  • 发起筹备公开演的发起人。
    a sponsor who books and stages public entertainments.
  • 这位流行歌手取消了原定今晚举行的演唱会,原因是主办者付不他开的价。
    The pop singer canceled his concert scheduled for tonight because the sponsor can not pay him the money he ask for.
  • 二零零一年年初,委员会推青年领袖培训资助计划,资助非政府机构筹办青年领袖培训活动。
    In early 2001, the commission launched the Youth Leadership Training Funding Scheme to sponsor non-governmental organisations in organising leadership training programmes for youth.
  • 当约翰·普莱耶开始赞助曲棍球系列比赛的时候,约翰·普莱耶这个名字便现在每一条体育新闻中——现在情况仍是这样。
    When John Player started to sponsor the country cricket series, the name John Player appeared in each of sports news as indeed it still does.
  • “我们将用作30秒钟电视商业广告的费用去赞助一次音乐节,虽然我们只需付作电视广告费用的一小部分,但它的影响却会深远得多,”一位广告人昨天这样说。
    "We'll sponsor a festival for the cost of a 30-second television commercial and though we'll only reach a microscopic fraction of the number we hit on television, the impact will be far more long lasting," said one advertising man yesterday.
  • 中国积极参与联合国制定《儿童权利公约》的工作,1989年第四十四届联合国大会审议并通过该公约时,中国是提通过公约的决议草案的共同提案国之一。
    China actively participated in working out the UN Convention on the Rights of Children. When the convention was examined and approved at the 44th Session of the UN General Assembly in 1989, China was one of the co-sponsor countries that raised the draft resolution for the approval of the convention.
  • 公司可能正在把支削减到最低程度,但对艺术事业的赞助却比任何时候都更红火。
    Companies may be cutting expenses to the bone, but arts sponsorship is doing better than ever.
  • 以奥运对科技的需求为发点,围绕2008年北京奥运的三大理念,发掘、筛选、优化科技项目,为成功举办奥运提供技术保障和智力支撑。
    Around the three ideas of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games we shall explore, screen and optimize S&T projects, and provide technical guarantee and intelligent support for successful sponsorship of the Olympic Games.
  • 如果某人对其研究工作没有信心、不感兴趣的话,那任何税务回扣、资金支援、企业赞助或政府鼓励也不能造就一个诺贝尔得奖人。
    No amount of tax incentives, financial grant, corporate sponsorship or even government encouragement ever produced one Nobel Prize winner if he or she did not believe in and love his or her scientific work.
  • 奥运科技建设规划所提的重点任务,都是直接关系到能否成功举办2008年奥运会的重大关键技术问题,必须采取切实可行的措施,保障规划的落实。
    Major tasks of the Olympic S&T construction plan are all related to key problem of technology whether the 2008 Olympics will succeed in its sponsorship. And it is necessary that practical measures be taken to guarantee the implementing of above-mentioned plan.
  • 1997年2~3月蔡正仁与粱谷音,应美国国家表演艺术委员会、美国数大学及私人团体之邀,赴美各地演
    February - march, 1997 The leading actors of the Company, Cai Zhengren and Liang Guyin performed in various cities of the United States under the sponsorships of the National Endowment for the Arts of the United States and some major universities and some private organizations.
  • 这幅作品带有某种自发性,它一定是于一时冲动而完成的。
    This work must have been done at the first jet, for it has a certain spontaneity.
  • 一个人读书必须其自然,才能够彻底享受读书的乐趣。
    To be thoroughly enjoyed, reading must be entirely spontaneous.
  • 一切必须自然而然发生来,由一种艺术的脾性中自然而然发生来。
    Everything must be spontaneous and rise spontaneously from an artistic temperament.
  • 不自觉地表示或发
    express or utter spontaneously.
  • 即兴的,临时插入的自发说的,表演的或完成的
    Uttered, performed, or carried out spontaneously.
  • 脑力激荡,合伙解决问题的方法一种合伙解决问题的方法,其中小组的每一个成员都主动地提自己的想法
    A method of shared problem solving in which all members of a group spontaneously contribute ideas.
  • 如果能量能自发地从冰块扩散到周围的水中,这种现象的现就完全符合能量守恒。
    If energy were to flow spontaneously from a block of ice to a surrounding volume of water, this could occur in complete accord with energy conservation.
  • 关于另一种生产要素(适当的自然物品),需要指的是,某些能满足人类需要的物品是自然存在或生长的。
    Of the other requisite -- appropriate natural objects-- it is to be remarked, that some objects exist or grow up spontaneously, of a kind suited to the supply of human wants.
  • 只有当科学家所在人群中的科学素养能够恰当地提供所需的基础训练时,天才科学家才会自然而然地得到培养。这就是当今世界上的一些国家,包括许多发展中国家中所现的情形。
    they develop spontaneously whenever the scientific training of the community is adequate to providethe basic training they need -- which is today the case in several nations over the world, including many of the developing countries.
  • 农村改革中,我们完全没有预料到的最大的收获,就是乡镇企业发展起来了,突然冒搞多种行业,搞商品经济,搞各种小型企业,异军突起。
    In the rural reform our greatest success -- and it is one we had by no means anticipated -- has been the emergence of a large number of enterprises run by villages and townships. They were like a new force that just came into being spontaneously. These small enterprises engage in the most diverse endeavours, including both manufacturing and trade.
  • 在ibmsystem/38中,操作系统cpf(控制程序设施)里的一种程序,用于将假脱机输文件从输队列中写入到某一外部设备(如打印机)中去。
    In System/38, a Control Program Facility program that writes spooled output files from an output queue to an external device, such as a printer.
  • 用长柄的勺子舀来或盛
    To lift out or serve with a long-handled spoon.
  • 第十九条 在城市范围内从事生产活动确需排放偶发性强烈噪声的,必须事先向当地公安机关提申请,经批准后方可进行。
    Article 19 In the case where sporadic strong noise is truly unavoidable in production conducted within an urban area, the matter must first be applied to the local public security organ for approval.
  • 新加坡体育促进委员会属下的改善运动员支援体制小组,日前提了在2003年成立体育学校的建议,目的就是要让有可能在体坛绽放光芒的年轻选手,获得最好的照顾和训练,在他们的运动员生涯中给予扶持。
    The recent proposal to set up a sports school in 2003 by a sub-committee of the Committee on Sporting Singapore, aims to provide young and talented athletes who are likely to shine in the sporting arena, the best care, training and support.
  • 于小孩子的冒险精神,他跟一个马戏团走了。
    The boy's sporting blood caused him to ran away with a circus.
  • 这个足球运动员是个爱风头的运动员。
    This footballer is a sportsman who likes to be in the spotlight.
  • 他付了一些代价才成为优秀运动员
    He became a top sportsman at some sacrifice to himself
  • 他是一位优秀的足球运动员,而首先他是一位杰的运动员。
    He's a good footballer and, above all, a great sportsman.
  • 从解决运动训练实践中的难点和关键点发,应用现代科技理念、手段,集成先进、科学的训练方法,全面提高我国运动员的科学训练水平和运动竞技水平。
    Starting from the difficult points and key points we adopt modern S&T idea, means and integrate advanced scientific methods of training, and completely raise the level of scientific training of sportsman or sportswoman and sport competition.
  • 五、一些具有特殊才干的人,如艺术家杰运动员等。
    5. People with special talents, like artists, sportsmen,etc.
  • 五、一些具有特殊才干的人,如艺术家杰运动员等
    5. People with special talents, like artists, sportsmen, etc.