Chinese English Sentence:
  • 虽然她们居住的小镇远海洋(玛吉的家乡在纽约州北部,而埃琳来自伦敦北部),但这两个性格相似的姑娘在模特界白热化的生存竞争中结成了深厚友谊。
    And even though their towns are an ocean apart (Maggie is a native of upstate New York and Erin is from north of London), these two kindred spirits have formed a friendship that's surviving the ultracompetitive world of modeling.
  • 这同样的情欲使得弗兰西斯一世把这幅作品展示于他在枫丹白露宫的浴室套房里。
    The same eroticism led Francis I to show the work in his suite of bathrooms at Fontainebleau where he had a palace.
  • 走邪路的丈夫是指开自己的妻子去跟别的女人私通的人。
    An errant husband is one who leaves his wife for other women.
  • 意外的偏既定的道路。
    an erratic deflection from an intended course.
  • 工人阶级的反日反卖国贼的英勇斗争,现在是在深刻地酝酿着,看样子爆发的时候已不远了。
    A heroic working-class struggle against the Japanese and the traitors is now in intense ferment and, judging by the situation, it will erupt before long.
  • 为撤该城作准备的命令已下达。
    Order go out to prepare for the evacuation of the city.
  • 显然,他们的住处抢劫的现场很远。
    Evidently, they lived far from the scene of the robbery.
  • 当货物开此地时完好无损。损坏显然发生在运输途中。
    The goods were in perfect condition when they left here, and the damage evidently occurred during transit.
  • 如果一年到头运动就没有劲了,就变成浮夸、形式主义了,实际上违反了群众意志,脱了群众。
    If we carry out movements all the year round, we tend to exaggerate and practise formalism, which is, in fact, against the will of the masses and divorced from the masses.
  • 我允许你开, 你可以走了。
    I'll excuse you; you may go.
  • "他向我们说了一声'请原谅',就开了。"
    He excused himself to us.
  • 那剧十分糟糕,在幕间休息时观众纷纷去。
    The play is so awful that there is a general exodus from the theatre at the interval.
  • 大而没有破坏的宽广空间或距
    a large and unbroken expanse or distance.
  • 我们再也没想到他会这样早开我们[去世]。
    We had no expectation whatever that we would lose him so soon.
  • 一种驱逐一个人开自己国土的行为。
    the act of expelling a person from their native land.
  • 试验性的药物;试验中的计划;试验性运转;试验性分
    an experimental drug; a pilot project; a test run; a trial separation.
  • 她对自己去的原因直言不讳.
    She was quite explicit about why she left.
  • 他们明确地说出了开的原因.
    They gave explicit reasons for leaving.
  • 你真的考察了你们那儿最近的城镇了吗?
    Have you really explored your nearest town?
  • 水冶金术通过液体过程,象过滤,提炼,沉淀等方法处理金属,从矿石中或矿石浓缩物中分出金属
    The treatment of metal or the separation of metal from ores and ore concentrates by liquid processes, such as leaching, extraction, and precipitation.
  • 他对失火事件的描述含有大量题的细节。
    His account of the fire accident includes a lot of extraneous details.
  • 我觉得这非常离奇。
    I find it very extraordinary.
  • 哦,真是离奇极了!
    Oh, that's really extraordinary!
  • 多么离奇的想法!
    What an extraordinary idea!
  • 一些回教徒提出,在他们接受吴总理的呼吁远极端主义的同时,回教社群领袖也应该尽力教育非回教徒群众,认识一些回教徒需要履行,但却经常被误解的宗教义务。
    Some members of the Muslim community have voiced out that Muslim leaders need to do their part to educate the non-Muslim public about basic practises of Muslims which are often misunderstood even as they take up PM's call to steer the community away from extremism.
  • 我们该如何承救公司脱困境呢?
    How can we extricate the firm from this trouble?
  • 视域里画有丝纹的有用于测量小距的通过视野的细线的,如在望远镜的目镜片中
    Having fine threads across the field of view for measuring small distances, as in the eyepiece of a telescope.
  • 博物馆不远就是这个城市最具有标志性的建筑:圣保罗废墟,这是建于1602年的基督教教堂,尽管今天只有它那雄伟的石头砌成的正面留了下来。
    Just a few metres from the museum is the city's most photographed symbol: the ruins of Sao Paulo, the Jesuit church built in 1602, although today only its imposing stone facade remains.
  • 虽然她已失业,但她说是自愿职,以保全面子。
    Though she'd lost her job, she saved face by saying she'd left it willingly.
  • 至于张国焘的组织路线,则是完全开了共产党的一切原则,破坏了党的纪律,从小组织活动一直发展到反党反中央反国际的行为。
    As for Chang Kuo-tao's organizational line, it violated all Party principles, disrupted Party discipline and carried factional activity to the point of opposition to the Party, the Central Committee and the Communist International.
  • 通过这些野孩子的故事,无论是真实的还是虚构的,人们可能会得出另一种看法:这些萦绕在人们心头的支破碎的故事是人类一直无法摆脱自身野性的结果。
    Through the stories, factual and fictional, of the feral children, there emerges, perhaps, another narrative: the fragmented and haunting story of our continuing relationship with the savage image of ourselves.
  • 2号铁头球棒铁制高尔夫球棒,其高击斜面大于发球球棒小于3号铁头球棒,用于击中远球和长距球;2号铁头球棒
    An iron golf club that has more loft than a driver and less than a three iron, used for medium fairway shots and long approach shots; a two iron.