  • “最糟糕的莫过于转眼即成昨日黄。”
    " There is nothing worse than suddenly becoming yesterday's celebrity."
  • 天国园餐厅提代减价鸡尾酒的时间是每天下午6时至7时。
    Happy hour is between 6 and 7 p.m. at Celestial Gardens.
  • 放花瓶于桌子正中
    Centered the vase on the table.
  • 相片中的瓶不在中心。
    That vase in the picture is not centered.
  • 因其黑心的暗红色朵而培育的欧亚草本植物。
    Eurasian herb cultivated for its dark-centered deep red flowers.
  • 热带亚洲藤蔓植物,开中间为黄色的亮蓝色的
    vine of tropical Asia having pinnate leaves and bright blue yellow-centered flowers.
  • 中间部分是由不同的园林卉构成的华丽组合
    The centerpiece is a luxuriant arrangement of assorted garden flowers.
  • 分隔饰盘餐桌中央用以放鲜、水果、糕点的有许多分隔的饰盘
    A large table centerpiece consisting of a frame with extended arms or branches supporting holders, as for flowers, fruit, or sweetmeats.
  • 蓝线石一种玻璃状的粉,绿,紫或蓝色硼硅铝酸盐矿物,组成为al8bsi3o19oh,用于火塞制陶及用作仿天青石
    A glassy pink, green, violet, or blue aluminum borosilicate mineral, Al8BSi3O19OH, used in spark-plug ceramics and as imitation lapis lazuli.
  • 她是皇后区斯普林菲尔德园的退休管理员,是个寡妇,她还照看着一个叫赛杜的10岁男孩,也患有脑瘫症,另一个1岁的小孩叫艾弗雷,患有先天性失明和脑损伤。
    A retired housekeeper and widow from Springfield Garden, Queens, she also takes care of Saidu, a 10-year-old boy with cerebral palsy, and Ivory, a 1-year-old who was born blind and brain damaged.
  • 国家元首也许没有太多的政治上的权力,也许只限于礼仪上的职责(会见大使、在全国性纪念仪式上放圈、宣布议会开始等)。
    A head of state may not have much political power, and may be restricted to ceremonial duties(meeting ambassador, laying wreath at national memorials, opening parliament, etc).
  • 装饰乐句,式吹奏一段炫耀或讲究仪式的音乐,例如小号曲
    A showy or ceremonious passage, such as a fanfare.
  • 雀科的模式属:鸡,燕雀。
    type genus of the Fringillidae: chaffinch, brambling.
  • 灰毛菊属的任何一种植物,产于欧洲南部,具有单生包片或银色的头状序,管状呈浅紫色。
    any plant of the genus Xeranthemum native to southern Europe having chaffy or silvery flower heads with purplish tubular flowers.
  • 在一条链子上串起的
    flowers strung together in a chain.
  • 彬格莱小姐要她乘着马车回去,她正打算稍许推辞一下就接受主人的盛意,不料吉英说是舍不得让她走,于是彬格莱小姐便不得不改变了请她坐马车回去的主意,请她在尼日斐园小住一阵。
    Miss Bingley offered her the carriage, and she only wanted a little pressing to accept it, when Jane testified such concern in parting with her that Miss Bingley was obliged to convert the offer of the chaise into an invitation to remain at Netherfield for the present.
  • 生殖窠一种包含暗色生殖结构的中空窠穴,在某些藻类和菌类植物的托表面呈现点状物体
    One of many specialized hollow chambers containing reproductive structures that appear as dark, dotlike bodies on the surface of receptacles in certain algae and fungi.
  • 它在很长的一段时间内将仍是一个主要的问题,内部网要很多年才能从混乱中脱颖而出。
    It will remain a major problem for a very long time, and intranets will take many years to emerge from the chaos.
  • 倾斜的天板下面那一点点空间,如同意大利还愿礼拜堂那样密密地贴满了图画。
    What little space there was below the sloping ceiling was as closely covered with pictures as an Italian votive chapel.
  • 带形饰物饰有金子或宝石的环或带状头饰
    A chaplet or headband decorated with gold or jewels.
  • 龙胆一种龙胆属植物,通常地具有各种颜色的艳丽的
    Any of numerous plants of the genus Gentiana, characteristically having showy, variously colored flowers.
  • 堇菜一种生长矮小的堇菜属草药,具有短距和不规则的朵,特征为紫蓝色,但有时呈黄色或白色
    Any of various low-growing herbs of the genus Viola, having short-spurred, irregular flowers that are characteristically purplish-blue but sometimes yellow or white.
  • 粉撒于镂模板上以便在其表面上印出图案的细粉末,如磨碎的木炭粉
    A fine powder, such as pulverized charcoal, dusted over a stencil to transfer a design to an underlying surface.
  • 舍此而求统一,无论出何样,弄何玄虚,均为南辕北辙,实属未敢苟同。
    To seek unification on any other basis, whatever intrigues or tricks are used, is like "going south by driving the chariot north" with that we beg to disagree.
  • 在星期四晚上的全国女子联赛决赛的第一场比赛中,被普遍看好的洛杉矶“火”队在向第一个全国女子联赛冠军途中迈出了一大步,队员丽沙·莱斯莉独得了24分和8个篮板球,结果她和队员以75比66大胜夏洛特“毒刺”队。
    The heavily favored Los Angeles Sparks got a jump on their bid for their first WNBA title, getting 24 points and eight rebounds from Lisa Leslie in a 75-66 victory over the Charlotte Sting in Game 1 of League finals Thursday night.
  • 阿什维尔北卡罗来纳州西部的一座城市,位于夏洛特西北偏西的蓝桥,是一个大众化的旅游中心,托马斯·伍尔夫的和比尔特莫的故居,有着宽阔的公园与园的豪华宅第,由乔治·华盛顿·范德比尔特所建。人口61,607
    A city of western North Carolina in the Blue Ridge west-northwest of Charlotte. A popular tourist center, it is the site of Thomas Wolfe's home and of Biltmore, a magnificent mansion with extensive parks and gardens built by George Washington Vanderbilt. Population,61, 607.
  • 棉花是一种材料。
    Cotton is a type of material.
  • 把那条狗赶出园去。
    Chase that dog out of the garden.
  • 费了很多时间努力寻找一切可能的线索。
    He spent much of his time chasing down all possible clues.
  • 一些男孩子很多时间和钱财去追求姑娘。
    Some boys spend a lot of time and money chasing after girls.
  • 假如托比没有费这么多时间追求女孩子的话,或许能够通过期终考试。
    If Toby didn't spend so much of his time chasing around after girls he might have some chance of getting through his finals.
  • 远至伦敦和墨尔本的记者们迅速盯上了这个奇怪的家庭,当那些从手腕到脚裸裹着素净印长衫的妻子们来到法庭时,着实让记者们开了眼界。
    Journalists as far away as London and Melbourne had a high time pawing over the strange family and gawking at the wives,who came to court covered from wrist to ankle in chaste frontier calico dresses.