  • 这次争吵之激烈,乎他们的意料,于是双方交锋的勇气很快冷却下来了。
    This being warmer work than they had calculated upon, speedily cooled the courage of the belligerents.
  • 实施西部大开发,要研究适应新形势的新思路、新方法、新机制,特别是要研究制定并适时台一些切实可行的政策措施,加快中西部地区改革开放和经济建设的步伐。
    Western China development needs new ideas, new measures and new mechanism, which can fit into new circumstances. Practical policies especially are needed to be worked out and promulgated in a timely manner so that reform, opening up and economic construction in western China can be carried out speedily.
  • 他因超速行驶而被传讯庭.
    He was summonsed for speeding.
  • 多数人能够正确拼写light一词,但不知道为什么这个词拼写为l—i—g—h—t——这的确是事实。但一般来说,理解有助于记忆。
    It is certainly true that most people can spell "light" correctly without understanding why it is spelled I-i-g-h-t, but as a rule, understanding helps you to remember.
  • 请你把它拼写来好吗?
    Can you spell that, please?
  • 请你拼出名字好吗?
    Could you spell your name, please?
  • 拼字错误已用红笔改来了。
    Spelling mistakes have been marked with red ink.
  • 背诵字母或说拼写方法。
    recite the letters of or give the spelling of.
  • 《世界人权宣言》是第一个系统地提尊重和保护基本人权具体内容的国际文书。
    The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is the first international instrument that has spelt out in a systematic way the idea of respect for and protection of fundamental human rights.
  • 这就会使他们总在为自己的不对找种种理由,进行辩护,而不去想想自己是否有不对之处。
    Instead of spending their energy on work with their own conscience, they spend it defending and justifying their behavior to you.
  • 个人目标:“多抽一些时间来陪陪我的妻子。年轻的时候我一直忙于工作,没能帮她做些事情。”
    Personal goal: "Spend time with my wife, doing some of the things we weren't able to do in the younger days when I spent all my time at work."
  • 量入为出。
    To gain teaches how to spend.
  • 考虑到天气和你得了感冒,我觉得花两英镑坐租车是划得来的开销。
    Considering the weather, and that you have a cold already, I'd have thought that??2 on a taxi would be money well spent.
  • 这个月他的支比收入超50英镑。
    His spending has exceeded his income this month by??50.
  • 三、维持低水平国防支
    III. Maintaining a Low Level of Defense Spending
  • 水从孔中射出.
    Water spewed out of the hole.
  • 他和盘端了事实真相。
    He spewed out the true facts.
  • 这令可拎的孩子把吃下的东西全部吐了来。
    The poor child spewed up everything he had eaten
  • 这首离别词,就是用此手法写的,字字浅白易解,句句吐铭腑真情!
    The composition of this farewell poem fits such a description. Every word is plain and simple, but every phrase spews forth the deeply felt sentiments held within.
  • 在几次必须使用华语的场合里,我先将句子和词组在脑袋里整理一番后才把它们说来。
    On a few occasions when I was required to speak only in Mandarin or so it seemed, I tried to give order to my sentences and phrases in my head before spewing them out.
  • 国会和白宫不久即将开始各自抖减少联邦赤字的提案与反提案,情况几个月以后才能明朗,可是政界人士与预算专家们已经知道从哪里找到大部分的钱来完成此任务。
    Congress and the White House will soon start spewing out proposals and counter- proposals to reduce the Federal deficit. It will be months before the air clears, but already politicians and budget experts know where they can find most of the money to do the job.
  • 以球体出现,成球状
    To assume the shape of or form into a sphere.
  • 一种从步枪中发射来的子弹;不再制成球状。
    a bullet designed to be fired from a rifle; no longer made spherical in shape.
  • 蜘蛛丝蜘蛛吐的单根丝
    A single thread spun by a spider.
  • 那些孩子可以流利地背所有总统的名字,可是他们真正懂得自己国家的历史吗?
    The children can spiel of the names of all the Presidents, but do they really understand their country's history?
  • 直接从水龙头中流来的水。
    water directly from the spigot.
  • 花朵长穗,就像水仙花。
    bring forth a spike or spikes, as of flowers, such as hyacinths.
  • 他们会使各种手段来挫败对手。
    They'll do anything to spike the guns of the opposition.
  • 把瓶盖儿盖好,要不汁液就洒来了。
    Put the cap back on the bottle, otherwise the juice will spill.
  • 当心不要把东西溅来!
    Careful the stuff doesn't spill out!
  • 和液体一样流或溢
    run or spill over, as of a liquid.
  • (污点或污渍)溅或蔓延
    To spill or spread in a spot or stain.