  • 不断提高工人、农民、知识分子和其他劳动众以及全体人民的思想道德素质和科学文化素质,不断提高他们的劳动技能和创造才能,充分发挥他们的积极性主动性创造性,始终是我们党代表中国先进生产力发展要求必须履行的第一要务。
    To raise the ideological and ethical standards and scientific and cultural levels of the workers , peasants , intellectuals and other laboring people and the entire population and improve their labor skills and creativity and give full scope to their enthusiasm , initiative and creative power - these should remain the tasks of primary importance that our Party should perform in representing China's advanced productive forces.
  • 为了达到这个目的,政府还颁布了重要法令,规定“存粮存款不负担”,“雇工工资一半不负担”,“羊不负担”,“负担照抗战后平年应产粮计算,多收产粮归人民自己”等,并奖励劳动英雄和“吴满有运动”的参加者,这就是在限制封建剥削下促进国民经济发展的方针。
    To this end, the government has promulgated important decrees providing, among other things, "No taxes shall be levied on grain stores and bank savings", "No taxes shall be levied on one half of a hired labourer's income," "No taxes shall be levied on flocks of sheep", and "Taxes shall be imposed on the basis of the grain yield of an average year since the outbreak of the war of resistance, the surplus amount belonging to the producers".Moreover, labour heroes and those who participate in the "Wu Manyou Campaign" will be rewarded. These policies are all designed to promote development of the economy while restricting feudal exploitation.
  • 帝国主义时代的阶级斗争的经验告诉我们:工人阶级和劳动众,只有用枪杆子的力量才能战胜武装的资产阶级和地主;
    Experience in the class struggle in the era of imperialism teaches us that it is only by the power of the gun that the working class and the labouring masses can defeat the armed bourgeoisie and landlords;
  • 迷齿亚纲动物有迷齿纲总目的动物或同迷齿纲总目有关的动物,是一与鳄鱼相象的已灭绝两栖动物,长有结构复杂的牙齿
    Of or relating to the superorder Labyrinthodontia, an extinct group of amphibians resembling crocodiles and having a labyrinthine tooth structure.
  • 各地同志反映众真正起来了,领导思想往往落于众觉悟程度之后。
    Comrades in all localities report that the masses have been truly mobilized, but the thinking of the leaders often lag behind the political awareness of the masses.
  • 他们对问题学生或成绩较差的一特别关注,不惜去额外帮助那些需要帮助的学生。
    They pay special attention to the problem ones, as well as those who are lagging behind others in their studies, always ready to go an extra mile to help those in need.
  • 小虫子成地在电灯周围打转。
    Insects swarmed round the electric lamp.
  • 具有羽状叶片和成长矛状复叶的一种北美常绿蕨类。
    North American evergreen fern having pinnate leaves and dense clusters of lance-shaped fronds.
  • 第十三条 举办大型集会、焰火晚会、灯会等众性活动,具有火灾危险的,主办单位应当制定灭火和应急疏散预案,落实消防安全措施,并向公安消防机构申报,经公安消防机构对活动现场进行消防安全检查合格后,方可举办。
    Article 13 For mass activities with fire danger, such as large gatherings, fireworks evening party and lantern party, the host unit shall formulate preproposal on fire fighting and emergency evacuation and put into effect relevant fire control security measures, and report to public security fire control institutions which will conduct fire control security check. The activities can only be held when qualification check is granted.
  • 雌性或未成年海豚则成旅行。
    Females and young travel in larger pods.
  • 巴利阿里岛中最大的一个。
    the largest of the Balearic Islands.
  • 幼虫落;幼虫期的小龙虾;幼虫期。
    larval societies; larval crayfishes; the larval stage.
  • 很容易用激烈的言辞激起众的愤怒。
    It is too easy to lash a crowd into anger with violent words.
  • 我们知道激烈的言词极容易激起众的愤概。
    We know it’s too easy to lash a crowd into anger with violent words.
  • 兔子不擅长游泳,只见它在水中噼里啪啦地游近鸭,费力从它们底下探出头,用绳索套住一只鸭子,不料却被鸭子挣脱了。
    The rabbit, no skilled swimmer, swims in sputtering fits and starts out to the ducks, comes up underneath them and manages to lasso one.
  • 通过利用采纳i2o软件的标准硬件接口,这些对等特性以及短的执行时间也方便了集的实现。
    These peer-to-peer features and low latency also ease the implementation of clustering by utilizing standard hardware interfaces employing the I2O software.
  • 开展群众性生产运动
    launch a mass production movement
  • 他们有一大同行来开拍这个新电影。
    They are holding a big party to launch the new film.
  • 洗劫和破坏商店的一无法无天的暴民
    A lawless mob looting and destroying shops
  • 这具体表现在对人民众的文化宣传工作的薄弱,以及连队救亡室工作和文化娱乐活动的死气沉沉。
    All this is manifested in the lack of cultural and propaganda work among the masses and the lax work, as well as dull cultural and recreational activities, of the national salvation associations at the level of company.
  • 我想这乌合之众的暴民很快就会瓦解。
    I think a leaderless mob soon disintegrates.
  • 群叶一簇树叶
    A cluster of leaves.
  • 众以吼叫声迫使演讲者停止演说。
    The mob howled down the lecturer.
  • 那个影星有一大崇拜者。
    The filmstar has a legion of admires.
  • 国会大厦一国的立法机构开会的建筑或建筑
    A building or complex of buildings in which a state legislature meets.
  • 民主集中制是我们党的列宁主义的组织原则,是党的根本的组织原则,也是党的工作中的众路线在党的生活中的应用。
    Democratic centralism is our Party's Leninist organizational principle and its fundamental organizational principle; it is also the mass line in Party work applied to the activities of the Party.
  • 党章草案指明了党同青年团的关系,要求各级党组织密切地关怀青年团的思想工作和组织工作,领导青年团用共产主义精神和马克思列宁主义的理论教育全体团员,注意保持青年团同广大青年众的密切的联系,并且经常注意青年团领导骨干的选拔。
    The draft Party Constitution sets forth the relationship between the Party and the Youth League, requiring Party organizations at all levels to pay close attention to the League's ideological and organizational work, to guide the League in imbuing all its members with communist spirit and educating them in Marxist-Leninist theory, to see that close contact is maintained between the League and the masses of young people, and to pay constant attention to selecting members for the League's leading core.
  • 在海湾底部有沙的部分,有时你还会碰到在沙地上休息的大蝠鲼鳐和豹斑鳐,在这我们见过成的圣海伦海?,数量可达上千只。
    ). At the bottom of the bay, in the sandy area, occasionally, huge Manta Rays, and often, leopard rays are seen resting on the sandy flats. We've seen schools of opelu here that numbered in the thousands.
  • 使用克隆人技术的一个很大的人是女同性恋夫妇。
    One very large category of such users of cloning might be lesbian couples.
  • 东北南美洲和较小的安的列斯岛的美国印第安族人。
    a member of an American Indian peoples of NE South America and the Lesser Antilles.
  • 委内瑞拉北部的属荷兰的位于小安地列斯岛的一组小岛。
    a group of islands in the Lesser Antilles just north of Venezuela that are administered by The Netherlands.
  • 一支可操纵的杠杆;一可操纵的平民
    A manipulable lever; a manipulable populace.