  • 有些民在丰年节衣缩食有备无患,但也有些民由於歉收而陷入绝境。
    Some of the farmer have is provident in the good year but others is ruined by the bad harvest.
  • 必待进至革命高涨,如得了全县甚至几县政权,反动军队几次战败,红军的威力几次表现之后,村中才有对于中间阶级的积极行动。
    It is taken against the intermediate class in the villages only when the revolution is on the upsurge, for instance, when political power has been seized in one or more counties, the reactionary army has suffered several defeats and the prowess of the Red Army has been repeatedly demonstrated.
  • 各地卫生、药品监督管理、业、工商行政、外贸和海关、铁路、交通、民航、公安等部门,每年都对麻醉药品和精神药品的生产、经营、运输、进出口等进行安全检查,及时查处非法生产、贩运、供应和滥用行为。
    The health and pharmaceuticals control and management departments, as well as the agricultural, industrial and commercial administration, foreign trade, customs, public security, railway, civil aviation and other transport departments in different areas carry out security checks every year on the production, trading, transportation, and import and export of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances. The illegal production, trafficking and supply or abuse of such drugs and substances are promptly investigated and punished.
  • 目前粮食收购主要有四种形式:国家定购、国家议购、粮食加工企业在批发市场上购买和民在集市上销售。
    Now the following four methods are used to purchase grain: The state purchases grain through xed quotas; the state purchases grain through negotiations with producers; grain-processing enterprises purchase grain from the wholesale markets;
  • 目前粮食收购主要有四种形式:国家定购、国家议购、粮食加工企业在批发市场上购买和民在集市上销售。
    Now the following four methods are used to purchase grain: The state purchases grain through xed quotas; the state purchases grain through negotiations with producers; grain-processing enterprises purchase grain from the wholesale markets; and farmers sell their grain at fairs.
  • 2001年,在粮食主产区继续按保护价敞开收购民余粮的同时,放开主销区粮食收购市场和价格,收到明显效果。
    In 2001, we lifted the control on grain purchase and grain prices in the major grain purchasing areas while continuing to buy all surplus grain at protective prices from farmers in the major grain producing areas. The results were remarkable.
  • 农产品收购价格
    purchasing price of agricultural products
  • 副产品收购价格总指数
    general index of purchasing price of farm produce
  •  产品的收购单位在收购产品时,不得压级压价,不得在支付的价款中扣缴任何费用。
    No units purchasing agricultural products may, at the time of purchasing, beat down the grade or price of agricultural products or deduct any costs from the payment.
  •  产品的收购单位必须在收购时向出售产品的业生产经营组织或者民付清价款。
    Units purchasing agricultural products must, at the time of purchasing, pay off the money to the agricultural production and operation organizations or peasants who sell their agricultural products.
  • "现在再也没有人敢于肯定村的空气纯净,对健康有益了。"
    Now nobody can be sure any longer that the air in the countryside is pure and healthy.
  • 你看那座木桥能吃得住我们的重量吗?当然能,那座桥很坚固。场主每天早上都赶着牛群在上面走过去。
    Do you think that wooden bridge will take our weight? Of course—it's safe as house; the farmer takes his cows over it every morning.
  • 农业是我国的主业。
    Agriculture is the leading pursuit in our contry.
  • 目前由市政总署、区域市政总署、卫生署和渔处负责的食物安全和环境卫生事宜,都会拨归这个新部门处理。
    The responsibilities for food safety and environmental hygiene currently under the purview of the Urban and Regional Services Departments, the Department of Health and the Agriculture and Fisheries Department will be assumed by the new Department.
  • 我是在场由姨妈抚养大的。
    I was raised by my aunt on a farm.
  • 夫在场里养了一只公羊,五只母羊。
    The farmer keeps one ram and five ewes on his farm.
  • 种植园种植庄稼的大型种植园或场,经常由居住的工人种植
    A large estate or farm on which crops are raised, often by resident workers.
  • 在中国,山区民在梯田上种水稻。
    In China hill farmers grow rice on terraces.
  • 阳光使农作物成熟。
    The sun ripens the corn.
  • 村的象村生活的,具有村生活特点的;乡下的
    Resembling or having the characteristics of country life; rural.
  • 他是村一大牧区的牧师.
    He is vicar of a large rural parish.
  • 天气干旱了这么久,这场雨成了民的救星。
    After so much dry weather, the rain has been the farmer's salvation.
  • "然而,生活在场上就不能这样说了。"
    "The same cannot be said about living on farms, however."
  • 废除奴制度后,奴们获得了解放。
    The serfs were liberated after abolishing serfdom.
  • 工业和业同时并举的方针
    the policy of simultaneous development of industry and agriculture
  • 农场位于山坡上。
    The farm sits on the side of the hill.
  • 民 地时挖出一个人类的头颅骨.
    The farmer turned up a human skull while ploughing the field.
  • 她那个衣著讲究世故老练的城市男友到了庄这里看起来挺笨拙的。
    Her city slicker boyfriend look pretty clumsy out here on the farm.
  • 民对政府如总统、督军、县长等还比较不留心,这班乡里王才真正是他们的“长上”,他们鼻子里哼一声,民晓得这是要十分注意的。
    Comparatively speaking, the peasants were not so much concerned with the president of the Republic, the provincial military governor or the county magistrate;their real "bosses" were these rural monarchs.A mere snort from these people, and the peasants knew they had to watch their step.
  • 如果把业部的人赶抽去而我们搬进去,难道他们不会说什么吗?
    Won't the Ministry of Agriculture people have something to say if they are snot out and we moved in?
  • 在1947年严峻的冬天,民们不得不挖开大雪堆把他们的家畜救出来。
    In the severe winter of 1947, farmers had to dig their livestock out of huge snowdrifts.
  • 由于下大雪,那些边远场仍然与外界隔绝。
    Those remote farms are still cut off from the outside world because of heavy snowfall.