  • 在战中提倡勇敢牺牲英勇向前的精神和动作,是在正确的作战计划下绝对必要的东西,是同持久战和最后胜利不能分离的。
    Within the scope of correct war planning, encouraging the spirit and practice of heroic self-sacrifice and dauntless advance in battle is absolutely necessary and inseparable from the waging of protracted war and the achievement of final victory.
  • 为夺取未来战的胜利,中国军队坚持发挥思想政治工作的强大威力,坚持用正确的思想理论教育官兵,坚持用高尚的革命精神激励官兵,坚持用良好的政治环境熏陶官兵,坚持用严格的组织纪律约束官兵,不断增强官兵的思想觉悟、勇敢精神、顽强作风、铁的纪律,增强官兵的现代意识、科技意识、创新意识,全面提高军队战斗力。
    To win future wars, the Chinese armed forces resolutely give play to their power in ideological and political work, educate officers and men with correct ideological theory, encourage them with a lofty revolutionary spirit, nurture them in a good political environment, and discipline them strictly with rules and regulations. The Chinese armed forces constantly strive to increase the ideological consciousness, dauntless spirit, sturdy style of work and iron discipline of their officers and men, and to increase their awareness of modernization, science and technology and creativity, and to raise the all-round fighting capability of the armed forces.
  • 分夺秒地工作以便在最后期限到来前交出手搞
    Worked against time to deliver the manuscript before the deadline.
  • 诚实地对待竞争者
    Deal honestly with competitors.
  • 他与对立公司竞完全不讲道德。
    He is utterly unscrupulous in his dealings with rival firms.
  • 其次,要经过以村子、屋子为单位的群众大会去做经济建设的宣传,在宣传中要把革命战和经济建设的关系讲得十分明白,要把改良群众的生活,增加斗的力量,讲得十分实际。
    Furthermore, we must conduct propaganda for economic construction at village or household meetings, explaining dearly how it is related to the revolutionary war and discussing in the most practical terms how to improve the livelihood of the masses and increase our strength for the struggle.
  • 如果认清了中国是一个许多帝国主义国家互相夺的半殖民地,则一,就会明白全世界何以只有中国有这种统治阶级内部互相长期混战的怪事,而且何以混战一天激烈一天,一天扩大一天,何以始终不能有一个统一的政权。
    If one dearly understands this, one will understand first why the unusual phenomenon of prolonged and tangled warfare within the ruling classes is only to be found in China, why this warfare is steadily growing fiercer and spreading, and why there has never been a unified regime.
  • 面对很不安宁的世界,面对艰巨繁重的任务,全党同志一定要增强忧患意识,居安思危,清醒地看到日趋激烈的国际竞带来的严峻挑战,清醒地看到前进道路上的困难和风险,倍加顾全大局,倍加珍视团结,倍加维护稳定。
    In the face of a world that is far from being tranquil and the formidable tasks before us, all Party members must be mindful of the potential danger and stay prepared against adversities in times of peace. We must be keenly aware of the rigorous challenges brought about by the ever-sharpening international competition as well as risks and difficulties that may arise on our road ahead. We must bear in mind the overall interests of our Party all the more deeply, cherish the solidarity all the more dearly and safeguard stability all the more firmly.
  • 战争是死亡的筵席。
    War is death's feast.
  • 无异议的如此以至使质疑或怀疑都没有必要的;不容辩的
    Being such as to debar questioning or doubts; indisputable.
  • 如果共产党员忘记了这个原则性,他们就不能正确地指导抗日战,他们就将无力克服国民党的片面性,就把共产主义者降低到无原则的地位,把共产党降低到国民党。
    If Communists forget this difference in principle, they will be unable to guide the War of Resistance correctly, they will be powerless to overcome the Kuomintang's one-sidedness, and they will debase themselves to the point of abandoning their principles and reduce their Party to the level of the Kuomintang.
  • 改革是否改善了现状, 这问题仍有议.
    It's debatable whether or not the reforms have improved conditions.
  • 可反对的公开或倾向于反对或论的;可反对的或可辩的
    Open or liable to objection or debate; objectionable or debatable.
  • 关于如何惩治罪犯的
    a debate about the punishment for criminals
  • 这本书引起了争论。
    The book aroused debate.
  • 论达到了白热化的程度。
    The debate became white-hot.
  • 就…进行争论;辩论
    To argue about; debate.
  • 对争论毫不关注
    Attended disinterestedly to the debate.
  • 对一个问题的论;游移
    Debate over an issue; vacillation.
  • 论;辩论论的行为;讨论
    The act of disputing; debate.
  • 参加辩论会的选手应避免怀疑对方动机的不理性的
    Debaters should avoid ad hominem arguments that question their opponents' motives.
  • 这些发现很具议性,因为有一些医生对这个问题持怀疑态度,认为身体的不健康状态,例如过度肥胖和慢性疲劳综合症(亦称me-myalgicencephalomyelitis)并非真正意义上的疾病。
    The findings are controversial, with a number of doctors questioning whether debilitating conditions such as obesity and chronic fatigue syndrome -- also known as ME (myalgic encephalomyelitis) -- are true illnesses.
  • 好几位较年轻的从政者似乎决心以强烈批评部长诸项计划的方式激起论。
    Several of the younger politicians seemed determined to make the sparks fly by their strong criticisms of the minister's plans.
  • 起初只是探讨如何才能最有效地纠正电脑程序错误的技术之,而现在则演变为知识所有权和使用方式的政治大战,交战的一方是那些相信观念自由传播的人,另一方则是那些更愿意将其称为“知识产权”的人。
    What started as a technical debate over the best way to debug computer programs is developing into a political battle over the ownership of knowledge and how it is used, between those who put their faith in the free circulation of ideas and those who prefer to designate them "intellectual property".
  • 但是自由主义取消思想斗,主张无原则的和平,结果是腐朽庸俗的作风发生,使党和革命团体的某些组织和某些个人在政治上腐化起来。
    But liberalism rejects ideological struggle and stands for unprincipled peace, thus giving rise to a decadent, philistine attitude and bringing about political degeneration in certain units and individuals in the Party and the revolutionary organizations.
  •  第二十四条存有遗产的人,应当妥善保管遗产,任何人不得侵吞或者抢。
    Article 24 Anyone who has in his possession the property of the decedent shall take good care of such property and no one is allowed to misappropriate it or contend for it.
  • 从战和屠杀的政策改变到改良和欺骗的政策,从硬的政策改变到软的政策,从军事政策改变到政治政策。
    The change is from war and massacre to reform and deceit, from a tough policy to a soft one, from a military to a political policy.
  • 文康广播局局长掌管广播政策,目的是透过业内竞,向大众提供多元化的选择,而规管节目尺度则是要确保广播机构顾及社会的口味和雅俗标准。
    The Secretary for Broadcasting, Culture and Sport oversees broadcasting policy, the aims of which are to promote choice and diversity through competition, while regulating programme standards to ensure that public standards of taste and decency are observed.
  • 一个廉洁、机会均等、公平竞的法治地区;
    - a decent society with a level playing field and fair competition under the rule of law;
  • 应该分散的不分散,在上者叫做包办,在下者叫做无自动性,这也是在任何上下级关系上特别是在游击战的指挥关系上所不许可的。
    If decentralization is not effected where it should be, that means monopolization of power by the higher levels and lack of initiative on the part of the lower Ievels, neither of which can be tolerated in the relationship between higher and lower levels, especially in the command of guerrilla war fare.
  • 我们必须提倡每个红军指挥员变为勇敢而明智的英雄,不但有压倒一切的勇气,而且有驾驭整个战变化发展的能力。
    we decidedly want every Red Army commander to become a hero who is both brave and sagacious, who possesses both all-conquering courage and the ability to remain master of the situation throughout the changes and vicissitudes of the entire war.
  • 合伙人在决定扩大商店前进行了激烈的论。
    The partners had a hot and heavy argument before deciding to enlarge their store.