  • 有人送给她一叭喇狗。
    She was given a bulldog.
  • 赠给她一条叭喇狗。
    A bulldog was given to her.
  • 我想买一条哈巴狗。
    I’m going to get a bulldog.
  • 他们用推土机开出了一小道。
    They had a trail gouged out by a bulldozer.
  • 我们俩的农场之间本来有一块草地。上周,我弟弟把推土机开到河堤边。现在我们俩之间就有了这河。
    Last week there was a meadow between us and he took his bulldozer to the river levee and now there is a creek between us.
  • 以此,特此依据这法令、政令、公告或文件;以此种方法
    By virtue of this act, decree, bulletin, or document; by this means.
  • 我要在公告牌上贴海报来宣布这消息。
    I'll post the news on the bulletin board.
  • 警方已大举搜捕抢劫金的罪犯。
    Police have launched a man-hunt for the bullion robbers.
  • 他正在设法寻找的沉船里装载着贵重的金
    In the sunken ship he was trying to find had been carrying a precious cargo of gold bullion.
  • 附在缓冲器上的竖信号阻止与另一个车辆上的缓冲器相连。
    vertical bars attached to the bumper to prevent locking bumpers with another vehicle.
  • 这条路非常颠簸。
    The road is very bumpy.
  • 在那崎岖不平的路上我们吃足了苦头。
    We had a hell of a trip on that bumpy road.
  • 可以装法兰克福香肠的长面包。
    a long bun shaped to hold a frankfurter.
  • 马赫先生从抽屉里拿出一链子,链子一头挂着一串钥匙。
    From the drawer Mr Mach took out a chain, with a bunch of keys dangling at its end.
  • 柴把把细枝、枯枝或枝捆成束
    A bundle of twigs, sticks, or branches bound together.
  • 用来打人的绑在一块的桦树
    bundle of birch twigs used to hit people as punishment.
  • 船在浮标的左边。
    The ship kept the buoy on her off side.
  • 第三十四方法专利;举证责任
    Article 34 Process Patents: Burden of Proof
  • 更多的例意味着更多的官样文章,而我们却希望拥有更大的应变能力和更大的伸缩性。
    More rules mean more bureaucracy, yet we want greater responsiveness and more flexibility.
  •    第二十七一切国家机关实行精简的原则,实行工作责任制,实行工作人员的培训和考核制度,不断提高工作质量和工作效率,反对官僚主义。
    Article 27. All state organs carry out the principle of simple and efficient administration, the system of responsibility for work and the system of training functionaries and appraising their work in order constantly to improve quality of work and efficiency and combat bureaucratism.
  • 也就是说,关键在于党是不是善于学习,学习得好就可以避免犯大错误,就可以少花一点钱办很多的事;关键在于党能否依靠群众,不断地克服自己队伍中的主观主义、官僚主义和宗派主义,特别是教主义。
    In other words, successful development depends on whether the Party is good at learning (if it is, it will avoid major mistakes and get more done on less money), and whether the Party relies on the masses and constantly works to root out subjectivism, bureaucratism, sectarianism and, in particular, dogmatism from its ranks.
  • 伯恩:我来一份夹鱼汉堡包和一份炸土豆
    I'll have a fish burger and an order of French fries.
  • 我想要一个芝士汉堡包、薯和一杯大巧克力奶昔。
    I'll have a cheese burger、French fries and a large chocolate milk shake, please.
  • 因为保存的必要件之一是速埋
    One of the necessary conditions of preservation is quick burial
  • 如果你们的城市使用天然气,每当你打开开关,你打开的那管道的另一端可能埋在一千英里开外的地下。
    If your city uses natural gas, whenever you turn on a gas burner, you open a pipe whose other end may go down into the ground a thousand miles or more away.
  • 他的一血管破裂了。
    He burst a blood vesse.
  • 这些灌木的蔓生枝该剪了.
    These straggly stems should be pruned off the bush.
  • 他们在冰封的湖面上用树枝标出一安全通道。
    They bushed out a safe way across the frozen lake.
  • 从它的形状来判断,这很可能是一美洲毒蛇--一种最致命的蛇!
    From it's shape, it could be a bushmaster - the most deadly snake of all!
  • 穿过几街道,他很快就来到了一个集市。集市上人山人海,来来往往的人们匆匆忙忙,到处是叫卖声和说笑声。
    Walking through the streets he soon came to the marketplace,which was full of people that busily came and went,shouting and laughing.
  • 我们的信一直是公私分明。
    Our creed has always been that business is business.
  • 有些商人身穿细纹西装。
    Some businessmen wear pinstripe suits.