  • 如果有一种用于检验药效的动物模型(一种模拟或反应人体行为的动物),那么发现治疗和免疫疾病的药物将大为简化。
    The discovery of a drug for the treatment of, or vaccination against, a disease is greatly facilitated if there is an animal model (an animal that mimics the behavior or responses of the human body) for testing the effectiveness of the drug.
  • 但在斗争的某些阶段,他们中间的一部分(左翼)是有参加斗争的可的。其另一部分,则有由动摇而采取中立态度的可
    But at a certain stage of the struggle, one section (the left-wing) may join in, while another section may vacillate towards neutrality.
  • 如果不改变态度的原因,是民族资产阶级的软弱性,那末,一九二四年至一九二七年为什么改变了他们的常态,不仅是动摇,简直是参加了革命呢?
    If weakness is the reason for its inability to change its attitude, why did the national bourgeoisie behave differently in 1924-27 when it did not merely vacillate towards the revolution but actually joined it?
  • 那动摇不定的中产阶级,其右翼可是我们的敌人,其左翼可是我们的朋友——但我们要时常提防他们,不要让他们扰乱了我们的阵线。
    As for the vacillating middle bourgeoisie, their right-wing may become our enemy and their left-wing may become our friend -- but we must be constantly on our guard and not let them create confusion within our ranks.
  • 民族资产阶级、乡村富农和小地主们的动摇以至参加抗日斗争的可性,前面已经说过了。
    We have already dealt with the vacillation of the national bourgeoisie, the rich peasants and small landlords and the possibility that they may actually participate in the anti-Japanese struggle.
  • 够增强电子流量的真空管。
    a vacuum tube that amplifies a flow of electrons.
  • 具备坚强意志、勤奋进取的精神和应变力;
    the strength of character, the spirit of enterprise, the desire for continuous improvement, and the versatility to cope with vagaries in life;
  • 也许找到一些含糊不清的套语来遮掩这些分歧。
    Some vague formula may be found to paper over the disagreements.
  • 陈文安国会议员说,在过去几个月的辩论中,“外国人才”的定义已经被含糊地当成是“在海外念过书,及拥有符合新加坡的适当工作经验”的人士,而这些到本地从事一些本地人也够从事的工作的外国人,就符合了上述的这个定义。
    Mr Sin said that in various debates over the past few months, the term "foreign talent" has vaguely come to include those "who have studied overseas, and whose practical experiences are suited to Singapore's needs". As a matter of fact, those foreigners who are undertaking jobs that can be done by Singaporeans fit the above definition too.
  • 对自己的力过高的估计
    a vainglorious estimate of one's ability
  • 我再也不可翻开这本我所钟爱的宝贵的书,而妄想有时间把它读完了。
    No more can I turn the leaves of this dear book that loved, and vainly hope in time to read it all.
  • 那是一个不令人信服的理由或托辞。
    That is not a valid argument or excuse.
  • 须经航空公司盖章,该机票才生效。
    The ticket has to be stamped by the airline to validate it.
  • 保证,担保认可或使具有法律效力的某事物,如签名或收据
    Something, such as a signature or voucher, that endorses or validates.
  • 当然,其他的一些类型的校验操作也可被期望实施,比如利用businesskey或是其他传入的键值而实施的上下文敏感检查等。
    Other types of validation as desired can be performed, including context sensitive checks that utilize the businessKey or other values passed in the call-out.
  • 考虑……发生的可性;承认某事物的真相或有效性。
    allow or plan for a certain possibility; concede the truth or validity of something.
  • 尽管如此,很多人都相信那个`探宝器'很快就探测到一些有价值的东西。
    In spite of this, many people are confident that 'The Revealer' may reveal something of value fairly soon.
  • 这可仅仅包含对给出的keyvalue值对于指定值集(由内嵌的keyedreference中tmodelkey键值描述)的校验。
    This can involve merely checking that the keyValue values supplied are good for the given value set (as signified by the embedded keyedReference tModelKey values).
  • 我们相信收到您的订货单。
    We trust to be favour with your valued order.
  • 我们相信收到您的订货单。
    We trust to is favour with your valued order.
  • 心脏的瓣膜使血液只朝一个方向流动
    The valve of the heart allows the blood to pass in one direction only.
  • 她总编出某种新的借口为其迟到辩解。
    She can always vamp up some new excuse for coming late.
  • 修补这堵墙,但不好看。
    I can vamp up the wall, but it won't look good.
  • 比吸血鬼更理解献血的美德呢?
    Who better to promote the virtues of giving blood than a vampire?
  • 词汇也改变你生活的方向。
    Words van also change the direction of your life.
  • 捐赠的大篷车使得他们在车上进餐的冒险活动变成可
    the donated van made their meal-on-wheels venture possible.
  • 钢与钒制成的合金,使钢的强度耐高温的力得到提高。
    steel alloyed with vanadium for greater strength and high-temperature stability.
  • 电话亭都不用了,因为它们已全被破坏。
    None of the call booths work because they have all been vandalized.
  • 玩具风车一种用彩纸或塑料作叶片并钉在一根棍子上的玩具,吹动叶片即转动
    A toy consisting of vanes of colored paper or plastic pinned to a stick so that they revolve when blown on.
  • 为了国家社会的融洽和谐,只强调彼此的共同价值体系,并不消除与生俱来的差异,而不同民族习俗、信仰和种种价值标准,更不可因为冠上共同而广泛的更高名义,就会消失于无形。
    Just highlighting the common ground will not make these differences disappear. The beliefs, customs, and habits of our diverse communities will not vanish either because of some general and shared values that are supposed to transcend ethnicity.
  • 现在中国经济正在党中央和国务院的领导下重新走上健康发展的道路,如果再让有些人到处踢开党委去闹,那就只把四个现代化吹得精光。
    Only now, under the leadership of the Central Committee and of the State Council, has our economy returned to the road of sound growth.If a handful of people are again allowed to kick aside the Party committees and make trouble, the four modernizations will vanish into thin air.
  • 迅速走开并且消失不见的:我只看见他逐渐消失的背影。
    quickly going away and passing out of sight: all I saw was his vanishing back.