  • 他用塑料铲把盆里的混合料刮了来。
    He scrapes the mixture out of the bowl with a plastic spatula.
  • 没于北大西洋沿海水域或其支流;成体产卵后不死。
    found in northern coastal Atlantic waters or tributaries; adults do not die after spawning.
  • 供应商们把产品移到基于对象的基础设施上和主要从unix阵营中派生来的corba中间件,能提高整个产业的可伸缩性和拥有一种基于标准的方法。
    Vendors are moving their products to an object-based infrastructure, and CORBA middleware, spawned largely from the Unix camp, can boast enterprise-wide scalability, and a standards-based approach.
  • 他们的眼神表示他们的情感。
    Their eyes spoke.
  • 那个男孩艰难地费了很大的气力才说话来。然而他吐字有力,使人惊惧。
    It was with the greatest difficulty that the boy gathered the strength to speak, but he spoke with a frightful emphasis.
  • 话必有人说来;事必有因。
    Speech implies a speaker.
  • 人群发嘲笑演讲者的声音。
    The crowd jeered at the speaker.
  • 呃说话犹豫时发呃声
    To fumble in speaking.
  • 第一批青草的叶片破土而
    The first blade of grass spear out of the earth.
  • 比赛一开始,我们有两名队员就给对方队员用冰球棍击伤了,不得不退比赛。
    Tow of our players got speared up at the beginning of the game, and had to go off the ice.
  • 从荷兰薄荷植物中提取来的一种芬芳的油。
    an aromatic oil obtained from the spearmint plant.
  • 那个演没什么特别的。
    That performance was nothing special
  • 今天特价出售。
    They're on special today.
  • 我们的客户都是经营专业产品,而不是那些大批售给批发商的产品的。
    Our client is all for speciality product, not the kind of thing to sell in bulk to wholesaler.
  • 我们了解到你们专营小五金的口。
    We have come to know that you specialize in export of hardware.
  • 我们了解到您是专营小五金口的。
    We have come to know that you specialize in the export of hardwires.
  • 从您的名片上可以看您是专营毛织品的。
    From your business card I can see that you specialize in woolen piece goods.
  • 从您的名片上可以看您是专营毛织品的,对吗?
    From your business card I can see that you specialize in woolen piece goods. Am I right?
  • 各位是研究国际问题的,请好好了解和研究一下我们对台湾、香港问题提的解决方式。
    Since you specialize in international issues, I hope you will have a better understanding of our proposal for the solution of the Hong Kong and Taiwan questions and make a study of it.
  • 各地都现了一批以妇女为主的专业户、专业村。
    Specialized households and villages headed by women have emerged everywhere.
  • 一种专门制作和售油炸食品的小餐馆。
    a small restaurant specializing in short-order fried foods.
  • 受过特殊训练的狗能嗅毒品。
    Specially-trained dogs can smell out drugs.
  • 5、在专业领域拥有实验、教学和版的证明;
    Evidence of experimentation, teaching, and publication within the specialty area;
  • 在同一种属间现或发生的;包括某一种族的成员。
    arising or occurring within a species; involving the members of one species.
  • 特意为青少年演的节目;他对毒蛇特别感兴趣。
    a program specifically for teenagers; he is interested specifically in poisonous snakes.
  • 由于规格很复杂,您能否提书面询价?
    As the specification is rather complicated, can you give me a written inquiry?
  • 当贵公司寄货物后,请立即寄交发票及装运详细说明书为荷。
    As soon as the goods is despatched, please send us the invoice and shipped specification.
  • 我希望你们所有人都能席本周举行的福特公司报告会,以便听到有关这个全球性机构是怎样展开工作的更多具体情况……以及我们多年来取得的各种经验。
    At our Ford presentation this week I hope you can all attend to hear more specifics on how this global community works... and what we have learned from our experience over many years.
  • 外,离家从一个特定的地点离开;到国外去
    Away from a specified place; abroad.
  • 表现使(自己)作某种表现
    To conduct(oneself) in a specified manner.
  • 诉词,陈述状原告就构成其采取行动的事实和情况作的正式申述
    A formal statement by a plaintiff specifying the facts and circumstances constituting his or her cause of action.
  • 农会起来了,把命令发去,三尺、五尺、七尺、一丈,按照路径所宜,分等定宽狭,勒令沿路地主,各修一段。
    With the rise of the peasant associations orders have been given specifying the required width -- three, five, seven or ten feet, according to the requirements of the different routes -- and each landlord along a road has been ordered to build a section.