  • 意第绪语历史上中欧和东欧的犹太人所用的语言,是多种语言的混合,主要来自于中世纪日耳曼言,其次来自于希伯来语、阿拉姆语和各种斯拉夫语、古法语及古意大利语
    The language historically of Ashkenazic Jews of Central and Eastern Europe, resulting from a fusion of elements derived principally from medieval German dialects and secondarily from Hebrew and Aramaic, various Slavic languages, and Old French and Old Italian.
  • 第二,动员群众的式,不应该是官僚主义的。
    Secondly, we must not be bureaucratic in our methods of mobilizing the masses.
  • 第二,利用被叫做限制性内切酶的特殊的酶在特定地切断dna。
    Secondly, special enzymes called extinction enzymes are used to cut the DNA at specific places.
  • 第二,用什么办法(或通过什么式)来达致理想的人性与理想的人生(中文里“文”的意思就是美化、修饰)。
    Secondly, what can we do and how do we bring about the ideal person and ideal life?
  •  第二,美的出口统计,因忽视转口而低估了对中国的出口。
    Secondly, the US statistics of its exports to China has been under-estimated by neglecting re-exports.
  • 第一,要利用对的弱点,第二,要防往对最强的队员。
    Firstly, to take advantage of the opposing team's weakness. Secondly, to counter strong players on the opposing team.
  • 现在他在这面已经有了相当深的造诣。
    Now he has become quite accomplished in this field.
  • 以秘密的式;有不适合于公开的偏好。
    in a secretive manner; with a preference for secrecy.
  • 他们热衷于财政和生产法上的过分保密。
    They devoted to excessive secrecy, both in finance and method of production.
  • 他在绘画艺术面已是登峰造极了。
    He is thoroughly accomplished on painting.
  • 他在绘画艺术面已是登峰造极的了。
    He is thoroughly accomplished in painting.
  • 一种书写的保密法。
    a secret method of writing.
  • 隐居地,私室一个隐蔽秘密的地;躲藏处
    A secret place; a hideaway.
  • 毫不夸张的说,我在文秘面受过严密的训练,越是难度大的工作越能激起我的工作热情。
    I have so trained myself in secretarial work that only exacting problems are interesting to me.
  • 我们要用投票式决定三大任命:会长、秘书、财务主管。
    President, Secretary and Treasurer.
  • 伦敦卫生及热带医学学院的安德鲁·普伦蒂斯教授认为,脂肪含量过高的快餐饮食,加上电视和电脑使得孩子们养成了久坐不动的生活式,极有可能大大缩短年轻一代的寿命。
    Fatty fast-food diets combined with sedentary lifestyles dominated by televisions and computers could mean kids will die tragically young, says Professor Andrew Prentice, from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.
  • 以诱惑、迷人的式。
    in a tempting seductive manner.
  • 迷人、悠闲的生活式对他的军事热情是极为有害的。
    The seductive dolce far niente sort of life is fatal to his military ardour.
  • 这个夜总会可真是象大家说的那样是个"看热闹出风头"的地
    It is really, as they say, "the place to see and to be seen".
  • 对于那些寻求以此种式大批量生产孩子的人,或者对于那些想复制他人的人来说,他们的一切努力最终会让他们失望的。
    For all their efforts, those seeking to mass-produce children in this way, as well as others who seek an exact copy of someone else, would almost certainly be disappointed in the end.
  • 91.美国西部的不毛之地正成为玩耍的地,对越来越多拥有摩托车或越野单车类车辆的,喜欢放纵于爬坡比赛或开辟新的沙漠通道的寻欢作乐者具有不断增长的吸引力。
    91. Arid regions in the southwestern United States have become increasingly inviting playgrounds for the growing number of recreation seekers who own vehicles such as motorcycles or powered trail bikes and indulge in hill-climbing contests or in caving new trails in the desert.
  • 像监狱一样的环境;被监禁的地
    a prisonlike situation; a place of seeming confinement.
  • 工具格的代表性的用来表示式,中介或伴随格的,或指示此格的
    Of or designating a case used typically to express means, agency, or accompaniment.
  • 弗兰克知道进攻是最好的防御,因此,他将自己逼真地伪装成受伤的一
    Frank knew that attack was the best form of defence and, therefore, made quite a good show of seeming the injured party.
  • 不幸的是,那人非常巧妙地证明自己当时不在现场,这使警迷失了
    It was unfortunate that the police were put off the track by the man's seemingly excellent alibi.
  • 我过去认为这种情感必定潜藏在人民的什么地,然而从这个快死去的男孩身上,我看到了这种情感的迸发。
    I had supposed that it must be latent somewhere in the people, but I had never seen it break out, until I saw it in the dying boy.
  • 1950年代在数学、物理学与工程面华裔的贡献已经很多了,很受到国际的注意,而在生物学与医学的西杂志中,华人的名字出现还不太多。
    In the Fifties, the world saw many contributions made by ethnic Chinese in mathematics, physics and engineering, whereas Chinese names were seldom seen in biological and medical journals in the West.
  • 这山很高,气势磅礴,在山脚下,路分成两个向,往北是一望无际的麦田,远处仿佛有一个小镇;
    It was majestic and awe-inspiring. The Southern Knight saw that the road split into two farther ahead. To the north, the wheat fields extended, and a small town could be seen far away.
  • 这我在什么地看见过。
    I've seen it somewhere.
  • 恰恰在一百年前,人们开始在看来有石油渗出地面的地附近钻孔。
    Just over a hundred years ago men began drilling holes near the places where oil was seen seeping out of the ground.
  • 14日来电所指示预约饭店及火车订位已办妥,烦告贵人士。
    Yours 14th hotel and train accommodation duly arranged inform your gentlemen.
  • 在计算机程序设计中,分段(设计)程序中的特定的一部分,它们必须总是驻留在主存之中,可把任何其它的程序段装入内存中去运行。
    In computer programming, the part of a segmented program that must always be in main storage when any other segment is loaded.