  • 毛泽东思想不是在个别的方面,而是在许多领域发展了马克思宁主义。
    Mao Zedong Thought has developed Marxism-Leninism in many spheres, not just in some individual aspects.
  • 主义、毛泽东思想如果不同实际情况相结合,就没有生命力了。
    Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought lose their vitality if they are not integrated with actual conditions.
  •  最后一个问题是学习,我的意思是说学习马克思宁主义和学习社会。
    The last problem is study, by which I mean the study of Marxism-Leninism and of society.
  • 他们或者公然反对马主义的基本原理,或者口头上拥护马主义,但是反对马主义普遍真理与中国革命实践相结合而产生的毛泽东思想。
    Either they openly oppose the basic tenets of Marxism-Leninism, or else they uphold Marxism-Leninism in word only while in deed opposing Mao Zedong Thought, which represents the integration of the universal truth of Marxism-Leninism with the practice of the Chinese revolution.
  • 真正的马克思宁主义者必须根据现在的情况,认识、继承和发展马克思宁主义。
    A true Marxist-Leninist must understand, carry on and develop Marxism-Leninism in light of the current situation.
  • 科学社会主义是在实际斗争中发展着,马主义、毛泽东思想是在实际斗争中发展着。
    Scientific socialism develops in the course of actual struggle, and so do Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought.
  • 所以,不要把毛泽东思想同马克思宁主义割裂开来,好像它是另外一个东西。
    Therefore, we should not separate Mao Zedong Thought from Marxism-Leninism as if the two were different things.
  • 但是应该承认,毛泽东思想是马克思宁主义在中国的运用和发展。
    But we ought to recognize that Mao Zedong Thought is the application and development of Marxism-Leninism in China.
  • 当然,也可以单独提毛泽东思想,但是一定不要忘记了马克思宁主义,不要丢掉这个最根本的东西。
    Of course, we may mention Mao Zedong Thought alone, but we should never forget the fundamental teaching, Marxism-Leninism.
  • 主义、毛泽东思想的基本原则,我们任何时候都不能违背,这是毫无疑义的。
    That we must never go against the basic principles of Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought is beyond doubt.
  • 马克思宁主义的伟大力量,就在于它是和各个国家具体的革命实践相联系的。
    The great strength of Marxism-Leninism lies precisely in its integration with the concrete revolutionary practice of all countries.
  • 要选那些认真学习马主义、毛泽东思想,在斗争中经得起考验的人;
    We should select serious students of Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought who can stand the tests of struggle;
  • 所以,林彪、“四人帮”完全背离了马主义、毛泽东思想的根本原则。
    Lin Biao and the Gang of Four totally deviated from the cardinal principles of Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought.
  • 中国共产党是一个按照马克思宁主义的革命理论建立起来的党。
    The Communist Party of China is a party built on the Marxist- Leninist theory.
  • 共产主义者马克思--宁主义政党的一员
    A member of a Marxist-Leninist party.
  • 无产阶级革命者永远忠于马主义的原则。
    Proletarian revolutionaries always cleave to Marxist-Leninist principles.
  • 白求恩同志是实践了这一条宁主义路线的。
    Comrade Bethune put this Leninist line into practice.
  • 因此,只有统一战线的策略才是马克思宁主义的策略。
    Therefore, united front tactics are the only Marxist-Leninist tactics.
  • 我们必须永远坚持马克思宁主义原则。
    We must always hold on to the Marxist- Leninist Principles.
  • 这些马主义原则应当牢记并贯彻实行。
    These Marxist- Leninist principles should be kept in mind and acted on.
  • 共产党人马克思宁主义政党的党员或支持者;共产党人
    A member of a Marxist-Leninist party or a supporter of one; a Communist.
  • 在组织上,形成了一个健全的马克思宁主义的党,树立了一个正确的党风。
    Organizationally, we have become a sound Marxist-Leninist Party with a correct work style.
  • 他们的纲领将是适合他们国家情况的马主义纲领。
    Their programme will be Marxist-Leninist, adapted to the conditions existing in their country.
  • 第四个问题,学习马克思宁主义的理论和毛泽东同志的著作。
    The fourth question concerns the study of Marxist-Leninist theory and Comrade Mao Zedong's works.
  • 新党员非常之多,但是没有给予必要的马克思宁主义的教育。
    There were plenty of new members but they were not given the necessary Marxist-Leninist education.
  • 这个马克思宁主义的革命原则是普遍地对的,不论在中国在外国,一概都是对的。
    This Marxist-Leninist principle of revolution holds good universally, for China and for all other countries.
  • “这种态度,就是党性的表现,就是理论和实际统一的马克思宁主义的作风。
    "This attitude is the manifestation of Party spirit, the Marxist-Leninist style of uniting theory and practice.
  • 共产主义共产主义学说的马克思--宁主义,拥护通过无产阶级革命推翻资本主义
    The Marxist-Leninist version of Communist doctrine that advocates the overthrow of capitalism by the revolution of the proletariat.
  • 凡义战都是互相援助的,凡非义战都是应该使之转变成为义战的,这就是宁主义的路线。
    All just wars support each other, while all unjust wars should be turned into just wars -- this is the Leninist line.
  • 这个党,照我们历来的说法,是光荣的、伟大的、正确的党,是名副其实的马克思宁主义的党。
    This Party, as we have consistently maintained, is glorious, great and correct and is a Marxist-Leninist Party worthy of the name.
  • 毛泽东同志历来坚持要用马主义的立尝观点、方法来提出问题,分析问题,解决问题。
    Comrade Mao Zedong always maintained that in raising, analysing and solving problems we should adhere to the Marxist-Leninist stand, viewpoint and method.
  • 经验主义,就是只看到一些具体实践,只看到一国一地一时的经验,没有看到马克思宁主义的原则。
    Empiricists only lay stress on concrete practice or the experience of a given time or place of a country, ignoring Marxist-Leninist principles.