  • 盖斯凯尔,伊丽莎白·克莱·史蒂文斯1810-1865国作家,因其夏洛蒂·勃朗特的一生(1857年)和描述格兰工人19世纪的反抗运动的小说而闻名
    British writer noted for her Life of Charlotte Bront?1857) and her novels depicting the oppression of workers in19th-century England.
  • 我丈夫年轻时俊、诚挚、富有魅力。
    My husband was handsome, spontaneous and charming in his youth.
  • 一张皇家的特许状,使马萨诸塞州殖民地免受王直接干涉
    A royal charter exempted the Massachusetts colony from direct interference by the Crown.
  • 1215年约翰国王颁发给国男爵的宪章。
    the charter given to English barons by King John in 1215.
  • 国国王给殖民地以特权。
    The king of England granted a charter to the colonists.
  • 兰开斯特格兰西北部的一个自治领城市,位于利物浦北部。1193年获得自治权,它建在罗马边境的要塞上。人口47,900
    A municipal borough of northwest England north of Liverpool. Chartered in1193, it was built on the site of a Roman frontier station. Population, 47,900.
  • 国会计协会的成员。
    a British accountant who is a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants.
  • (本文作者是国皇家仲裁学院院士,现为loo&partners法律事务所的主任律师。)
    (The writer is the Senior Partner of Loo & Partners. He is also a fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, London.)
  • 国物理治疗协会在其成员中开展了一次调查,发现四分之三的人认为狗狗健康的第一威胁是体重超重。
    A survey by the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy found three quarters of members put dogs being excessively overweight as their main concern.
  • 兰开斯特格兰西北部的一个自治领城市,位于利物浦北部。1193年获得自治权,它建在罗马边境的要塞上。人口47,900
    A municipal borough of northwest England north of Liverpool. Chartered in1193, it was built on the site of a Roman frontier station. Population,47, 900.
  • 林肯国东部诺丁汉东北一自治城市,位于罗马人、萨克森人和丹麦人拓居地的遗址,1157年首次获得特许。人口75,900
    A borough of eastern England northeast of Nottingham. Located on the site of Roman, Saxon, and Danish settlements, it was first chartered in1157. Population,75, 900.
  •  因此之故,网景、特尔、思科、雅虎等出类拔萃的公司里,包括秘书等后勤职工在内的许多雇员成了网络公司的股东,往往还在二十几、三十几岁时便一夜致富而身家百万。
    Those that have become high flyers, such as Netscape, Intel, Cisco and Yahoo, have turned many of their employees, including support staff like secretaries, into dot.com millionaires overnight, often at the relatively young age of 20s or 30s.
  • 阿尼奇金说:“这里的知识分子相当受人尊敬;但在国,教师往往被人称为‘喋喋不休的阶级’。”
    "There has always been a great respect for intellectuals, unlike in Britain where they are often dismissed as 'the chattering classes'," says Anichkin.
  • 乔塞被称为诗之父。
    Chaucer is called the Father of English Poetry.
  • 乔叟被看作是国诗歌之父
    Chaucer is considered the father of English poetry.
  • 杰弗里·乔叟在国文学中占有独一无二的地位。
    Geoffrey Chaucer occupies a unique place in English literature.
  • 勤于学习的人才能乐意施教。(国诗人,乔叟)
    And gladly would learn , and gladly teach .( Chaucer , British poet)
  • 被称为语文学之父的乔叟曾作为外交使臣多次赴欧陆,成功地引进了一些法、意语诗的格律和体裁。
    Called the Father of English Literature, Chaucer often traveled to the European continent as a diplomatic envoy and introduced with success into English forms and patterns of French and Italian poetry.
  • 一、我们构想中的华文精绝非是沙文主义者,我们的社会,不能让任何一种沙文主义存在,不管它是华文还是文沙文主义。
    Firstly, the kind of Chinese elite we have in mind is definitely not chauvinistic.We cannot accept any form of chauvinism, be it Chinese or English.
  • 一、我们构想中的华文精绝非是沙文主义者,我们的社会,不能让任何一种沙文主义存在,不管它是华文还是文沙文主义。
    Firstly, the kind of Chinese elite we have in mind is definitely not chauvinistic. We cannot accept any form of chauvinism, be it Chinese or English.
  • 我们应该制定一些步骤与条件,确保提倡族群语言及培养文化精不会导致种族沙文主义的出现。
    Measures and conditions need to be set to ensure that the promotion of an ethnic language and cultivation of a cultural elite do not lead to ethnic chauvinism.
  • `这本书你绝不会要价40镑吧?'`是40镑--物有所值啊!'
    You're surely not asking 40 for this book?' Yes it's cheap at the price!'
  • 即使最便宜的也标价5镑.
    Even the cheapest was priced at 5.
  • 假定由于某种新发现,可以无须象现在这样依靠燃料的帮助,在任何地区用极低的代价产生热力,假使处于这样的情况,可耕种地区将扩大到多少倍,每亩产量将增加到什么程度,谁能预计呢?
    Let us merely suppose that through a new discovery we were enabled to produce heat everywhere very cheaply and without the aid of the fuels at present known: what spaces of land could thus be utilised for cultivation, and in what an incalculable degree w ould the yield of a given area of land be increased?
  • 语老师批改好试卷了吗?
    Has the English teacher checked the examination papers yet?
  • 雄驱车经过时人群发出了欢呼声。
    The crowd cheer as the hero drive past.
  • 可是她高兴地想道,吉虽说感情丰富,好在性格很镇定,外表上仍然保持着正常的和颜悦色,那就不会引起那些卤莽人的怀疑,因此他俩的心意也就不会给人察觉了。
    but she considered with pleasure that it was not likely to be discovered by the world in general, since Jane united with great strength of feeling a composure of temper and a uniform cheerfulness of manner, which would guard her from the suspicions of the impertinent.
  • 猎豹产地为非洲及西南亚的一种腿长、善奔的野生猫科动物(猎豹),毛为黄褐色带黑斑,爪为不可缩回式。猎豹是陆地上行动最快的动物,短距离奔跑速度可达每小时96公里(60里)
    A long-legged, swift-running wild cat(Acinonyx jubatus) of Africa and southwest Asia, having black-spotted, tawny fur and nonretractile claws. The cheetah, the fastest animal on land, can run for short distances at about96 kilometers(60 miles) per hour.
  • 加尼特,康斯坦茨·布莱克1861-1946国的一位俄国文学翻译家,把托尔斯泰、陀思妥耶夫斯基和契诃夫介绍给了讲语的国家
    British translator of Russian literature who introduced the works of Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, and Chekhov to the English-speaking world.
  • 切尔西队和曼联队都是国的顶尖球队。
    Chelsea and Manchester are two of the top teams in Britain.
  • 当然,他还会找各种借口去国看望女儿切尔西,她正在牛津大学学习。
    Of course he'll take any excuse to go to England to visit Chelsea, who is studying at Oxford.
  • (1791-1867)发现了电磁感应现象的国物理学家、化学家。
    the English physicist nd chemist who discovered electromagnetic induction (1791-1867).