  • 一颗坏牙;拔一个尖片;也在抽象意义上使用;从。
    extract a bad tooth; take out a splinter; also used in an abstract sense: extract information from the telegram.
  • 10个成员分裂来组成了另一个政党。
    Ten of the members splintered off to form another political party.
  • 一小组党员不再赞同该党的思想,分裂来形成了一个新的积极开展政治运动的团体。
    A small group of party members, who no longer agreed with the Party members, splintered off and formed a new political movement.
  • 不再赞同该党思想的一小批党员分裂了去,组成了一个新的政治运动团体。
    A small group of party members, who no longer agreed with the party thought, splintered off and formed a new political movement.
  • 九一八事变以后的环境能够使国民党营垒分裂这样一部分人,为什么今天的环境反倒不能造成国民党的分裂呢?
    If the circumstances following the September 18th Incident could cause this group to split away, why cannot the present circumstances give rise to other splits in the Kuomintang?
  • 一个持不同意见的少数派分裂去了。
    A minority which disagreed split off.
  • 蜡烛发轻轻的毕剥声後就熄灭了.
    The candle gave a few faint splutters and then went out.
  • 蜡烛发轻轻的毕剥声後就熄灭了。
    The candle give a few faint splutter and then go out.
  • 发动机发劈啪声熄火了,接着车停了。
    The engine spluttered out and then the car stopped.
  • 走了几英里以后,发动机发了咔咔的声音,紧接着啪啪几声就熄了火,于是车子停了下来。
    After several miles the engine coughed and then spluttered out and the car stopped.
  • 左舷的引掣发爆裂声,似乎要停了,然后又开始工作起来了。
    The port engine spluttered and seemed about to cut out, then it picked up again.
  • 腐败的食物不能卖。
    Spoiled food is not vendible.
  • 下着雨你要是去,你的帽子就会给淋坏了。
    If you go out in the rain, your hat will be spoilt.
  • 反正我已经说口了。
    I have spoken out.
  • 发声的能发声音或说
    Capable of being voiced or spoken.
  • 这些桌子早就预定去了。
    These tables are already spoken for.
  • 我们不可能有比他更色的代言人了。
    We couldn't have had a better spokesman.
  • 公众向新闻发言人提一个又一个的问题。
    The crowd fired one question after another at the spokesman.
  • 发言人对记者提的问题从来不作直接的回答。
    The spokesman never gave a direct answer to any question of the reporters.
  • 布什的发言人人所料,呼吁萨达姆“投降”。
    Bush's spokesman added a new twist then he called on Saddam to "surrender."
  • 尽管不断被问及此事,白宫发言人阿里-弗雷舍拒绝对总统和女儿的谈话作详细说明。
    Under repeated questioning today, White House spokesman Ari Fleischer refused to elaborate on the president's conversations with his daughters.
  • 新内阁将会监督一项彻底重整日本官僚体制的工作。森喜朗一名发言人越川表示,原内阁是在内阁例行晨间会议中提总辞的,而这次总辞则是内阁重组的一个重要过程。
    The resignations, a formality before the changes, were submitted at the regular morning Cabinet meeting, said Kazuhiko Koshikawa, one of Mori's spokesmen.
  • 他说,可是因为受害人非美国公民,没有首先来寻求解决办法。“他们没有真正代言人,”他接着说,“可能正因为如此,没人来大声抗议设法解决问题。”
    But because the victims are not United States citizens, he said, no one has taken the lead in seeking a solution."They don't have any real spokesperson, " he continued,"That's probably why there is no hue and cry to do something about this problem."
  • 小组通常要求律政司司长向行政会议和立法会提立法建议,并予以阐释。
    Often, the group will call upon the Secretary for Justice to take responsibility, as sponsor and spokesperson, for legislative proposals to be submitted to the Executive and Legislative Councils.
  • 他说,可是因为受害人非美国公民,没有首先来寻求解决办法。“他们没有真正代言人,”他接着说,“可能正因为如此,没人来大声抗议设法解决问题。”
    But because the victims are not United States citizens, he said, no one has taken the lead in seeking a solution."They don't have any real spokesperson," he continued, "That's probably why there is no hue and cry to do something about this problem."
  • 消息来源说……一家由索尼公司自己经营的商店……将降价售本公司的货品并与索尼经销商竞争。第一个这样的商店将在芝加哥开业。一位索尼公司女发言人[对此说法]未敢苟同。
    Sources say… a Sony-operated store …will sell the company's own goods cut-rate and compete with Sony dealers. The first such store will open in Chicago. A Sony spokeswoman begged to differ.
  • 拧出海绵里的水
    Screw out water from a sponge( screw out water of a sponge)
  • 她把水从海绵中拧来。
    She screwed water out of a sponge.
  • 小孩正把海绵中的水挤来。
    The child is screwing water out of a sponge.
  • 马铃薯的茎块现疣肿。
    fungous disease causing dark warty spongy excrescences in the eyes of potato tubers.
  • 肺大多数脊椎的物的两个海绵状的,囊状的呼吸器官,它和心脏一起占据胸腔,作用是从血液中排二氧化碳和使血液吸收氧气。
    Either of two spongy, saclike respiratory organs in most vertebrates, occupying the chest cavity together with the heart and functioning to remove carbon dioxide from the blood and provide it with oxygen.
  • 星期六我要参加慈善游泳--您愿意钱赞助吗?
    I'm doing a sponsored swim on Saturday will you sponsor me?