  • 一个生意人也该注意维护自己的声。
    A businessman shall also is careful to maintain his reputation.
  • 他步其父之后尘,成为一商人。
    He followed in his father's footsteps and became a businessman.
  • 这位有的实业家把他的一半财产捐赠给了学校。
    The famous businessman endowed the school with hall his fortune.
  • 不少大鼎鼎的实业家当初都是由进工厂当工人开始他们的生涯的。
    Many important businessmen began as factory workers.
  • 拜伦骤然之间扬四海。
    Byron became famous overnight.
  • 一种图形字符集,由两种通用的日本语音字母(平假和片假)中的一种(即平假)所使用的符号组成,每个字符用一个字节表示。参阅kanji,katakana。
    A graphic character set that consists of symbols used in one of the two common Japanese phonetic alphabets. Each character is represented by1 byte.
  • 例如,100用户以300k位/秒流式速率(即约为10~12帧/秒)观看全屏幕视频图形时,总共他们用了30m字节的带宽。
    For example, if 100 users are watching full-screen video at a 300K bit/sec. stream rate, or about 10 to 12 frames per second, they are using a total of 30M bytes of bandwidth.
  • 他的字成了残酷无情的别称.
    His name has becomea byword for cruelty.
  • 那位将军的字成为了战争中残酷行为的代号。
    The general's name had become a byword for cruelty in war.
  • 她的字已成为正直的代号。
    Her name has become a byword for integrity.
  • 这个古怪的诗人在文学圈内臭昭著
    The eccentric poet was a byword in literary circles.
  • 谢瓦利埃,莫里斯1888-1972法国演员和歌唱家,以其卡巴莱舞蹈表演及在歌舞片吉吉(1958年)中所扮演的角色最为闻
    French actor and singer best known for his cabaret appearances and his role in the musical film Gigi(1958).
  • 声不佳的人卑鄙的家伙;无赖
    A dishonorable man; a cad.
  • 这个工厂有八妇女干部。
    There are eight cadre women in this factory.
  • 这个工厂有八妇女干部。
    There is eight women cadre in the factory.
  • 该组由34人员组成,另有一支64人员的志愿队,可在大型行动中提供协助。
    It consists of 34 officers, supported by a volunteer cadre of 64 officers, who can be called in for large operations.
  • 身为凯撒(罗马大将)妻,必须无可疑(指:与伟大的人物交往的人不可有秽)。
    Caesar's wife must be above suspicion.
  • 古罗马人的姓古罗马公民的第三个字,通常是最后一个字,如凯撒在格尤斯·尤里乌斯·凯撒中
    The third and usually last name of a citizen of ancient Rome, as Caesar in Gaius Julius Caesar.
  • 古罗马人的首古罗马公民姓中的第一个字,如盖阿斯就是盖阿斯·朱利斯·凯撒这个姓中的第一个
    The first name of a citizen of ancient Rome, as Gaius in Gaius Julius Caesar.
  • 首先,在东边,新城的这一部分今天仍然沿用加缪洛热纳①诱使恺撒陷入泥潭的那片沼泽为
    First, to the eastward,in that part of the town which still takes its name from the marsh where Camulog鑞es entangled Caesar, was a pile of palaces.
  • 我发觉到如expresso、cappuccino、cafelatte等饮料,至今还未有理想的中文译
    I have noticed that there are no good Chinese translations for beverages like expresso, cappuccino, cafe latte and so on.
  • 巴黎的一条以其高雅的商店和咖啡馆而闻的主街。
    a major avenue in Paris famous for elegant shops and cafes.
  • 科林·法雷尔是一有着深色头发的爱尔兰演员,相貌英俊,银幕气质非凡。凭借在《虎地恋战》(2000)中饰演精明却又喜欢捣乱的新兵一角,法雷尔在美国一举成
    A handsome,dark-haired Irish actor with an intense screen presence,Colin Farrell shot to fame in the USA as a cagey army recruit with a penchant for troublemaking in Tigerland (2000).
  • 开罗美国伊利诺斯州最南部的一个城镇,靠近密西西比河与俄亥俄河汇合处。它依埃及的开罗而命,是因为它也有金字塔一样的建筑。人口5,931
    A town of extreme southern Illinois near the confluence of the Mississippi and Ohio rivers. It was named after Cairo, Egypt, because of its similar deltalike setting. Population,5, 931.
  • 贝丝·柯尔金在欧洲级决赛中获得第四
    Beth Calkin finishes with the 4th place in the final race of the Europe class.
  • 他的字叫理查德, 但是我们都称他狄克。
    His name is Richard but we all call him Dich.
  • 她站在门口叫了几声我的字。
    She stood at the door calling my name several times.
  • 我们给这婴儿取大卫。
    We'll call the baby David.
  • 我们将给这婴儿取詹姆斯。
    We'll call the baby James.
  • 请你再次告诉我对方姓好吗?
    Can you tell me the name of the caller again?
  • 这个故事就是在芝加哥的广播节目中由一位匿的听众提供的。
    This story was shared with us by an anonymous caller during a radio talk show in Chicago.
  • 客人们在桑菲尔庄园逗留期间,罗切斯特接待了一神秘的来访者——一个来自西印度群岛的梅森先生。
    While the house guests are staying at Thornfield, Rochester receives a mysterious caller---a Mr. Mason from the West Indies.