  • 手球的許多規都涉及到“3”這個數字。
    Many handball rules involve the number "three."
  • 衹有符合亞奧理事會章程和國際業餘田聯規規定的運動員,纔有資格參加第11屆亞運會田徑比賽。
    Only athletes who comply with the Constitution and the Rules of the Olympic Council of Asia (OCA) and the Rules of the International Amateur Athletic Federation Handbook are entitled to take part in the 11 the Asian Games.
  • waitt推測其中有25次為諾亞洪水的規模,而其他一些調研人員認為衹有少數達到了這一級別。
    Waif estimates that about 25 of them were on a Noachian scale, though some other investigators think only a handful were in that class.
  • 外國資本主義對於中國的社會經濟起了很大的分解作用,一方面,破壞了中國自給自足的自然經濟的基礎,破壞了城市的手工業和農民的家庭手工業;又一方面,促進了中國城鄉商品經濟的發展。
    Foreign capitalism played an important part in the disintegration of China's social economy; on the one hand, it undermined the foundations of her self-sufficient natural economy and wrecked the handicraft industries both in the cities and in the peasants' homes, and on the other, it hastened the growth of a commodity economy in town and country.
  • 我們長期允許手工業的個體經濟存在,根據自願的原,其中大部分組織成合作社,實行集體所有製。
    We have allowed individual handicrafts to exist for a long time now, and organized most of the handicraftsmen into collectively owned cooperatives according to the principle of voluntary participation.
  • 另一些人鬆鬆地像拿鼓槌一樣將刀叉把兒翹在上邊。
    Others hold them loosely like drumsticks with the handles sticking up.
  • 處理兄弟黨關係的一條重要原
  • 當你營造出具有建設性的氣氛時,可將你所聽到和讀到的鼓勵字句記在筆記本上,如果你能在路上或開會時快速地書寫數語,將會為你帶來長久的助力。
    As you build an atmosphere of support,keep a notebook handy to jot down the things you hear and read that inspire you.When you're on the road or in a meeting.your fast scratchiness can give you lasting support.
  • 傑夫:費斯蒂納是1997年環法賽中成績最好的車隊,而沃特是1997年環法賽亞軍法國人理查德·維蘭剋的按摩師,一層烏雲頓時籠罩在法國上空。
    Jeff: Festina was the best team in the 1997 Tour de France. Willy Voet was masseur of its rider Richard Wilank, who was the second place winner of the 1997 Tour de France. A layer of dark clothes hanged over France at once.
  • 至關重要的是食品專傢們還發現如果在食品中加人硫化物,防止焦化、硬化現象發生會使食物看起來依然非常新鮮。
    Crucially, food chemists also discovered that adding sulfites prevents browning and hardening and keeps food and beverages looking fresh.
  • 它不需要參加者掌握許多技術或者懂得許多規,也不需要很多器械,可以在許多場地上玩,如硬木地板和沙灘。
    The game has great appeal because it requires few basic skills, few rules and limited equipment, and it can be played on a variety of surfaces, from a hardwood floor to a sandy beach.
  • 一個人拍打灌木叢驅出獵物,另一人把被驅出的野兔逮住。
    On one beat the bush and another caught the hare.
  • 一方或另一方采取的行動,在其他時候看來似乎並無惡意,但現在可能是截然不同的另一碼事。
    An action by one side or the other which at another time would seem harmless might seem to be something else entirely.
  • 既來之,安之,我們就要學習和本地早期的移民和移民的後代和睦相處,互相幫助,一起來建設這個欣欣嚮榮的島國。
    But having made the decision to settle here, we must learn to live harmoniously with the locals and contribute to the growth of the country.
  • 她突然意識到,埃爾頓先生嚮哈裏特獻殷勤實是衝她而來,而她有意鼓勵埃爾頓追求自己女友的舉動,卻被他看成是鼓勵他嚮自己求婚的表示。
    She suddenly realized that what she had taken for gallantries to Harriet had been meant for herself, and what she had intended as encouragement to his suit of her friend, he had taken as encouragement to aspire for Emma's hand.
  • 湯姆朝一個方向走, 哈裏朝另一個方向走.
    Tom went off in one direction and Harry in another.
  • 但除非你已要跟神一道走,否還是不要把你的一切都賣掉。
    But, sell not all thou hast, except thou come and follow me; that is, except thou have a vocation, wherein thou mayest do as much good, with little means as with great; for otherwise, infeeding the streams, thou driest the fountain.
  • 欲速則不達。
    Haste makes waste.
  • 欲速則不達。
    The more haste, the less speed.
  • 常言道,“欲速不達”。
    "More haste, less speed", as the saying goes.
  • 欲速則不達。
    More haste, less speed.
  • 欲速則不達。
    When thing is done hastily, they are not done thoroughly.
  • 但把對個人來說是正確的命題輕率地轉變為普遍正確的命題,是政治經濟學中無數錯誤的根源。
    But to transfer hastily and inconsiderately to the general point of view, propositions that are true of the individual, has been a source of innumerable errors in political economy.
  • 我認為最主要的是應當使全社會容許不同選擇,這樣沒有任何人會僅僅因為某人希望他或她按要求行事而陷人可惡的生活。
    The point on all this, as I see it, is that the society must be made tolerate chokes so that no one is locked into a hateful life simply because someone expects him or her to behave in a required way.
  • 後一意思也許是指夏威夷的火山。
    The latter meaning may refer to Hawaii’s volcanoes.
  • 而認為交通意外是主要威脅的的衹有22%。
    Just 22 per cent said car accidents were the top health hazard.
  • 有一次,在和中國清朝駐美國的吳大使會談後,有記者在記者會問我的外祖父即你們的高曾祖會談的結果,他幽默的說:“我不能肯定,經過了三小時的商談,我依然睏惑,吳大使還是毫無頭緒。”
    Mr. Hay was once asked by reporters about the results of a conference he had just had with the Chinese ambassador to the United States, Mr. Wu. Mr. Hay responded, “I am not sure. After conferring for three hours, Mr. Hay was woozy and Mr. Wu was hazy.”
  • 註意間隔, 否這個標題一行排不下.
    Be careful with your spacing or you won't get the heading on one line.
  • 除非有人願意以足夠證據,證明他的建議具有一定的可靠性,否別接受任何人的建議,你將會因謹慎而避免被誤導,或被當成傻瓜。
    Refuse to heed anyone's advice-unless that person is willing to give you satisfactory evidence of the soundness of his or her counsel.You will save yourself from hucksters,the misguided,and fools.
  • 這是無視中國主權、違背國際關係基本原的霸權行徑,中國絶不會答應。
    This is a hegemonic act that disregards China's sovereignty and violates the basic norms governing international relations. China by no means agrees with this.
  • 四年來,中國積極維護《聯合國憲章》促進人權和基本自由的宗旨與原,堅决反對一些國傢對其他國傢特別是發展中國傢在人權方面采取雙重標準,或者以自己的模式強加於人,藉口“人權問題”干涉他國內政的霸權主義行徑。
    In the last four years China has actively safeguarded the aim and principle of promoting human rights and basic freedoms set forth in the United Nations Charter and firmly opposed some countries' hegemonic acts of using a double standard for the human rights of other countries, especially developing countries, and imposing their own pattern on others, or interfering in the internal affairs of other countries by using "human rights" as a pretext.
  • 針對國際人權領域的這種不正常現象,中國堅持原,與廣大發展中國傢一道,為促進人權、維護主權、反對霸權進行了不懈的努力。
    In view of this abnormal phenomenon in the international human rights field, China upholds principle and makes unremitting efforts to promote human rights, safeguard sovereignty and oppose hegemony, together with vast numbers of developing countries.