  • 佩吉,向那个酒吧男招待员眨眨眼睫毛,请他我们拿饮料来。
    Flutter your eyelashes at the barman. Peggy, and ask him to serve us with drinks.
  • 圣诞节酒吧男侍者免费老顾客酒喝
    The barman gives free drinks to the regular at Christmas
  • 酒吧招待欺骗了我,在找头中塞了我一枚外国硬币。
    The barman slipped one over on me and gave me a foreign coin in my change.
  • 这孩子脑子一定不正常,他把酱油当成酒拿了我们。
    The kid must be barmy on the crumpet; he’s brought us soy sauce for wine.
  • 他打算明天粮仓封顶。
    He is going to top the barn tomorrow.
  • 天气定时间和地点的大气状况,牵涉到变量如温度、湿度、风速和气压
    The state of the atmosphere at a given time and place, with respect to variables such as temperature, moisture, wind velocity, and barometric pressure.
  • 杰夫:顾拜旦把毕生精力都献了奥林匹克事业。
    Jeff: Mr. Baron de Coubertin has devoted all of his effort to the Olympic cause.
  • 劳务杂役分派士兵的一年一次或两次的杂役(如打扫军营)
    Manual or menial labor, such as barracks cleaning, assigned to soldiers.
  • 1970年苏军准备马格德堡军营交东德。
    In 1970, the Magdeburg barracks was about to be handed by the Soviet Army to the East Germans.
  • 允许战士家属到营地看望,并家属以很好的安慰和招待。
    We should also allow their family members to visit them in the army barracks, show solicitude for them and entertain them.
  • 目前,全军已有1500多个食堂交地方服务保障机构承办,1000多个军人服务社纳入社会商业体系,1800多个营院不同程度实行了物业管理,近300个保障性企业和农场移交国家和地方,共减少企事业单位职工30多万人。
    So far, the PLA has already had more than 1,500 messes run by civilian services, more than 1,000 post exchanges integrated into civilian service systems, more than 1,800 barracks managed by real estate companies, approximately 300 support enterprises and farms transferred to central and local authorities, reducing a total number of more than 300,000 institutional and business employees.
  • 机车司机停下他们让路,亨利跳下车过去问了一连串有关发动机性能的问题。
    The locomotive driver stopped to let the wagon pass, and Henry jumped down and went to him with a barrage of technical questions about the engine's performance.
  • 继续往深处挖掘,我想起了训练小狗保持卫生习惯的事儿。就在埃德下班回家前小狗已在沙发椅里撒了尿,于是待他一回家,我便了他一顿连珠炮般地责骂,说我是如何如何地讨厌那条该死的狗。
    Digging deeper, I recalled when we were housebreaking a puppy, and just before Ed got home from work, the pup relieved herself on the couch. As Ed walked in, he got a barrage from me about how I hated his darn dog.
  • 体积过大的车辆禁止在公路上行驶,而且不发执照。
    Oversize vehicles are barred from the highways and are not licensable.
  • 他递我一把口径.22英寸的短筒猎枪。
    He handed me a short barreled.22-caliber rifle.
  • 移民中的一位首领懂普罗旺斯语,就恳求马赛市政当局把这块荒芜贫瘠的海岬赐他们,以便他们可以象古代的航海者那样把他们的小船拖到岸上安居下来。
    al, begged the commune of Marseilles to give them this bare and barren promontory, where, like the sailors of old, they had run their boats ashore.
  • 他否认曾把这些情报泄露巴雷特。
    He denied that he had leaked these information to Barret.
  • 一种可以移动人让出通路来的路障。
    a barrier that can be moved to allow passage.
  • 巴里在分发免税香烟,但却没有我。
    Barry handed round some of his duty-free cigarettes but I didn't get a look in.
  • 好,酒吧员,我来一瓶珠江啤酒,我太太来一杯玛格丽达。
    O.K. , Bartender, one Pearl River for me and one Margarita for my wife.
  • 如果已分群众,则应说服群众归还,或由政府用其他东西从群众手中换回发还。
    if they have been distributed to the masses, we should persuade the masses to return them, or the government should barter with the masses for their return.
  • 桂:一、两天后我再您打电话,到时,我们见面再谈这笔生意。
    In a day or two, I'll to consider our proposition of barter trade. In a day or two, I'll call you up to meet again here and finalize the transaction.
  • 在社区中,一个人可以为大家制造斧头或矛头,而大家则把狩猎所得的一部分分他,这就是易货贸易的模式。
    One man in a community might make axe-heads or spearheads for all the rest, and they would give him a share of the proceeds of the hunt. That is the barter model;
  • 刻在黑色玄武岩上的一种碑铭;出了解读埃及象形文字第一线索。
    an inscription of a black basalt stone; gave first clue to decipherment of Egyptian hieroglyphics.
  • 我们在学院的棒球队加油.
    We're rooting for the college baseball team.
  • 予投资者的建议是以利率将继续下降这一点为前提的.
    Advice to investors was based on the premise that interest rates would continue to fall.
  • 他一个快投把球传了1号。
    he gave the ball a shy to the first baseman.
  • 投手彼得见跑垒员不在垒上就猛然把球投一垒手,一垒手跑垒员夹杀在二垒前。
    Peter, the pitcher, saw that the base runner was not on base, so he surprised him by throwing the ball to the first baseman, who ran him down before he reached second base.
  • 这是一个很有意思的平面布置图,请指我哪里是地下室。
    This is an interesting floor plan. Please show me the basement.
  • 中国的避孕药具供应已基本做到了自
    Now the production of contraceptives in China has basically become self-sufficient.
  • 学生们被要求在课堂上一篇文章分段
    The students are asked to paragraph an essay in class
  • 请给我那个旧盆。
    Please give me that old basin.