大气层上层时,就会出现"流雨"这种"大自然烟火"的壮丽景观。
    Nature's spectacular fireworks show, a "meteor shower," comes into view when the swarms encounter the upper layer of the earth's atmosphere during the earth's perpetual revolution around the sun.
  • 支持这两种说法的证据已提出了许多,但接受超级小行的撞击而从地球表面选择性地抹去某些物种的观点,的确是一个观念上的飞跃。
    Much evidence supporting both theories has been presented but the acceptance of a super meteor wiping a selected species from the face of the earth is a leap of faith at best.
  • 他数流一直数到半夜。
    He kept count of the meteors till midnight.
  • 关于流、流体或由流、流体组成。
    pertaining to or consisting of meteors or meteoroids.
  • 高层大气流余迹测量
    upper atmosphere observation by trails of the meteors
  • 至于穿越太空的流的来源,还有待于得出令人满意的解答。
    The source of meteors traveling through space has yet to be explained satisfactorily.
  • 学天文学的一个分支,研究太阳系中的行、卫和流
    The branch of astronomy that deals with the planets, satellites, and meteors of the solar system.
  • 巨大的热量将流焚化,使之留下一条炽热的发光的尾巴。
    The intense heat incinerates the meteors, which leave a blazing trail of light in their wake.
  • 的大小从细若针头,大到数吨不等。当流进入地球大气层后,其表面与空气摩擦从而产生热量,使人们在夜间用肉眼就能看到。
    Meteors, ranging in size from that of a pinhead, to many tons, are visible to the naked eye at night, when the friction between the surfaces of the meteors and of the air, produces heat as the meteors enter the earth's atmosphere.
  • 与人们普遍的看法相反,"坠落的"其实根本不是"",而只是"流",是穿越太空的固态物体。
    Contrary to popular belief, "falling stars" are not stars at all, but are meteors, solid bodies that travel through space.
  • 几千年来,人们普遍认为,流或称"坠落的",实际上是天外来客。
    For thousands of years, the common belief held, was that meteors, or "falling stars," were literally from out of this world.
  • 将以恒速成在轨道上永远运行下去,除非有某种像与流碰撞这样的力使它减慢速度。
    The satellite will continue moving at constant speed in its orbit forever unless there is some force to slow it down, such as collisions with meteors.
  • 微陨微小的陨颗粒,特指大量坠向地球或月球表面的微陨
    A tiny particle of meteoric dust, especially one of many that fall to the surface of the earth or moon.
  • 罕见的美丽风景;能力不凡的人;残酷、罕见的刑罚;不平常的陨
    a scene of unusual beauty; a man of unusual ability; cruel and unusual punishment; an unusual meteorite.
  • 所有的陨都含有过多的氙。
    Meteorites all carry this excess xenon.
  • 在自然界中很少能找到纯铁,除非是把陨这个天外来客也算上。
    It is rarely found in nature except as a visitor from other worlds in the form of meteorites;