  • 所有的报纸都狂热地吹捧那位年轻歌手的演
    The newspapers all rhapsodized over the young singer's performance.
  • 汤森在1978年版的自传《时间与机遇》中写道,玛格丽特是个“具有惊人美貌的女子”,“从本质上说,她是慷慨而多变的”。
    Margaret was " a girl of unusual, intense beauty," rhapsodized Townsend in his 1978 autobiography, Time and Chance. " She was, by nature, generous, volatile."
  • 然而,一天晚上,一个幽灵般巨大的阴茎现在庙宇中,并让雷亚怀了孕。
    One night, however, a ghostly and very large phallus appeared in the vestals' temple and impregnated Rhea.
  • 对韵游戏一种文字游戏,一人或一队说一词或一句,对手必须对以同韵的词或句
    A word game in which a player or team must find and express a rhyme for a word or line presented by the opposing player or team.
  • 在音乐伴奏下以快节奏念歌词。
    a form of vocal music in which rhyming lyrics are chanted to a musical accompaniment.
  • 音乐作品中强音的暂时变化或移动;典型的现在一个音从弱拍开始而持续到后面的强拍,或一个音在节拍后开始并持续到次拍时。
    a musical rhythm accenting a weak beat.
  • (在方块舞中)喊舞步
    To shout directions in rhythm for(a square dance).
  • 象圣歌一样单调的节奏和韵律。
    uttered in a monotonous cadence or rhythm as in chanting.
  • 以一个非常细心和有节奏的方式来发
    articulate in a very careful and rhythmic way.
  • 通车4个月后,风让大桥舞了死亡的旋律。
    4 months after it was opened, those winds sent the bridge into a rhythmic dance of death.
  • 节律障碍,节律失调不正常的节律形式,如脑电波在脑电图仪器下显示的不正常状况
    An abnormality in an otherwise normal rhythmic pattern, as of brain waves being recorded by an electroencephalograph.
  • 跳舞时,钉在鞋底的金属盘发的有节奏的滴答声。
    dance and make rhythmic clicking sounds by means of metal plates nailed to the sole of the dance shoes.
  • 多瓦普流行于20世纪50年代的一种音乐形式。其特点是在固定节奏的旋律衬托下由一小组人以和声唱歌词或无意义的音节
    A style of music popularized in the1950's and characterized by words and nonsense syllables sung in harmony by small groups against a stylized rhythmic melody.
  • 细胞的颤毛突起细胞或单细胞生物表面上伸的微小毛状突起。可有节律地运动,与其他结构协调运动产生细胞或其周围媒介物的移动
    A microscopic hairlike process extending from the surface of a cell or unicellular organism. Capable of rhythmical motion, it acts in unison with other such structures to bring about the movement of the cell or of the surrounding medium.
  • 舞步指导跳方块舞的人发的有节奏的一项或一系列指挥动作
    A direction or series of directions rhythmically called out to square dancers.
  • 凸缘车轮或管道上突的边、缘、肋条或环圈,用来增加物体强度、固定物体或使某一物体附着在另一物体上
    A protruding rim, edge, rib, or collar, as on a wheel or a pipe shaft, used to strengthen an object, hold it in place, or attach it to another object.
  • 上帝以这人身上取的肋骨造了一个女人,并领她到这人面前,这人说:“如今,终于有了这生灵,骨取自我骨,肉取自我肉,就称之为女人。”
    The Lord God then built up the rib, which he had taken out of the man, into a woman. He brought her to the man, and the man said: ‘Now this, at last- bone from my bones, flesh from my flesh! This shall be called woman, for from man was this taken.’
  • 不单是来自讲英语环境的年轻一代华文程度低落,连来自华文背景的新一代也现明显华文表达能力体质衰弱的情形,华社对这样的现象忧心忡忡是可以理解的。
    Not only is the command of Chinese among young people from English-speaking environment deplorable, but those from Chinese-speaking homes also have difficulties expressing themselves adequately. The worry of the Chinese community is not unfounded.
  • 用编织的方式织竖线。
    form vertical ribs by knitting.
  • 肋骨间的位于或现于肋骨间的
    Located or occurring between the ribs.
  • 周围有突的交叉斜纹的纤维。
    a fabric with prominent rounded crosswise ribs.
  • (解剖学)位于或现于肋骨间。
    (anatomy) located or occurring between the ribs.
  • 对这个问题长期没有足够的认识,成为发生“文化大革命”的一个重要原因,使我们付了沉重的代价。
    The long-standing failure to understand this adequately was one important cause of the "Cultural Revolution", and we paid a heavy price for it.
  • 在输设备(如打印机)上使用的一种连续上油墨的色带。
    A continuous inked ribbon used on output units.
  • 但是由于对少数青少年的教育和管理不够,也现了一些不健康的现象。
    However, some unhealthy phenomena have emerged among a small number of young people, because we have not adequately educated or guided them.
  • 嘴唇角的组织生麟状的东西;由于缺乏何黄素而引起。
    a disorder of the lips marked by scaling and fissures at the corners of the mouth; caused by a deficiency of riboflavin.
  • 由于没有足够的准备,老板提的不好回答的问题使我感到非常尴尬。
    Not having prepared adequately, the boss's tough questions put me on the spot.
  • 诗绝对无法用另一种语言贴切地译来。
    Poetry can never be adequately rendered in another language.
  • 我们主要的囗货是大米。
    Our main export is rice.
  • 他无法恰当地表达他的感情。
    He could not adequately express his sentiment.
  • 理查德从一叠钞票中抽一百二十五元买一件大衣。
    Richard peeled off $125 to pay for an overcoat.
  • 富裕的、身名门的丈夫。
    a rich and wellborn husband.