  • 在美国和东亚生长的长青扭曲灌木。
    evergreen twining shrubs of Americas and southeastern Asia.
  • 美国部常绿树种,花小。
    small flowering evergreen tree of southern United States.
  • 军阀想和德意建立联盟,达到独占中国,侵略洋,排斥英美法出东方的目的;
    The militarists are contemplating an alliance with Germany and Italy for the purpose of gaining exclusive control of China, invading Southeast Asia and expelling Britain, the United States and France from the East;
  • 那里的游击队多打死一个敌兵,多消耗一个敌弹,多钳制一个敌兵使之不能入关下,就算对整个抗战增加了一分力量。
    Every enemy soldier the guerrillas kill there, every bullet they make the enemy expend, every enemy soldier they stop from advancing south of the Great Wall, can be reckoned a contribution to the total strength of the resistance.
  • 吉纳,优西比奥・弗朗西斯科1645?-1711生于意大利的耶稣会传教士,曾考察和绘制了美国西部和墨西哥的大部分的地图
    Italian-born Jesuit missionary who explored and mapped much of the American Southwest and Mexico.
  • 朝南的房子
    a house with a southern exposure
  • 但在感情丰富的欧人看来,这种行为会被认为是冷酷和不近人情的。
    But in the more expressive societies of southern Europe, such behavior be considered cold and impersonal.
  • 好看的女人;好看的男人;比她姐姐好看;非常可爱但并不格外的貌美——撒克里;我们方女人都很貌美——莉莲·海尔曼。
    a fine-looking woman; a good-looking man; better-looking than her sister; very pretty but not so extraordinarily handsome- Thackeray; our southern women are well-favored- Lillian Hellman.
  • 1994年5月,云省警方成功破获特大跨国贩毒案,抓获“金三角”大毒枭,司法机关依法处以极刑。
    In May 1994, police in Yunnan Province cracked an extraordinarily serious transnational drug smuggling case, in which the "Golden Triangle" drug ring kingpin was sentenced by the judicial organ to capital punishment according to law.
  • 首都在这个国家的最端。
    The capital is in the extreme south of the country.
  • 美国人热情似火,尤其是中部和部的美国人,可能会让来访者受不了。
    Visitors may be overwhelmed by the sheer exuberant friendliness of Americans, especially in the central and southern parts of the country.
  • 比赛结束时正值非下午三点钟左右,随着比赛结束的哨声响起,球迷们的满腔热情被当头泼了一盆冷水,人们只得垂头丧气地回去继续工作了。
    At the final whistle - mid-afternoon in South Africa - the exuberant spirits of the crowd subsided as the forlorn fans streamed back to work.
  • 埃尔多拉多定义模糊的历史地区和城市,位于西半球,通常被认为在美北部。传奇中有大量黄金珠宝,16和17世纪的探险家们曾极力搜寻,其中包括沃尔特·雷利爵士
    A vaguely defined historical region and city of the New World, often thought to be in northern South America. Fabled for its great wealth of gold and precious jewels, it was eagerly sought after by16th- and17th-century explorers, including Sir Walter Raleigh.
  • 失望角华盛顿西一海角,位于哥伦比亚河河口北侧。该地由英国一名船长在1788年命名,他寻找西方传说中的河,但因找不到宽阔的河口而感到失望
    A cape of southwest Washington on the northern side of the mouth of the Columbia River. It was named in1788 by a British sea captain who was searching for the fabled River of the West and was disappointed when he did not discover a wide river mouth.
  • 广场侧,斜立着主宫医院那皱巴巴、阴沉沉的正面屋墙,以及探头探脑似的仿佛长满脓疱和疣子的屋顶。
    Over the south side of this place bent the wrinkled and sullen facade of the Hotel Dieu, and its roof, which seemed covered with warts and pustules.
  • "查尔斯对这工作连一天也干不下去了,所以他决定放弃工作到方去。"
    "Charles couldn't face another day at work, so he decided to leave it and go down to the sounth."
  • 它有一个朝的大窗子。
    It has a large window facing south.
  • 他们住在一间面的房间里。
    They lived in a room facing the south.
  • 例如,哈佛医学院的希·埃特科夫在她所著的《美女生存:美的科学》一书中认为,男人们喜欢金发是因为它与她们的白皮肤很相配——这样容易看出她们因性激动而红润的脸色,使她们看上去更丰满。
    In Survival of the Prettiest: The Science of Beauty, for example, Nancy Etcoff of the Harvard Medical School argues that gentlemen prefer blonds for the fairness of their skin which makes it easier to detect the flush of sexual excitement,making them appear more fertile.
  • 非隼一种隼(地中海隼),产于非洲、地中海和
    A falcon(Falco biarmicus) of Africa, the Mediterranean, and southern Asia.
  • 非雄隼一种雄性非隼,比雌隼小,用于狩猎中
    A male lanner, smaller than the female, used in falconry.
  • 我觉得京十分/特别令人着迷。
    I find Nanjing quite/extremely fascinating.
  • 九龙发展可行性研究于一九九八年完成。
    The South-East Kowloon Development Feasibility Study was completed in 1998.
  • 九龙发展修订计划整体可行性研究于一九九九年十一月展开。
    The Comprehensive Feasibility Study for the Revised Scheme of South-East Kowloon Development (SEKD) commenced in November 1999.
  • 中美和美产的一个羽状叶棕榈属。
    Central and South American feather palms.
  • 产于美的一个棕榈植物小属,叶羽状。
    small genus of South American feather palms.
  • 美中部和北部羽状叶棕榈的一个属。
    unarmed feather palms of central and northern South America.
  • 象树一样的大灌木具有羽状的叶子和大的黄色花序;分布于加利福尼亚海岸。
    large treelike shrub having feathery leaves and clusters of large yellow flower heads; coastal southern California.
  • 6月2日,法国总统雅克·希拉克为与会的各位国家首脑们准备的是具有该国东部萨瓦省特色的午餐。
    French President Jacques Chirac offered his colleagues a lunch Monday that featured specialities from the Haute Savoie region of southeastern France.
  • 南斯拉夫联邦主席团
    Federal Presidium of Yugoslavia
  • 南斯拉夫联盟共和国
    The Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
  • 美的一种陆地生树蕨。
    a terrestrial tree fern of South America.