  • 当他年轻的时候,他够一跃而跨到马背上。
    When he was young , he could vault into the back of a horse.
  • 一旦发现,就会快速采取措施在不破坏环境的情况下控制带菌媒介的繁殖,建议公众加强自我保护,为有危险的人群提供疫苗(有可的话)以及及时的医治。
    Discovery could quickly trigger measures to control vector proliferation without harming the environment , to advise the public about self-protection , to provide vaccines ( when available) for at-risk populations and to deliver prompt treatments.
  • 别着急,风正在转向,我们很快就到家了。
    Don't worry, the wind is veering from its course and we shall soon be able to reach home.
  • 为我们点几道素菜吗?
    Can you order some vegetarians for us?
  • 我的导师的批评揭开了盖在我的设计荒诞上的遮布,使我确信成功是不可的了。
    My adviser's criticism had removed the veil spread over the wildness of my design, and convinced me that success was impossible.
  • 属于或包含在静脉中,或履行静脉功
    of or contained in or performing the function of the veins.
  • 够把东西分裂为许多小的高速断片的炸弹。
    a bomb designed to break into many small high-velocity fragments.
  • 光速太快,不用简单的单位来量度。
    The velocity of light is too great to be measured in simple units.
  • 够得到货物的自动贩卖机。
    a vending machine from which you can get food.
  • 不过,他们也必须够分辨针对他们的敌意行动,和为了国家整体利益而实行的政策。
    But the Malays must distinguish between a personal vendetta acting against them and a conscious effort within the system to make policies for the common good of the nation.
  • 可时间一长,边脚的松木镶面开始慢慢剥皮,再也没有最初的效果了,不过至少还用。
    But as time rolled by, the veneer slowly began to peel at the edges. It didn't create the same impression any more, but at least it was being honest!
  • 什么表现出一个威尼斯人画的特点呢?
    What characterizes a Venetian painting?
  • 遮光物如窗帘或软百叶窗等遮挡视线或挡住阳光的物体
    Something, such as a window shade or a Venetian blind, that hinders vision or shuts out light.
  • 威尼斯领袖与国民的才华及力是这个城邦得以成功的其中一个要素。
    The talent and ability of the Venetian leaders and citizens was one of the necessary ingredients of the success of the city state.
  • 有毒的通过或好象通过毒药具有伤害或杀死的力的;有毒的或剧毒的
    Having the capability of harming or killing by or as if by poison; toxic or venomous.
  • 目前还没有发明一种替代品可以替代血液其他的重要功:凝集和免疫预防。
    No substitutes have yet been in vented that can replace the other vital functions of blood: coagulation and immune defense.
  • 然后她只回击一个平击球,对维纳斯来说就更容易再打斜射球了。
    She could only return it as a flat-shot, which made it easier for Venus to slice again.
  • 古行星够用肉眼看到七个天体之一,水星、金星、月球、太阳、火星、木星和土星,古代天文学家认为它在天空中围绕着固定的地球和固定的恒星中旋转
    One of the seven celestial bodies, Mercury, Venus, the moon, the sun, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn, visible to the naked eye and thought by ancient astronomers to revolve in the heavens about a fixed Earth and among fixed stars.
  • 维拉的特异功引起了在她居住地附近的乌里扬诺夫斯克城的科学研究所的注意。
    Vera's curious talent was brought to the notice of a scientific research institute.
  • 这消息是我间接得来的,我不保证它的真实性。
    Since I got the news at second hand, I cannot vouch for its veracity.
  • 无疑地,从来最有力的人都是有坦白直爽的行为,信实不欺的名誉的;
    Certainly the ablest men that ever were, have had all an openness, and frankness of dealing; and a name of certainty, and veracity;
  • 语言表达力程度低的
    Measuring low on a scale of verbal ability.
  • 这样的代码使其可以用于各种各样的应用程序,从口授文本变成字处理的文档、到说话控制计算机的功
    Such code makes it possible for a variety of applications, from dictating text into a word processing document to verbally controlling a computer's functions.
  • 他记忆力极好,一字不错地背出好多部莎士比亚的戏剧。
    His memory was so good that he could repeat many Shakespeare plays verbatim.
  • 曾经濒于灭绝的维吾尔族巨大音乐经典套曲“十二木卡姆”,由四十年代末仅有两三个高龄艺人够较完整地演唱发展到成立新疆木卡姆艺术团、木卡姆研究室,广泛演唱,得到发扬光大。
    The ``Twelve Mukams'' opera, a classical musical treasure of the Uygur people, which was on the verge of being lost, has been preserved. At the end of the 1940s, only two or three elderly musicians could sing it completely. But now it is flourishing, since the Mukam Art Troupe and Mukam Research Office have been established in Xinjiang.
  • 声称某样东西是正确的没有什么意义,而提出可以证实的事实证明它的正确性。
    Claiming something is true misses the point , while presenting verifiable fact proves its correctness.
  • (iii)如通过互联网,传送日期够被证实,寄发日期以信息发出时为准。
    or(iii) if via the Internet, on the date that the communication was transmitted, provided that the date of transmission is verifiable.
  • 够被实验或者观察所验证或者证伪。
    capable of being verified or disproved by experiment or observation.
  • 所有场馆设施建设的规模、位置、数量逐一进行论证,够利用现有场馆进行改建、扩建的就不新建,搞临时性场馆的就不搞永久性场馆。
    The size, location and number of the venues and facilities to be constructed will be reviewed and verified. Existing facilities that can be adapted or expanded for Olympic purpose will be used instead of building new ones, and temporary venues will be built in place of permanent ones.
  • 够使我们从群众的表现中去测验我党的政策是否正确,是否为群众所了解所拥护;
    It makes it possible for us to verify with the masses whether the Party's policies are correct and whether these policies have been understood and supported.
  • 像我这样的人,掌握的材料也很少,不作出判断。但是在这种情况下,我确信有一点点资料也就足够了—也许是更好哩。
    There were also very few materials accessible to a man like me to form a judgement from. But in such a case I verily believe that a little is as good as a feast—perhaps better.
  • verity公司也计划到九月底让微软公司的backoffice套装软件中的几个部件,如sqlserver和windowsnt成为够搜索的。
    Verity also plans to search-enable several of the components of Microsoft's BackOffice suite by the end of September, such as SQL Server and Windows NT.