  • 葡萄好吃是好吃,就是子儿太.
    The grapes are delicious but very seedy.
  • 您陪伴我说不出有高兴。
    I can not say how pleased I am to have you accompany me.
  • 有您陪伴我说不出有高兴。
    I can't say how pleased I am to have you accompany me.
  • 任何的异议应附随数决议。
    Any dissenting opinion shall accompany the majority decision.
  • 数人都追求财富;但所有的人都希望获得幸福。
    Most men seek for wealth ; all men seek for happiness.
  • 这就是维利亚瀑布。世界各地寻险探奇的人们都急于抓住机会,亲身感受它的威力。
    It's called Victoria Falls and thrill seekers from across the globe are jumping at the chance to experience its power first hand.
  • 以及在本港就业辅导组展示首十种较空缺职位的资料,以加强向求职者传递最新的劳工市场资讯。
    and displaying information on the top 10 categories of vacancies at the LES to enhance the delivery of the latest labour market information to job-seekers.
  • 不过,随着类似netscape及戴尔电脑公司这样的美国公司纷纷在印度设立办事处,寻找it职位的人也许会少有些欣慰。
    But with American companies like Netscape and Dell Computers setting up offices in India, IT job seekers might find themselves acceptign a reasonable compromise.
  • 但大数近期求职者、劳动法律师、经济学家和妇女权益提倡者,在接受采访时都表示,新法令实际效果甚微。
    But in interviews with recent job seekers,labor lawyers,economists and women's rights advocates,most said the new law had had little real impact.
  • 创办劳动就业服务企业,开展劳动就业服务;扩大职业培训规模,提高劳动者的素质,为劳动者提供尽可能的就业机会。
    Labor companies have been established in the service of job-seekers, and vocational training has been expanded to improve the laborer's qualities and provide them with as many job opportunities as possible.
  • 91.美国西部的不毛之地正成为玩耍的地方,对越来越拥有摩托车或越野单车类车辆的,喜欢放纵于爬坡比赛或开辟新的沙漠通道的寻欢作乐者具有不断增长的吸引力。
    91. Arid regions in the southwestern United States have become increasingly inviting playgrounds for the growing number of recreation seekers who own vehicles such as motorcycles or powered trail bikes and indulge in hill-climbing contests or in caving new trails in the desert.
  • 那条路似乎没多远。
    It didn't seem to be any distance (ie It seemed a very short distance) to the road.
  • 器乐曲为一种或种乐器所写的曲子,通常是没有伴声的
    A composition for one or more instruments, usually without vocal accompaniment.
  • 数人喜欢收到信件,但似乎没有人喜欢写信。
    Most man likes the receiving letter, but seemingly nobody likes writing the letter.
  • 效作用受具有若干独特的、看似与表现效果不相关的单个基因的控制
    The control by a single gene of several distinct and seemingly unrelated phenotypic effects.
  • 而大使用的是“大概”或是“似乎”这样暧昧的措辞。
    Instead, it mostly used such vague terms as "probably" or "seemingly".
  • 答的,自己问别人的也,渐渐觉得人们在这一问一答间,还颇有讲究。
    Having experienced both situations often enough, I am beginning to feel that much more is involved in this seemingly simple conversation.
  • 例如:在看完厨房的场景后,许观察者都相信他们看到的是面包,实际上他们看到的是一个邮筒。
    For example, after seeing the kitchen scene, many subjects were sure they had seen the loaf of bread even if, in fact, they had been shown the mailbox.
  • 杰夫:我见过,上次在一所武术学校,许小孩予就是在墙壁上练倒立,有的还能倒立着行走呢。
    Jeff: I have seen it. Last time in a wushu school, I saw many children practice headstand against a walt. Some even walked on their hands.
  • 1950年代在数学、物理学与工程方面华裔的贡献已经很了,很受到国际的注意,而在生物学与医学的西方杂志中,华人的名字出现还不太
    In the Fifties, the world saw many contributions made by ethnic Chinese in mathematics, physics and engineering, whereas Chinese names were seldom seen in biological and medical journals in the West.
  • 过滤流过或过滤过孔物或滤纸
    To drain or seep through a porous material or filter.
  • 我国水利工程还存在防洪体系标准低、堤身防渗差、隐患等问题,今后的建设任务还很艰巨。
    However, water projects in China still have such problems as low standards for flood control systems, poor anti-seepage capacity of embankments, and many potential risks. There is still a long way to go.
  • 百脚唇足亚纲虫状节肢动物的一类,其扁平身体有由许节构成,每一节都有一对相连的附足。身体最前面一节的附足演化成了有毒腺的啮咬器官,用于捕食如蟑螂等昆虫
    Any of various wormlike arthropods of the class Chilopoda, having a flattened body composed of segments, each bearing a pair of jointed appendages. The appendages of the foremost body segment are modified into venomous biting organs with which it preys on insects, such as cockroaches.
  • 将正边形的中心与它的一任一顶点起的来的线段
    A line segment that joins the center of a regular polygon with any of its vertices.
  • 例如,许宾馆就根据市场划分的某些形式来作广告:城市宾馆寻求吸引在工作日出差的商务人员及周末的游客;
    Many hotels, for example, practice some form of market segmentation. City hotels seek to appeal to traveling businesspersons on weekdays and tourists on weekends.
  • 千足虫一种足类食草性爬行节肢动物,分布于世界各地,有圆柱形、节肢状身体,除胸部的前四节外所有节都有一对足
    Any of various crawling, herbivorous myriapods of the class Diplopoda, found worldwide and having a cylindrical, segmented body with two pairs of legs attached to all segments except for the first four in the thoracic region.
  • 血虫一种纤毛属和enoplobyanchus属的红色环节海生蠕虫,具有明亮的红色身体且通常用作鱼饵
    Any of various red, segmented marine worms of the genera Polycirrus and Enoplobranchus that have bright red bodies and are often used for bait.
  • 足纲的节肢动物几种节肢动物的任一种,如蜈蚣或千足虫,长有分节的身体、一对触角和至少九对足
    Any of several arthropods, such as the centipede or millipede, having segmented bodies, one pair of antennae, and at least nine pairs of legs.
  • 触角,触须昆虫、足纲节肢动物或甲壳类动物头部的一对灵活的管状感觉器官之一,主要为触觉器官
    One of the paired, flexible, segmented sensory appendages on the head of an insect, a myriapod, or a crustacean functioning primarily as an organ of touch.
  • 三叶虫种构成三叶虫纲任一种的已灭绝的海洋节肢动物,身体分节,有带沟将身体一分为三个垂直的叶,在世界各地都发现过其化石
    Any of numerous extinct marine arthropods of the class Trilobita, of the Paleozoic Era, having a segmented body divided by grooves into three vertical lobes and found as fossils throughout the world.
  • 节肢动物一种节肢动物分类的节肢动物门无脊椎动物,包括昆虫,甲壳纲动物,蛛形纲动物和足纲节肢动物,其特征为有一甲壳质成对连接副肢的外骨骼和分节的身体
    Any of numerous invertebrate animals of the phylum Arthropoda, including the insects, crustaceans, arachnids, and myriapods, that are characterized by a chitinous exoskeleton and a segmented body to which jointed appendages are articulated in pairs.
  • 昆虫数量众,通常为昆虫纲的小型节肢动物,成年期中有三对足,身体分成头、胸和腹三部分,通常有两对翅膀。昆虫包括苍蝇,蟋蟀,蚊子,甲虫,蝴蝶和蜜峰
    Any of numerous usually small arthropod animals of the class Insecta, having an adult stage characterized by three pairs of legs and a body segmented into head, thorax, and abdomen and usually having two pairs of wings. Insects include the flies, crickets, mosquitoes, beetles, butterflies, and bees.