Chinese English Sentence:
  • 让个人情绪在一篇报告里流露
    Allow one's private sentiments to spill over into a report
  • 我一路走去,从我的水瓶中漏水来。
    I spill water from my water jar as I walk on my way.
  • 在碗柜里,小心不要把罐子里的油倒来。
    It's in the cupboard.Be careful not to spill the oil in the jar.
  • 牛奶洒出来了!
    The milk is spilling out!
  • 溢出溢出的行为
    The act of spilling over.
  • 瓶盖掉了,啤酒来了。
    The top has come off and the beer is spilling out!
  • 你不是故意把墨水翻来的,因此没有必要为此担忧。
    You couldn't help spilling the ink so there's no need to get into a state about it.
  • 安把我带回家去见她的父母,结果我把茶泼在他们的新地毯上,一开头就洋相。
    Ann took me home to meet her parents and I got off to a bad start by spilling my tea on their new carpet.
  • 谁把牛奶泼出来了?
    Who has spilt the milk?
  • 她擦去溅出的水。
    She wipeed up the spilt water.
  • 他说了自己的想法。
    He spilled out his mind.
  • 灯光从窗口泻出。
    Light spilled out through the window.
  • 威士忌从拔掉塞子的瓶中溅
    whiskey spilled from the unstoppered bottle.
  • 是谁把这消息捅去的?
    Who spilt the news?
  • 狗把洒来的牛奶舔干净了。
    The dog licked up the spilt milk.
  • 投手投的不旋转球。
    a baseball pitch thrown with little speed or spin.
  • 你怎么样发这样旋的球的?
    How do you put so much spin on the ball?
  • 菠菜煮开以后,用一滤器将水滤
    When you've boiled the spinach, strain off the water through a colander.
  • 有的学校学生提生活问题,说厨房没有人管,菠菜就切这么一下,连沙子都煮到锅里面去了。
    Students in some schools have complained about their living conditions, saying that no one is paying attention to the way their kitchens are run, that spinach, after one rough cut, is thrown into the pot with the dirt still on it.
  • 尽管在远处我也能从这细长的身躯辨别来人是大卫。
    Even from distance I can tell from the spindle figure that the approaching man is David.
  • 尽管在远处我也能从这细长的身躯辨别来人是大卫
    Even from distance I can tell from the spindle figure that the approaching man is David
  • 针状物精细尖锐的突物,如海胆的脊椎骨或水晶球
    A fine, sharp projection, as a spine of a sea urchin or a crystal.
  • 纺纱业纺的纱,除了作为织布业的原料之外,几乎没有什么别的用处。
    The thread produced by the spinner is applied to hardly any use except as material for the weaver.
  • 走锭精纺机能从纤维中捻线或拔丝的机器
    A spinning machine that makes thread or yarn from fibers.
  • 有螺旋形构造的星系;包括年纪较小的恒星在中心从年纪较大的中螺旋去的臂状物。
    a galaxy having a spiral structure; arms containing younger stars spiral out from old stars at the center.
  • 我们的战斗精神被激发来了
    Our fighting spirit was up.
  • 充满或表现高度饱满的欢喜的。
    full of or showing high-spirited merriment.
  • 他们进行了热烈的讨论,把问题都摆来了.
    They carried on spirited debates and laid bare the issues.
  • 黎明前,这个负伤的男人被神秘地带了庄园宅邸。
    Before dawn the wounded man is spirited away from the house.
  • 黎明前这个受伤的男人被神秘地带府邸。
    Before dawn the wounded man was spirited away from the house.
  • 充满或者表现高度的热情。
    full of or showing high spirits.
  • 兴奋表现极度兴奋或高兴
    To show high spirits or excitement.