  • 吉姆已经放弃了研
    Jim has thrown in his studies.
  • fong从一个职业玩家到企业家的过程可以说是完美的例子,甚至可作为深层研世界发生深刻变化之用。
    Fong's journey from digital jock to entrepreneur is a perfect case study of the deep new worlds that have popped up during the rise of Generation Pong.
  • 香港赛马会中药研院有限公司。
    Hong Kong Jockey Club Institute of Chinese Medicine Limited
  • 香港赛马会中药研院有限公司于二零零一年五月成立,是应用科技研院的附属公司。中药研院将实现政府的目标,把香港发展成为研制中药健康食品及药物的国际中药中心。
    The Hong Kong Jockey Club Institute of Chinese Medicine Limited, incorporated in May as a subsidiary company of ASTRI, will take forward the vision to position Hong Kong as a world centre for the development of health food and pharmaceuticals based on Chinese medicine.
  • 通过从癌细胞中提取的dna,阿伦特和约翰·霍普金斯医学院的同僚们研了105名肺癌患者,其中包括10名从不抽烟者。
    Using DNA taken from cancerous cells, Ahrendt and colleagues at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine studied 105 patients with lung cancer, including 10 who never smoked cigarettes.
  • 约翰斯·霍普金斯大学的约翰·海厄姆,可能算是研美国移民问题最具权威的历史学家,他认为,在20世纪之交的困难时期,移民曾壮大了美国的资本主义,而且今天他们又极大地增强了其韧性。
    John Higham, of Johns Hopkins University, probably the leading historian of American immigration, has argued that immigrants strengthened American capitalism during its rocky periods at the turn of the twentieth century, and that they add crucial flexibility today.
  • 日美两国同意共同研战区导弹防御系统(tmd)。
    Japan and the United States have agreed to jointly develop the Theatre Missile Defence(THD)system.
  • 对于nba(国家篮球协会)乔丹效应竟意味着什么,这是一个更难回答的问题。
    What the Jordan Effect has meant for the NBA is a far trickier question.
  • 去年12月《美国医学协会学报》和《新英格兰医学杂志》公布的两项规模稍小的研结果,都得出了类似的结论。
    Two smaller studies, published last December in the Journal of the American medical Association and the New England Journal of Medicine, came to similar conclusions.
  • 茨韦格,斯忒藩1881-1942奥地利作家,内容有诗歌、小说、敏感的精神分析传记文学,有名的三位巨匠(1920年),曾研过巴尔扎克、狄更斯和陀思妥耶夫斯基
    German-born writer. A Zionist, he wrote about Judaism, the persecution of the Jews, and war. His works include the novel The Case of Sergeant Grischa(1927).
  • 在犹太教举行的接纳胜利完成研犹太教学科的犹太社会成年男女的仪式(通常在圣灵节举行)。
    a ceremony held in the synagogue (usually at Pentecost) to admit as adult members of the Jewish community young men and women who have successfully completed a course of study in Judaism.
  • 法官们正在仔细研这个问题。
    The judges are deliberating the question.
  •  第八十五条香港特别行政区法院独立进行审判,不受任何干涉,司法人员履行审判职责的行为不受法律追
    Article 85 The courts of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall exercise judicial power independently, free from any interference. Members of the judiciary shall be immune from legal action in the performance of their judicial functions.
  • 人员指出,人们一边上网一边进行其他电脑程序操作,或者边开车边打电话时,他们的大脑处于"执行控制"过程中。
    When people, say, juggle browsing the Web and using other computer programs, or talk on the phone while driving, they are using their "executive control" processes in their brain, the researchers said.
  • 就职美国查尔斯城浸没生物医疗公司的朱利娅·格林斯坦,正在密苏里大学和同事们从事着类似的研,即培育去除某种基因的小猪。她说:"尽管干细胞研的许多工作令人非常激动,但在培养器中成功地培育出器官还为时过早。
    "But although a lot of the stem cell work is very exciting, we're still very far off being able to grow an organ in a culture dish," says Julia Greenstein of Immerge Bio Therapeutics in Charlestown, US, who is working on creating similar knock-out pigs with researchers at the University of Missouri.
  • “长江后浪推前浪”,在科学研上,也往往是青年人赶过老年人,我们的老同志应当高兴地帮助青年人赶上来。
    As "in the Changjiang River the waves behind drive on those before", so in scientific research young people often surpass their elders, and our old comrades should be glad to help their juniors catch up with them.
  • 在堪萨斯大学的艺术博物馆里,研人员就不同颜色的墙壁对两组前来参观画展的观众所产生的影响进行测试。
    At the University of Kansas art museum, investigators tested the effects of different colored walls on two groups of visitors to an exhibit of paintings.
  • 者之一,凯瑟琳·阿普尔顿博士说:"我们本来以为饮食对于情绪化进食者的影响会更大一些,可事实上大多人都会通过进食成为情绪化进食者的。"
    "We were expecting eating to have a greater effect on mood in the emotional eaters, (which would explain) a means by which people become emotional eaters," Dr. Katherine Appleton said.
  • 为了调查何时、何因导致哪方离开哪方,一群生物行为学家和数学家对一种住在海边的肯特郡鸟进行了研
    To investigate what causes who to leave whom, and when, a group of animal behaviourists and mathematicians has been studying a shore dwelling bird called the Kentish plover.
  • 因为将要投身克隆人的工作,扎沃斯博士刚刚辞去了在肯塔基生育药品研中心的工作。他说6个国家已经表示希望此项目在本国进行。
    Dr Zavos, who recently left his post at the Kentucky Centre for Reproductive Medicine because of his links to human cloning, said six countries had offered to host the work.
  • 根据英国电影制作人保罗·克尔的研,梦露头脑机警,思想解放。
    But the researches of Paul Kerr, a British filmmaker, reveal the star was a streetwise and liberated woman.
  • 番茄一些研证明,番茄酱、汤类和沙司中含有的烹调过的番茄,能够降低前列腺癌和其他消化道癌症的患病率。
    Tomatoes Several studies have linked the cooked tomatoes in ketchup, soups and sauces to a reduced risk of prostate cancer and other cancers of the digestive tract.
  • 肾学研肾,尤其是有关其功能和疾病的科学
    The science that deals with the kidneys, especially their functions or diseases.
  • 人员认为,这为治疗像阿尔兹海默氏这类退行性疾病培养脑组织,以及为心脏和肾脏等器官移植培养"备用部件"成为可能。
    Researchers think it will be possible to grow brain tissue to combat degenerative diseases like Alzheimer's3,and“ spare part4” organs like hearts and kidneys for transplant.
  • 一下看看哪种人最需要帮助。
    Try to find out what kind of people have the most need of help?
  • 法轮大法研会及其操纵的法轮功组织具有严密的组织系统。
    The Falun Dafa Society and the Falun Gong organizations under its control have a closely knitted organizational system.
  • 存在与感知的哲学研
    the philosophical study of being and knowing.
  • 主持这项研的34岁博士后研助理张国鸿(音译)说:"第一次试验完成后,沃尔博士的反应是'再检测一遍',于是我又重复做了三次,但都得到了同样的结果。
    "The first time, Dr. Wool's response was, 'Recheck,'" said Chang Kook Hong, 34, the postdoctoral research associate who headed the research. "I repeated the test three times with the same results.
  • 法国国家农业研究院
    Institut Nationale de la Recherche Agronomigue, INRA
  • 他知道要不了多久,实验室里研的科学就会来找他。
    Before long, he knows, the lab's science will come to him.
  • shigeruakamatsu是mikimoto珍珠研实验室的高级主管。
    Shigeru Akamatsu is the senior manager at Mikimoto's Pearl Research Lab.
  • 无论如何,思想理论问题的研和讨论,一定要坚决执行百花齐放、百家争鸣的方针,一定要坚决执行不抓辫子、不戴帽子、不打棍子的“三不主义”的方针,一定要坚决执行解放思想、破除迷信、一切从实际出发的方针。
    However, in the study and discussion of ideological and theoretical questions, we must always resolutely follow the policy of "letting a hundred flowers bloom, a hundred schools of thought contend", the principle of the "three don'ts" (don't pick on others for their faults, don't put labels on people, and don't use a big stick), and the principle of emancipating our minds, abandoning blind faith and proceeding from reality in everything.