  • 当大规模的暴乱显示内战的端倪时,他又在政治上和精神上发展了这一点做法,虽然时间证明这场战争纯属兄弟之争。
    He directed it politically and spiritually while massive turbulent forces let loose in civil war, a war truly as time has shown, of brothers.
  • 当大规模的暴乱显示内战的端倪时,他又在政治上和精神上发展了这一点做法,虽然时间证明这场战争纯属兄弟之争。
    He directed it politically and spiritually while massive turbulent forces let loose in civil war, a war truly as time has shown, of brothers.
  • 孩子把(吃的)东西吐了来。
    The child spat out its food.
  • 他吐出断了的牙齿。
    He spit out the broken tooth.
  • 很突然地声音很响亮地吐痰等物。
    spit up in an explosive manner.
  • 婴儿打嗝时总会吐一点东西来。
    They baby always spit up when he is burped.
  • 他嘴上挨了打之後,吐血来。
    He is spit blood after is hit in the mouth.
  • 他嘴上挨了打之后,吐血来。
    He was spit blood after being hit in the mouth.
  • 褓姆叫孩子把果核吐来。
    The nurse tell the child to spit out the stone.
  • 他仅仅于怨恨拿走了我最好的玩具!
    He took my best toy just out of spite!
  • 我冒雨外出。
    I went out in spite of the rain.
  • "尽管我们作了巨大努力,我们还是没能完成计划。"
    In spite of great efforts we failed to carry our plans through.
  • 他不禁笑出声来。
    He laughed in spite of himself.
  • 他嘴上挨了打之後, 吐血来.
    He was spitting blood after being hit in the mouth.
  • 并吐掉某物的过程。
    the process of coughing up and spitting out.
  • (话语)带有吐唾沫的声音(象发怒一样)。
    an utterance (of words) with spitting sounds (as in rage).
  • 通过咳和吐的办法清理胸和肺
    To clear out the chest and lungs by coughing up and spitting out matter.
  • “她笑得太厉害,咳血来了,”普律当丝说,“啊,没事,她每天都是这样的。
    'What's up with her is that she's been laughing too much and is spitting blood, ' said Prudence. 'Oh, it won't be anything, it happens every day.
  • 该消息在头版醒目地登
    The news got a front-page splash.
  • 水从缸里飞溅来,落在地板上。
    The water splash out of the tub upon the floor.
  • 他的书第一版时,就引起了轰动。
    His book made quite a splash when it was first published.
  • 物体没有溅起水花就落入液体中时发的声音。
    the noise of a rounded object dropping into a liquid without a splash.
  • 我等着他把心头的余努全部发泄来。
    I waited for him to get the rest of the spleen out of his system.
  • 约翰在办公室累了一整天,回到家里拿他老婆气。
    After a tiring day at the office, John vented his spleen on his wife.
  • 干了一天令人沮丧的工作下来,他常常拿他可怜的妻子气。
    After a frustration day at work he often vents his spleen on his poor wife.
  • 你们干得都很色, 要坚持下去!
    You're all doing a splendid job; keep up the good work!
  • 王室伉俪身穿盛装现.
    The royal couple appeared in splendid array.
  • 我们队表现色, 赢了那场比赛.
    Our team gave a splendid account of themselves to win the match.
  • 一片壮丽的景色现在我们眼前。
    A splendid view burst upon our sight.
  • 我们希望他们用更大的努力增产节约,希望他们更色地完成自己的任务。
    We hope that they will exert great efforts to increase production and practise economy and splendidly accomplish their task.
  • 云开日,阳光灿烂。
    The sunlight broke forth in splendor.
  • 护士拿着几把镊子,非常利索地把碎片镊了来。
    The nurse took some tweezers and pulled out the splinter as clean as a whistle.