  • 我的搭档先黑桃,使我感到吃惊。
    My partner surprised me by leading with a spade.
  • 如果你认为那个观点是荒谬的,就直言不讳地说来,别怕。
    If you think the argument is ridiculous, say so; don't be afraid to call a spade a spade.
  • 你必须记住,当你征求他的意见时,他会直言不讳,并且会确切地说他的看法。
    You must remember that when you ask him his opinion, he calls a spade a spade and will tell you exactly what he thinks.
  • 哈里去会见任何人前总是确保自己看上去整洁干净。
    Harry always makes sure he looks spick and span before he goes to meet anyone.
  • 他让废品商把他汽车库里的东西清理去时,遗失了一套崭新扳手。这真是一个把洗澡水连同小孩一起倒掉的例子。
    He lost a brand-new set of spanners when he let the scrap dealer clear out the contents of his garage; it was a case of throwing out the baby with the bath water.
  • 在美洲西部,大洪水削斫一个巨大的称为“河道疤地”的区域,从华盛顿斯波坎向西婉蜒几百公里到喀斯开火山山脉。
    In the American West, megafloods carved out a vast region called the Channelled Scablands, spanning hundreds of kilometres from Spokane, Washington, west to the volcanic Cascades Range.
  • 短桅船中板上突的短桅,用来起航或稳住滑轮或停船
    A short spar projecting from the deck of a ship, used to extend a sail or secure a block or stay.
  • 舷外框架为了帮助固定桅而从船边突来的,或为了用于延伸绳索或帆而从桅上突来的横梁或圆材
    A projecting beam or spar run out from the side of a vessel to help in securing the masts or from a mast to be used in extending a rope or sail.
  • 你能抽五分钟和我谈谈吗?
    Can you spare me five minutes?
  • 你能抽这段时间帮我吗?
    Can you spare the time to help me?
  • 这儿有一张多来的票,
    Here's a ticket and to spare.
  • 我有一张多来的票。
    I've got a ticket to spare.
  • 由于地租是支付给自然要素的价格,由于在制造业活动中无需支付这种价格,这些著述家便认为,既然支付了价格,就是因为自然要素提供了较多的服务需要给予报酬。然而,好好思考一下这个问题,就会看,之所以要为使用土地付代价,只是因为土地的数量是有限的,若空气、热力、电力、化学力及制造业所使用的其他自然力都供应量很少,并可以象土地那样被垄断和占有,则使用它们也得支付租金。
    The rent of land being a price paid for a natural agency, and no such price being paid in manufactures, these writers imagined that since a price was paid, it was because there was a greater amount of service to be paid for. whereas a better consideration of the subject would have shown that the reason why the use of land bears a price is simply the limitation of its quantity, and that if air, heat, electricity, chemical agencies, and the other powers of nature employed by manufacturers, were sparingly supplied, and could, like land, be engrossed and appropriated, a rent could he exacted for them also.
  • 火星从火堆中飞出。
    Sparks flew up from the fire.
  • 找到了,是火咀了问题。
    Yes, it's the spark plugs.
  • 汽车毛病是因为火花塞脏了。
    The car acted up because the spark plugs were dirty.
  • 潮湿的木头噼啪作响并爆火花。
    The damp wood crackled and sparked.
  • 那件事惹了一连串的灾祸。
    The incident sparked off a whole chain of disasters.
  • 眼睛里还噙着晶莹的泪花,裙子一摆,她奔房门,走下楼梯,来到街上。
    With a whirl of skirts and with the brilliant sparkle still in her eyes, she ran out of the door and down the stairs into the street.
  • 祝福夫君生日快乐,你给流逝的岁月增添了醉人的情意,你让平凡的事情发耀眼的光芒,感谢你已成为我生命中特别重要的一部分。
    Happy birthday to my dear husband. You add a special happiness to days that come and go. You give an extra sparkle to the ordinary things. It's so nice to have you being a special part of my life.
  • 年轻一代虽然失去了语文的文采,但是跟上一代人比较,他们能更自由的进两个文化世界,学习语文的心理包袱也没有那么沉重。
    The language used by the younger generation may lack sparkle, yet when compared to the previous generation, they are able to move much more freely between two linguistic worlds. They also experience much less psychological burden in learning langauges.
  • 她两眼露幸福的光彩。
    Her eyes were sparkling with happiness.
  • 法国维希温泉产的冒泡矿泉水或类似的水。
    sparkling mineral water from springs at Vichy France or similar to it.
  • 这些青年工人为提高产品质量,提了顶呱呱的新建议。
    The young workers brought forth some sparkling new suggestions for improving out product.
  • 以后也许有一天,希瑟会向你伸援助之手,一只闪闪发光、涂着粉色指甲油的手。
    Then maybe one day she'll reach out with a helping, sparkling, pink? nailed hand.
  • 他们爆发一阵笑声。
    They burst into a spasm of laughter.
  • 行为或活动间歇现。
    the quality of moving or acting in spasms.
  • 咽痛一种现痉挛性窒息的情况,如严重的咽部疼痛
    A condition, such as severe sore throat, in which spasmodic attacks of suffocating pain occur.
  • 那只猫向那条狗发愤怒的呼噜呼噜声。
    The cat spat at the dog.
  • 过去一段时间接二连三现的有关徖生方面的事件,是香港徖生环境已经严重恶劣的警告信号。
    The outbreak of a spate of incidents of hygiene nature within a short span of time is a warning that the sanitary conditions of Hong Kong are of a seriously low level.
  • 北美东部的一种多年生草本植物,早春生一气味难闻、淡紫褐色、盔兜形的佛焰苞,在夏季被一簇宽叶围绕。
    deciduous perennial low-growing fetid swamp plant of eastern North America having minute flowers enclosed in a mottled greenish or purple cowl-shaped spathe.
  • 某物喷溅时发的声音。
    the noise of something spattering or sputtering explosively.